rFactor 2 Releases Q2 Update and Content

Gen 3 Formula E car in rF2.jpg
rFactor 2 has recently received its latest update bringing great improvements to the AI. The drop also includes the new Gen 3 Formula E car.

Image Credit: Studio 397

Now in mid-April, Studio 397 decided it would be the perfect time to release its newest update for rFactor 2. The simulator has certainly made strides in recent updates and this particular changelog is no different.

Whilst the headlining act must be the first simracing representation of the Gen 3 Formula E car, the update brings countless improvements throughout the sim. From modding support to bug fixes, it mostly appears to be a case of housekeeping until you reach the AI section which has seemingly been overhauled.

Formula E Gen 3 in rF2​

rFactor 2 has long been the definitive Formula E simulator. The original car and many tracks have featured in the game since the series' origins. And with the Accelerate esports series putting simracers in the electric single seaters, it's no surprise that the sim now has the 2023 model.

Gen 3 FE rear.jpg

The Gen 3 car is a million miles away from the Gen 2 car concept. It's a lightweight, small chassis made to look rapid on TV coverage. It skips and dances over street circuit bumps and appears to be agile in the corners. One thing racers will have to get used to is the lack of physical rear brakes which are indeed modelled in rF2.

This year's Q1 update brought many hybrid powertrain improvements for the BTCC cars, and this latest Q2 update focuses on EV functionality. UI and HUD elements will allow players to keep track of their energy usage whilst brake usage will be a difficult skill to perfect in order to regenerate in an efficient way.

This is something the AI is also trained to do in a long list of offline racing improvements.

AI improvements galore​

Whilst an AI that can manage energy in the Formula E car is impressive, the way it now battles is even more so. Throughout the history of simracing, very few titles have produced capable AI in racecraft scenarios. But it seems rFactor 2 is on the right track.

AI improvements in Q2 release.jpg

The latest update brings in many changes to how the AI interacts with other cars. From making better decisions on the brakes to actively looking for better exits when making its way through traffic. According to the change log, the AI will now think about the danger involved in overtaking manoeuvres on the brakes. Whilst it will freely go side-by-side on the straights, it may decide to back out of a move on the brakes into a corner. This should produce fewer incidents where previous versions of the game would become blood baths.

The new improvements certainly work well in multiclass scenarios. Faster cars treat slower classes with respect as they work their way through the field. Not trying to send a risky move up the inside, the AI now often backs off into a corner to carry momentum and make a move on corner exit. This is what real life prototype racers in IMSA and the WEC do when battling through GT traffic.

All in all, this update looks small when compared to the major overhauls of recent releases. But the changes address issues that will now give the game great offline playability. Furthermore, with more and more great updates coming to rF2, it shows that the game is finally nearing a place where the developers are happy with its current state.

What do you make of the latest rFactor 2 update?
About author
Angus Martin
Motorsport gets my blood pumping more than anything else. Be it physical or virtual, I'm down to bang doors.


If I go to the in-game store of a sim today, and purchase two premium content cars for 4.99EUR each from the same developer, should they come with various level of quality? I think not.

I often feel like sim racers are the most demanding and least demanding people at the very same time.
I tend to agree with you on that. We demand realism, but then complain about flat spots, lack of a magical track map projecting on the windscreen, or even(shudders) flying behind the car as a driving position.
There is a decided difference between the original releases of DLC & newer items from about the time of the Ferrari GT3 release. The choice is your's, however, you don't HAVE to purchase anything. Especially now that we no longer need all the cars to participate online. Should we get refunds for that Callaway or Radical GT3 that we will probably never drive again? At best, we could ask for some sort of disclaimer where S397 acknowledges that while all the cars are current with the most up to date tech, they are not all of equal quality.
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I tend to agree with you on that. We demand realism, but then complain about flat spots, lack of a magical track map projecting on the windscreen, or even(shudders) flying behind the car as a driving position.
There is a decided difference between the original releases of DLC & newer items from about the time of the Ferrari GT3 release. The choice is your's, however, you don't HAVE to purchase anything. Especially now that we no longer need all the cars to participate online. Should we get refunds for that Callaway or Radical GT3 that we will probably never drive again? At best, we could ask for some sort of disclaimer where S397 acknowledges that while all the cars are current with the most up to date tech, they are not all of equal quality.
Not having to own a car to race against was a very good move from a user perspective, I agree. That disclaimer would also be a fair solution for this particular argument. I might add that they should add screenshots to the store from standardized views for better transparency.
Sorry, what do you mean by doesn't work with gsync?

I have SimHub overlays running on my ultrawide with gsync enabled and not had any issues...
Sorry, i have to take it back: it seems to be working fine with my "new" Samsung CRG90.
For some reason, it didn't work with my previous LG 34UC79-B that i used for many years before.

In the same time, big thanks for your overlay pack, it's among the most useful and best designed one for sure!
Fanboys spend more time dumping on other titles than enjoying their favorite tittle

its sadly a very common behavior on the internet nowadays
I think it has always been typical human behaviour, don't think one has to blame either the net or the present for it. People can be awesome, but we can be quite awful, too.
I think it has always been typical human behaviour, don't think one has to blame either the net or the present for it. People can be awesome, but we can be quite awful, too.
I really dont know what all you guys are on about. Nearly no-one is doing the my sim is the best in this thread. Rf2. Rf2 threads are mostly rf2 players complaining "we dont really want feature x we want features y and z". That might not be super positive and productive but its not that awful human behaviour.
Not fired up rF2 for a few weeks, so I'm really looking forward to giving this a go. Interested to see the changes in the AI, for me it was the only one that mimicked the online racing experience perfectly.
Sorry, i have to take it back: it seems to be working fine with my "new" Samsung CRG90.
For some reason, it didn't work with my previous LG 34UC79-B that i used for many years before.

In the same time, big thanks for your overlay pack, it's among the most useful and best designed one for sure!
Ohh glad it's working, like I've said I've not had any issues before :)

Thanks for the feedback :)

Happy simming
Does somebody of you guys know if the ai is also using the hybrid boost in the btcc cars? I didn't find any information on that.

1. It's not a technology issue, there were lots of high quality cars in 2017. It's not that those cars look outdated today, the looked outdated when they came out.
2. For an "unitiated" user, there are no release dates listed in the store.
Exactly and some of the issues in some of the content is laughable such as the absoluto joke that is the base setup for the caddy with the funniest rollbar setup i've ever saw and top speed limited to 270KM/h and then some premium GT have awfull brake bias in the base setup

for those who are setup experts that might not be a problem but for those who don't it really hurt the experience, and its a very simple thing with an easy fix
I tend to agree with you on that. We demand realism, but then complain about flat spots, lack of a magical track map projecting on the windscreen, or even(shudders) flying behind the car as a driving position.
There is a decided difference between the original releases of DLC & newer items from about the time of the Ferrari GT3 release. The choice is your's, however, you don't HAVE to purchase anything. Especially now that we no longer need all the cars to participate online. Should we get refunds for that Callaway or Radical GT3 that we will probably never drive again? At best, we could ask for some sort of disclaimer where S397 acknowledges that while all the cars are current with the most up to date tech, they are not all of equal quality.
For me i like using the callaway and the radical for a change but i do want a refund for a duplicate car that i got for buying some bundles at least, maybe allowing you to re sell the dlc on steam marketplace like cs skins could be an intersting idea either that or a update in the refund system
Can´t comprehend! Releasing new stuff, but the Porsche 911GT3R cockpit still looks like made by noob modders! Same with the Audi R8 cockpit!
Yes. I've literally seen better looking cockpits from RF1 mods, that's almost a 20 year old game. The devs shouldn't have to wait for customers/players to keep mentioning it and complaining and then the devs say "hey, we listened to the community! We released an udate that improves the cockpits of x and y cars. Thanks to our community for always pushing us to make a better & better product...blah, blah, blah". The devs should be able to realize, with their own eyes and brains, big, glaring issues and quality-inconsistencies without having to hear a single customer/player mention it.

Still no track map and HUD in the middle of the screen! Why??? Can´t comprehend!
Who cares. Track maps are arcade and shouldn't even be in the game at all, let alone complaining where on the screen it's displayed. Plus, aren't there all sorts of HUD mods out there you can get?

HUDs are lame and for geeks. The info on your vehicle's wheel / dash should be all you get :p
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tell me where is the minecraft ? or do you play at 800x600 ultra low ?
I also managed to get great looking graphics in VR on my G2 with the 4090 in RF2. In SINGLE PLAYER, when you choose:
- the weather(cloudy/overcast or rain at specific times)
- the car(only maybe 8 to 10 cars got good looking interiour, wild guess, but the game has 100+ cars)
- track (only the VERY recent official tracks with the new shaders and WITHOUT the terrible huge overcolored S397 road signs and overgreen hills/tree textures, RF2 has maybe 100+ tracks, only a hand full looks great)

So ALL very specifically content (you indeed posted the good looking stuff, it's there). So yes when you chose that very specifically then you can get RF2 to look at AMS2/ACC level and in VR even better then ACC and almost ~on par with AMS2(in rain RF2 looks even better than AMS2).
So yes, I agree with that.

BUT when you join a random multiplayer server, you almost always/~90% of the cases, get a terrible looking track with a terribly outdated looking car.

Since I'm an online racer, I have no other choice than to join what's available. So for me RF2 is not playable with good graphics in reality, it just looks horrible in the end. Horrible looking mods with overbrighted tracks with low quality oversaturated/overcolored track textures/huge S397 trackssign etc. that's what you see most of the time in reality online with RF2. An another problem: when there is finally a online session, there is 1,5 hour practice or something, then a 10 mins race or whatever with 2-3 drivers. So what's the point of that? Almost NEVER a great online race is possible for those reasons.

SO ! GREAT to see that they work on improving the AI, maybe one day this will be a great simulator online too, but until the multiplayer servers are as populated as minimally AMS2 (I'm not even asking for AC/ACC levels ! AMS2 is already minimal) then I can finally play this game online in a good track/car/weather choice.

Until then maybe AI races, this update looks great on paper so I'll try this update once again to see if the AI is fixed. Great update !
Does somebody of you guys know if the ai is also using the hybrid boost in the btcc cars? I didn't find any information on that.

best way to verify is compare the 2021 vs 2022 at a track like Le Mans. See how far it takes to reach Max velocity for each year. IF the 2022 AI get there sooner...then yes the hybrid is working.
Well, any team dev that cares about AI and offline experience has my thanks.
Simracing isn't all about multiplayer online.
For that reason many sims failed to keep a regular fun base.
I only wish Studio397 improves their control of quality and comes with an update to the old content, even those from ISI.
And last, but not least, sell the content at regional prices, it is way too expensive here in Brazil.
I hope Q3 includes DLC track(s).

No-one is interested in Formula E (im normally hesistant to speak for others than myself but will make an exception here :) ).

The AI changes I imagine would be nice for a lot of people if they make the AI more engaging. I only race multiplayer and find AI boring. I think one thing that would help is if the AI made occassional small mistakes that give you a better exit and/or would change a bit in which corners of the track it was relatively fast or slow from lap to lap. Now its like: find out which corner AI is slow and then overtake an AI car in that exactly corner every time. Basically make the AI more human. But this update does not seem to be that from the description.

And I agree with people stating the HUD should be improved. I dont want to pay x amount to racelab to have a decent relative and multiclass standings...
I've had this on my wish list for years and years. Every sim has this problem. You find out where the AI is weak, and jump them there, and it's always the same for all the AI cars. This is not a rFactor 2 problem in my opinion, it's a sim racing problem. Some AI is better than others, but they all have this problem. From what I have seen with the newest sims, we are still a long way away from what you want.
I also managed to get great looking graphics in VR on my G2 with the 4090 in RF2. In SINGLE PLAYER, when you choose:
- the weather(cloudy/overcast or rain at specific times)
- the car(only maybe 8 to 10 cars got good looking interiour, wild guess, but the game has 100+ cars)
- track (only the VERY recent official tracks with the new shaders and WITHOUT the terrible huge overcolored S397 road signs and overgreen hills/tree textures, RF2 has maybe 100+ tracks, only a hand full looks great)

So ALL very specifically content (you indeed posted the good looking stuff, it's there). So yes when you chose that very specifically then you can get RF2 to look at AMS2/ACC level and in VR even better then ACC and almost ~on par with AMS2(in rain RF2 looks even better than AMS2).
So yes, I agree with that.

BUT when you join a random multiplayer server, you almost always/~90% of the cases, get a terrible looking track with a terribly outdated looking car.

Since I'm an online racer, I have no other choice than to join what's available. So for me RF2 is not playable with good graphics in reality, it just looks horrible in the end. Horrible looking mods with overbrighted tracks with low quality oversaturated/overcolored track textures/huge S397 trackssign etc. that's what you see most of the time in reality online with RF2. An another problem: when there is finally a online session, there is 1,5 hour practice or something, then a 10 mins race or whatever with 2-3 drivers. So what's the point of that? Almost NEVER a great online race is possible for those reasons.

SO ! GREAT to see that they work on improving the AI, maybe one day this will be a great simulator online too, but until the multiplayer servers are as populated as minimally AMS2 (I'm not even asking for AC/ACC levels ! AMS2 is already minimal) then I can finally play this game online in a good track/car/weather choice.

Until then maybe AI races, this update looks great on paper so I'll try this update once again to see if the AI is fixed. Great update !
With my new Pimax 8KX with OpenXR and foveated rendering on conservative I can run the equivalent of triple 4k displays (25 mill pixels) with my 4080 in rF2 and get very stable 90 fps so far (plus running the G9). And this 25 mill pixels is just covering the small FOV on 100% (which is still much wider than a Valve Index). For running S397 content with AI I could run the normal FOV, going 125% or crank up the graphics quite a bit, but ironically the eye-candy fussy stuff in the graphics-settings (particles, shadows, reflections etc.) just makes VR look blurry anyway and I certainly prefer sharpness over effects. With the same resolution AMS2 looks a bit better and ACC worse (still okay), but VR is awesome. I could run rF2 with 240 Hz/fps with my G9 all maxed out, but prefer the 90 fps 1080p-ish graphics in VR.

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Angus Martin
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