rFactor 2's Quarterly Content Release and UI Refresh Out Now

rFactor 2 Quarterly Content Release 01.jpg
An update to rFactor 2 is live now on Steam, and the sim now welcomes four new pieces of content.

Studio 397's social media has kept us busy over the past weeks with the implementation of a new user interface and teasers of upcoming content. That content is now live on Steam for purchase, and the UI has been given an update.

The rapid-fire nature of the content release is part of a new strategy from Studio 397 and Motorsport Games for rFactor 2. Rather than release each bit of new content as it is becomes ready for release, there will be quarterly releases of multiple projects the team has been working on.

The four pieces of content welcomed this quarter include three new cars and a racing circuit. The first and perhaps most notable release is the Dallara IR18 INDYCAR. Studio 397 has bundled all of the teams, drivers and liveries from the 2021 NTT INDYCAR Series for this release.

Along with the INDYCAR, another impactful piece of content released today was Daytona International Speedway. This track has seen a recent boost in popularity in sim racing, with Automobilista 2 and iRacing already having official versions of the circuit, plus a popular mod for Assetto Corsa and an upcoming appearance in Gran Turismo 7.

Two more cars to join the sim this quarter are the Ligier JS P320 and BMW M4 GT3. The former joins a Norma competitor in the LMP3 class, and the latter helps fill out the GT3 class. If you've yet to try the LMP3 class in this title, you may enjoy the ease of use of the car thanks to its aero package and low, wide stance. The BMW has proven to be a popular choice of car in Assetto Corsa Competizione, and should find itself many fans in rF2.

With so many new choices now on offer in rFactor 2, it may be tough to decide what to purchase. If you've bought and experienced any of the four new pieces of content, let us know your thoughts below in the comments.
About author
Mike Smith
I have been obsessed with sim racing and racing games since the 1980's. My first taste of live auto racing was in 1988, and I couldn't get enough ever since. Lead writer for RaceDepartment, and owner of SimRacing604 and its YouTube channel. Favourite sims include Assetto Corsa Competizione, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Automobilista 2, DiRT Rally 2 - On Twitter as @simracing604


I always cringe when I read this on rf2 forums. The age old "if you don't like it, just go away". Not only does it hold rf2 back but saying it implies that rf2 issues are somehow subjective. Matters of taste and opinion. Some are but some aren't. The server browser is still objectively bad and has missing features. What cars, what session, anything about what is going on. Objectively literally all other sims provide that info. It is not matter of taste. It is not subjective feeling of something being just different to rf2.

Just like with loading times it seems the only way to get through of the wall of rf2 fanboys is to just keep coming to these rf2 news threads and mention all the issues that are hurting the game and hope the dev becomes bothered enough to fix it at some point. Loading times have been improved a great deal now. Great success. But if the matter of loading times had been left to these T_rac3s and other people who respond to issues by just telling to go play something else.. I doubt anything would have changed.

I don't particularly care about rf2 ai as I am online player. But the only way to get those fixed seems to be mentioning them in every news thread. So I'd say go for it. I'd hope more people would start complaining about the rf2 multiplayer and dlc issues and we could drag a lot of rf2 fanboys kicking and screaming to 2020s with some fixing and patching. And make rf2 more popular by removing obvious issues that cause people to take the advice of rf2 fanboys and go play other sims instead.

I'd guess it is good to have moderate achievable dreams but I live in world where things progress. New stuff is supposed to be better. What was good enough in the 80s and 90s, or in the last generation, is not good enough anymore. If a sim gets left behind because its developer makes bad decisions then the reasons are just that. Not that "society sucks" or "idiocracy is here". If a sim has issues that don't get fixed and is just less advanced than its competitors then it is not the fault of its users or the society if people don't play it.

It is yet another rf2 fanboy issue where rf2 is somehow the gold standard of simracing and anybody who doesn't like it is not just good enough to be called a simracer. But now also wants everything now, is entitled and just plain stupid and lazy, I'd guess. Nope. Society is fine. We are seeing a lot more simracers every day. More sims, more players, more coverage in the press, more big events and pro drivers promoting our sport because they actually like it. Are we really heading towards doom and are people becoming stupider just because one person is mad that his dream sim is not the most popular one? Or some dare to criticize it.

I like this update. The new ui is good. Hasn't gotten in my way once. I like the competition servers. I love the new loading times. I appreciate the effort that went into this and I'm going to play more rf2 now on. Is it because I am now less stupid, less lazy and less entitled or is it because rf2 has improved a little bit?

I hope everybody who has tried rf2 somewhere around last 8 years will give rf2 another chance now. It is not perfect but there is enough there to justify another chance imho. Not because rf2 deserves it but because it is actually fun and worthwhile to play some rf2 now. Try the competition servers. There are people racing, it is not a ghost town. The competition system works and there are races every 30minutes. The cars are fun to drive. The usf2000 is super fun. The alpine rookie car is also fine. The tracks are fine. That is all free content.

The ui is not awful anymore. The schedules are fine, the events are fine and overall doing a comp race is a positive experience. Loading a session happens quickly enough. I'd honestly hope people would give it a go and then come to the forums and roast rf2 for its issues. Or just post that they had a positive experience. That will make rf2 more popular and drives it forward. Blaming the society won't get this sim anywhere.
I am not trying to take anything away from the points that you made, but I think you are making it a bit too easy for your to pull the fanboy card. I think rF2 has got enough slack, sometimes for the right reasons, sometimes for the wrong reasons, even here in this topic after they released a solid update and released some fine content. It's well worth to point out that there are issues. Little example: I just did an offline race with the IR18 AI at the Daytona Oval configuration to check how it works. After reading that the AI isn't fast enough I was curious to test this and got my arse kicked as the AI is incredibly fast. During the race I noticed that there is an issue with the AIW as they sometimes touch the apron when they are a bit too close too each other, and the other issue wich is the bigger one from my POV is that AI slows too much down on track once they are trying to pit.

Now there are two options:
I go to the forum und report the issue in the track topic. Or I go full nuts on a killing spree, like some people here and say that the AI is fundemantaly broken, call the developers idiots, unskilled amateurs, make a video, complain that everything surrounding MSG is a scam and what else flows out of peoples keyboards. And I think, it doesn't make me a fanboy to point out that the majority of AI issues are there in every freakin' game or to explain how to get a better experience or the real reasons for issues. It's no excuse but a good start for solutions. It's just that people have really become used to meassuring everything with different benchmarks. A problem that exists in their favorite game, like AI not being able to slipstream, is suddenly much less of an issue than in their not-favorite game. It's a perfect example, because this issue exists in every game. Same as AI getting stuck in traffic, AI making wrong strategy calls etc. I think it's very nice that some people take the time to explain how you can get a better experience instead of whiping everything away with shut up, because you are a) a fanboy and b) I shouldn't have to do it. rF2 is an insanely complex product so the margin for errors are certainly higher. And there is a very high chance that two ways might be a solution to an issue.
I'll give my two cents a last time before I shut up about rF2 again until the next update, and it is a bit ranty but I hope I can convey that I still haven't given up completely.

Now there are two options:
I go to the forum und report the issue in the track topic. Or I go full nuts on a killing spree, like some people here and say that the AI is fundemantaly broken, call the developers idiots, unskilled amateurs, make a video, complain that everything surrounding MSG is a scam and what else flows out of peoples keyboards.
The thing is, the AI issues are not new. They have been reported on the forums countless times, in all manner of ways, but nothing has been done. What I think people tend to forget is that these AI issues have existed for years and still are barely being acknowledged by S397. It's the uncertainty, at least for me, that makes it hard to like rF2 on one hand, or let it go on the other. If S397 came out with a statement that they are aware of the AI issues, but they a) don't know how to fix them, b) don't care to fix them or c) want to fix them but it's waay down their to-do list, people could get to grips with that.

Currently it's a quarterly "Maybe this time there is an attempt to fix the main bugs" and then being disappointed again when reading the changelogs. Hope is a dangerous thing after all. You know how they say "The ones who still complain are the ones who still care"? Those who stopped complaining and left are lost to the playerbase, maybe for good.

And I think, it doesn't make me a fanboy to point out that the majority of AI issues are there in every freakin' game or to explain how to get a better experience or the real reasons for issues. It's no excuse but a good start for solutions. It's just that people have really become used to meassuring everything with different benchmarks. A problem that exists in their favorite game, like AI not being able to slipstream, is suddenly much less of an issue than in their not-favorite game. It's a perfect example, because this issue exists in every game. Same as AI getting stuck in traffic, AI making wrong strategy calls etc. I think it's very nice that some people take the time to explain how you can get a better experience instead of whiping everything away with shut up, because you are a) a fanboy and b) I shouldn't have to do it. rF2 is an insanely complex product so the margin for errors are certainly higher. And there is a very high chance that two ways might be a solution to an issue.
Of course we measure everything with different benchmarks. I do it, you do it too. I get a heavy "It's not so bad" vibe from your description of the IR-18 AI at Daytona. In my experience, the more you know about a sim, the better you can work around its flaws. The more you like a sim, the more time you're willing to invest in getting to know it. I'll come back to that point at the end.

Here's the important part about the AI and why IMO rF2 is a worse offender than all the others. The big difference that seems to get lost in translation a lot is that yes, all sims have AI issues, but: the AI in rF2 already worked brilliantly, until it got broken a few years ago. No other sim has that. They all have AI that somewhat worked in the beginning and maybe got better, maybe not. rF2 AI took a massive step backwards two or three years ago, that's why people keep harping on about it so much. Sorry to be obnoxious with bold letters but I feel like I need to hammer this pint home somewhat: Nobody is asking for improvements to an AI that never worked well, people are asking to get back to the status quo. Bring back the AI like it was before S397 ruined it. We don't want something that never was, we want something back that was taken away.

You know, subjectively you may like rF2 best out of all sims, and that's alright. Objectively, rF2 isn't alone up there on the peak anymore. Almost all sims nowadays have day/night cycles, dynamic weather, interesting content, online lobbies, private hosting, leagues, improved physics and tire models, etc. rF2 has no standout features anymore that make it the best by default like it was back when. Those days have passed, and it's time to acknowledge that. Now the devs have to work like all the other devs to bring their sim to a state where it makes new and returning people want to invest time in it, so they want to get to know it well enough to be able to work around its flaws. The new UI is a big step in the right direction, now the game behind the UI must improve.
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Threw my milk money in and got the new content. AI definitely has some issues as they have not done any significant changes there so no reason to beat that dead horse.

Love the IR18 the most and the Daytona is incredible. Loved the free mod version of it but this is definitely on a different level as it should be for paid content. I probably have a lot more to say but had a good time.
I critiqued the AI in this thread and previous threads. I would like to emphasize that I don't really have issues racing the AI. I have issues with functions such as slipsteaming, pit in laps, pit strategy, lapping slower classes being broken in many many cases.

Of course we all have different needs, expectations, perception, etc. It is perfectly fine that you enjoy rF2 at its current state, I am happy for you. However with the single player being "broken" to a certain extent and multiplayer being behind multiple paywalls, how do you expect rF2 to grow into success?

Imagine a new user starting rF2. Manages to set it up, the controls, the graphics, to be servicable (will require tweaking, frustration with high probability). Starts a practice session with forced pre-installed content. There is a high possibility of choosing a car/track that looks just old. Bad impression. The next step? Tries the AI. Bam, another bad impression with high probability. Will that person try teaching the AI as you suggested (no info about it in sim) or even go online (to find servers running on ancient free tracks like Mores from 2013 with the CS for another bad impression) or just refund the game because we can do that now.

rFactor 2 is a great simulator, for people who already know the simracing scene, with certain limited content, in certain limited scenarios (like your method, which will only make it servicable for single-class racing). However, it has many flaws. Us, who critique the game, please understand, we want it to improve, for our experiences as well for the success of the sim. I personally strongly think that improving the AI generally would bring a lot of new players and old players back. If the multi-class AI was good (a few "tiny" bugs away that are ignored) I would have already gotten the new DLC pack for example and I would be racing at Daytona... as much as me free time allows.

You write "just play what you like". Well I would like to play offline and recreate Daytona, Sebring, Le Mans races. rFactor 2 has the content for it. But the core of the sim simply won't allow a good experience. Hence criticism.

You "don't understand why... all of this"? Why don't you welcome people pushing to improve your sim of choice to be even better and actually successful? Would you not want that? Because that is all we want. Not failure, not bad PR, but improvements.

I am not trying to take anything away from the points that you made, but I think you are making it a bit too easy for your to pull the fanboy card. I think rF2 has got enough slack, sometimes for the right reasons, sometimes for the wrong reasons, even here in this topic after they released a solid update and released some fine content. It's well worth to point out that there are issues. Little example: I just did an offline race with the IR18 AI at the Daytona Oval configuration to check how it works. After reading that the AI isn't fast enough I was curious to test this and got my arse kicked as the AI is incredibly fast. During the race I noticed that there is an issue with the AIW as they sometimes touch the apron when they are a bit too close too each other, and the other issue wich is the bigger one from my POV is that AI slows too much down on track once they are trying to pit.

Now there are two options:
I go to the forum und report the issue in the track topic. Or I go full nuts on a killing spree, like some people here and say that the AI is fundemantaly broken, call the developers idiots, unskilled amateurs, make a video, complain that everything surrounding MSG is a scam and what else flows out of peoples keyboards. And I think, it doesn't make me a fanboy to point out that the majority of AI issues are there in every freakin' game or to explain how to get a better experience or the real reasons for issues. It's no excuse but a good start for solutions. It's just that people have really become used to meassuring everything with different benchmarks. A problem that exists in their favorite game, like AI not being able to slipstream, is suddenly much less of an issue than in their not-favorite game. It's a perfect example, because this issue exists in every game. Same as AI getting stuck in traffic, AI making wrong strategy calls etc. I think it's very nice that some people take the time to explain how you can get a better experience instead of whiping everything away with shut up, because you are a) a fanboy and b) I shouldn't have to do it. rF2 is an insanely complex product so the margin for errors are certainly higher. And there is a very high chance that two ways might be a solution to an issue.
After observing what happen the last 5 years I think that the fanboys may become very nocive for the title they are fan. Fan boys are appearing when a sim has both very strong side and very bad side and devs take time to install a balance between the two. Fanboys are result of a sub community polarisation. For example there is a common thing between AMS2 and RF2 that is causing the actual community clash. Their devs decided at a time to only listen to their fanboys. Same cause same effect...A fan boy will always say "there is a problem but in general it's ok", he will never say something that could "wake up" the devs seriously. Inversely the neutral sim racers will point out issues with more passions and less tolerance so some devs decide to not listen to them at all. Worse both titles at a time had the devs directly or indirectly told to the player something like "deal with it" which light up the fire to an another level. So pretty sure that this RF2 bashing will not stop until they solve the core issues of the sim. I've never seen so much crtics geared toward RF2 before. It was something like a prestigious sim. I guess this era is over.
I just bought the content pack $20.00 basically. I have no clue what is going on, but it has broken the FFB. My wheel violently pulls left and right. I tried rebooting the game and my wheel (DD2) with negative results. I load up any other sim and my wheel is acting fine. So weird. I hope they fix it soon. rF2 has had real rough go at this lately. The new UI is a significant improvement over the last. I was really hoping they got this launch right, but it is broken right now.
I just bought the content pack $20.00 basically. I have no clue what is going on, but it has broken the FFB. My wheel violently pulls left and right. I tried rebooting the game and my wheel (DD2) with negative results. I load up any other sim and my wheel is acting fine. So weird. I hope they fix it soon. rF2 has had real rough go at this lately. The new UI is a significant improvement over the last. I was really hoping they got this launch right, but it is broken right now.
In rF2 you can set up FFB from -100% to +100% (at least it was like that with previous UIs). Could it be that you have it set to the "wrong" polarity. Try setting the same value with opposite sign.
I just bought the content pack $20.00 basically. I have no clue what is going on, but it has broken the FFB. My wheel violently pulls left and right. I tried rebooting the game and my wheel (DD2) with negative results. I load up any other sim and my wheel is acting fine. So weird. I hope they fix it soon. rF2 has had real rough go at this lately. The new UI is a significant improvement over the last. I was really hoping they got this launch right, but it is broken right now.
No it is not broken, or the forums would be full of similar stories. Something in your install is broken.(I'm not saying it is your fault, just something happened during the update)
The usual quick fix when things go wrong is to find the player.json file and rename it. This essentially nullifies the file and rF2 will build you a fresh copy. Also verify that in the calibration page you don't have a setting that sets Yaw to -80%. It is a bug that is rather hard to stamp out, but if you do have this, try remaking your controller profiles in the UI then delete the old ones.
No it is not broken, or the forums would be full of similar stories. Something in your install is broken.(I'm not saying it is your fault, just something happened during the update)
The usual quick fix when things go wrong is to find the player.json file and rename it. This essentially nullifies the file and rF2 will build you a fresh copy. Also verify that in the calibration page you don't have a setting that sets Yaw to -80%. It is a bug that is rather hard to stamp out, but if you do have this, try remaking your controller profiles in the UI then delete the old ones.
Yeah, I figured out what it was, for some reason the Fanalab software was setting the FFB too high it was at 60% instead of 45, which made the bump effects on Daytona impossible to handle, put the car into tank slapper mode. Anyways all is good now. A good bit of content.
I'll give my two cents a last time before I shut up about rF2 again until the next update, and it is a bit ranty but I hope I can convey that I still haven't given up completely.

The thing is, the AI issues are not new. They have been reported on the forums countless times, in all manner of ways, but nothing has been done. What I think people tend to forget is that these AI issues have existed for years and still are barely being acknowledged by S397. It's the uncertainty, at least for me, that makes it hard to like rF2 on one hand, or let it go on the other. If S397 came out with a statement that they are aware of the AI issues, but they a) don't know how to fix them, b) don't care to fix them or c) want to fix them but it's waay down their to-do list, people could get to grips with that.

Currently it's a quarterly "Maybe this time there is an attempt to fix the main bugs" and then being disappointed again when reading the changelogs. Hope is a dangerous thing after all. You know how they say "The ones who still complain are the ones who still care"? Those who stopped complaining and left are lost to the playerbase, maybe for good.

Of course we measure everything with different benchmarks. I do it, you do it too. I get a heavy "It's not so bad" vibe from your description of the IR-18 AI at Daytona. In my experience, the more you know about a sim, the better you can work around its flaws. The more you like a sim, the more time you're willing to invest in getting to know it. I'll come back to that point at the end.

Here's the important part about the AI and why IMO rF2 is a worse offender than all the others. The big difference that seems to get lost in translation a lot is that yes, all sims have AI issues, but: the AI in rF2 already worked brilliantly, until it got broken a few years ago. No other sim has that. They all have AI that somewhat worked in the beginning and maybe got better, maybe not. rF2 AI took a massive step backwards two or three years ago, that's why people keep harping on about it so much. Sorry to be obnoxious with bold letters but I feel like I need to hammer this pint home somewhat: Nobody is asking for improvements to an AI that never worked well, people are asking to get back to the status quo. Bring back the AI like it was before S397 ruined it. We don't want something that never was, we want something back that was taken away.

You know, subjectively you may like rF2 best out of all sims, and that's alright. Objectively, rF2 isn't alone up there on the peak anymore. Almost all sims nowadays have day/night cycles, dynamic weather, interesting content, online lobbies, private hosting, leagues, improved physics and tire models, etc. rF2 has no standout features anymore that make it the best by default like it was back when. Those days have passed, and it's time to acknowledge that. Now the devs have to work like all the other devs to bring their sim to a state where it makes new and returning people want to invest time in it, so they want to get to know it well enough to be able to work around its flaws. The new UI is a big step in the right direction, now the game behind the UI must improve.
I think your post is a perfect example of, how things that have been explained allready get lost in the all the drama that you read in the forums and websites. It has been stated numerous times that the issues are acknowledged but that they aren't at the top of the to-do list. It's actually very simple, it's point c). You can agree with this or not but that's an entirely different topic. According to your post you could live with this?

I don't think that the AI has gotten worse per se, as explained with the Daytona issue, it just that the rule systems and logics have caused issues and that most of the time some small tweakings for the AIW allready help alot. When racing under normal conditions on an oval, the rF2 AI actually works reasonably well with AI dicing positions, slipstreaming and all the jazz. Slipstreaming actually never really worked different than it does now in rF2, so I have no idea where people are pulling the idea from that this got broken along the way. The rule system changes were one of ISI's last changes btw so it's not really entirely the fault of S397 and in the case of Daytona, it's actually a track related issue that could happen with any piece of content. One thing S397 kind of did was trying to smoothen the AI lines wich caused the break/throttle on/off behaviour. I would have liked to see the Studio fix the rule logics sooner aswell, priorities could have been set better etc and yadda yadda yadda. That's not my point. My point is, if there are bigger issues with part A, B, C, or D of the sim, time only permits to fix problem A then it will make no sense to complain why problem B, C or D hasn't been fixed. This has been commuicated in the blogs and update posts aswell, many many times.

If this update would have fixed all the AI related issues, you could be sure that we would be reading huge posts with complaints about the UI, track loading times, GFX, sound issues, why the trees look like crap, why there isn't any lisenced content released.
I'm enjoying the new rF2-content lately, all of it:thumbsup:. The new UI is certainly more like what I was expecting from the last one before release, but better late than never :)

Over 1.1k Steam-hours on my clock already, only AMS2 and AC have more. There were always the good and the bad. I even had to fresh install Windows 10 few years back because no rF2-telemetry for the shakers and literally nothing else fixed it. Probably called Windows 10 because it took about 10 hours...:sleep:

Unfortunately the HUD is still the same since at least half a decade and I've tried SimHub-overlays, but got screenfreezes with it. I can't even see the position in class with the ingame-HUD and workshop-HUDs doesn't show it either. Some features of their broadcast-HUD would be nice to have. And there should be a possibility to tune the FFB-gain while driving since the FFB-strength is all over the place with different cars. Also kind of a strange that rF2 only saves the FFB-strength and tuning-settings with a livery, not the car. With the Indycar I can set up the Halo-thing to 75% transparency, but if I pick another livery it's back to 0% and the FFB is at default again while you really want some FFB-smoothing with it. Some people could think this is a bug and difficult to remember the livery if there is no preview in the menu like with the Reiza-content.

The AI seems rather the same to what I've experienced for years. Better don't do multi-class and turn off damage if you don't want to get disappointed. Even without, the starts are still the worst part since AI is braking strange and I usually need a few attempts to survive lap 1. With the older UI (1st and 2nd of 4) it was also possible to change the AI-strength in the session and just restart the weekend - not anymore. At least the loading times are considerably faster now and rF2 is saving the AI-settings per car/track-combo, sometimes. Maybe depends on the moon-phases:whistling:.

But the good think about rF2 is still it's strength: No other sim can feel so real or less like a game, at least with my rig:rolleyes:.
Men.. I re-installed RF2 , purchased the new pack and tried to have a decent 30 minutes race in VR.. what a disappointement again. Fool me that I thrown away other 15 pounds for this game.
I will not paint a rosy picture, but there are ways to improve off-line races and the scenario you mentioned - a 30 minute race - is typically one that can work with well above average results.
What combo specifically did you try? Multi-class, single class?
Are you running absolutely vanilla settings (ie. with no tweaks to the player.json file)?
Did you first run practice and quali? (you can speed up the process with CTL + X).
If you don't run quali, the grid will not have the cars ordered by "talent/speed", so faster cars will try to get to the front a bit "at all cost", causing mayhem.
I will not paint a rosy picture, but there are ways to improve off-line races and the scenario you mentioned - a 30 minute race - is typically one that can work with well above average results.
What combo specifically did you try? Multi-class, single class?
Are you running absolutely vanilla settings (ie. with no tweaks to the player.json file)?
Did you first run practice and quali? (you can speed up the process with CTL + X).
If you don't run quali, the grid will not have the cars ordered by "talent/speed", so faster cars will try to get to the front a bit "at all cost", causing mayhem.
I will reply in a very simple and hopefully polite way.
As a gamer, I don't want to spend my precious time testing the system trying combos or combinations of cars or tracks.
I used all vanilla and brand new content.
Continuos frame drops, stutter, simply unplayable.
Uninstalled immediately.
I retried AMS2 and boom worked out of the box and had a blast.
At least other racing simulators are improving.
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I will reply in a very simple and hopefully polite way.
As a gamer, I don't want to spend my precious time testing the system trying combos or combinations of cars or tracks.
I used all vanilla and brand new content.
Continuos frame drops, stutter, simply unplayable.
Uninstalled immediately.
I retried AMS2 and boom worked out of the box and had a blast.
At least other racing simulators are improving.
Well, RF2 requires some dedication and this is a known fact, so if you were not up to putting a bit of time into getting it to work well, you shouldn’t have bought it in the first place.
I know it’s sounds harsh, but you had plenty of info on the subject...
in any case, if one of these days you change your mind, drop a line on this thread and I will try to help.
Stuttering in VR happens when there is a miss match between PC muscle and settings and although AMS2 does run easier in VR than rF2, it took me a lot of time and many attempts to get it to run looking as good as RF2 (now, I have no problem in saying, better looking, with a bit more eye candy).
Hope that you don’t take offence. Offer to help stands.
Love the new Intro and UI. Indycar is great!! I follow RG and he's having a ball.

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Mike Smith
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