Community Feedback: Did EA Sports WRC Release Too Soon?

EA Sports WRC released to a collection of positive reviews yesterday on day one of early access. But as time goes on, community feedback highlights many performance issues which raises the question, did EA Sports WRC release too early?

Image credit: EA Sports

Yesterday, Codemasters and EA Sports celebrated the release of its first rally game under the new World Rally Championship licence. Content outlets across the internet appeared happy with the title with reviews seemingly positive. In fact, we ourselves very much enjoy the game.

However, as more and more players test out EA Sports WRC with a variety of systems, performance issues are rapidly emerging. Furthermore, first hands-on console gameplay is showing limited graphical fidelity.

With so many issues, it is worth wondering if the title needed more development time. Luckily, the internet is banding together, with several fixes presenting themselves for issues. Here are some of the problems to look out for and potential solutions.

EA Sports WRC Stuttering​

In our review of the new rally game, we pointed out that EA Sports WRC suffers from stutters. However, we were far from aware of the extent of the issues. Depending on PC system hardware and graphics settings, these stutters can render the game near unplayable. Comments on RaceDepartment forums show that some players are going to the ends of refunding the game.

With the big news from the title’s launch being the switch from the EGO engine to Unreal, many wonder if UE4 shader precompilation downfalls are at the origin of these stutters. In fact, some players are reporting that secondary runs on a same stage in a same session helps to alleviate the issue.


Elsewhere, Reddit user Kleist suggests that Unreal’s power-hungry reflections are the cause. They point out that simply dropping the Reflection setting to Low can provide a performance boost. Unfortunately, this is not something that will help those with the real framerate issues.

Poor Console Performance​

Whilst stuttering is plaguing PC players of the game, console fans seem to suffer from other problems. On PS5 in particular, EA Sports WRC appears to run at far lesser graphical fidelity than the PC version of the game. Seemingly, EA is protecting framerate on consoles by reducing the graphics settings.


However, this does not seem to be working. Community feedback for EA Sports WRC is consistently reporting terrible performance on consoles. Be it framerate, or input lag, the game is being dubbed ‘badly optimised’ by many racers.

On console, this is something one can only hope patches and updates will resolve. In fact, tweaking graphical settings is not as popular as on PC games, so one must stick to the default look and feel of the game.


In addition, many console players report severe screen tearing, showing that the systems are struggling to keep up with the demands of Unreal Engine at the high speeds of rallying.

Bugs in EA Sports WRC​

There is no doubt that glitches in EA Sports WRC are prominent. There are seemingly an endless supply of random events that should not occur in the game. In his video review of the title, Michel spotted several graphical bugs in the replay mode and even experienced crashes on one of the Monte Carlo stages. On the editorial side, we did not experience outright crashes, but strange textures in the mirror were difficult to look past, and missing podium animations were hilarious.


Less amusing glitches include this strange occurrence in which changing the AI difficulty mid-rally no longer counts following stage times to one’s opponents final times. As a result, the AI can finish a nine-stage event with a sub-five-minute time. We can all admit that even Esport professionals will struggle to beat that.

It seems other players however are experiencing worse than us. On RaceDepartment, user Kulibob cannot even boot up the game. Once more, they cannot find a fix for the issue saying, “Verifying files didn’t work, re-downloading didn’t work, restarting didn’t work, admin rights didn’t work, running exe itself didn’t work… and I’m not the only one.”

Boosted Media.JPG

Indeed they are not. Boosted Media wrote a rather damning post on YouTube. They are not looking to put together a review on the game in its current state. Not only does it suffer from many issues, they also feel it is important to note that the game does not output telemetry. Furthermore, VR and true triple screen support will feature in an update down the line.

Hope in Sight?​

As aforementioned, Codemasters and EA plan to release an update one week after the game’s official launch on November 3. We believe this patch will focus on stability and performance, with certain Monte Carlo, Croatia and Sweden stages named explicitly.

Much like F1 23, the development team also has a list of known issues. The community is constantly adding to it as in-game hours rise. If you come across a bug, glitch, drop in performance or crash, make sure to file it on the website.

Submit Your Review​

Have you played EA Sports WRC yourself? You can then click this link and submit your personal review, describe your pro's and con's and leave a written review to assist the rest of the community with your valuable feedback. Thanks so much!

What bugs, glitches and issues have you encountered during your time with EA Sports WRC? Let us know on Twitter @OverTake_gg or in the comments below!
About author
Angus Martin
Motorsport gets my blood pumping more than anything else. Be it physical or virtual, I'm down to bang doors.


  • Deleted member 197115

Officially it is not out yet. Early Access is Early Access, not sure how much they can fix before PR, but they have already promised as much as shader precompilation in the upcoming patch.
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This is a watersplash in a 2023 game with all graphics settings turned up to ultra. Of course it also stutters first time you run into water, as Codemasters did not bother about async shader compilation.


I could go on and on unfortunately. I think the driving itself is pretty much as fun as DR2, the sound seems great, the length of stages is good too, but it looks and performs roughly like a PS3 era game with high poly assets here and there. It looks and performs, in other words, much worse than DR2. Unfortunately this is not a question of a few fixes here and there, although that would be great too.

To be honest Gran Turismo rally stages looked similar.
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I don't get it, why there is no one on the planet earth, that would create a proper rally simulation. I got bored of these arcades so fast, that I even consider not buying this one - for me, a total waste of money. No challenge what so ever, except with my self and missing a turn.
And before you say, yes I have RBR Pro.
I can't even remember the last time I bought a racing game at launch that wasn't a mess.

I've only experienced a few issues so far and to be honest I was expecting a complete mess running on a lower end system but surprisingly, it runs fairly decent.

I am using the free 5 hr trial through EA Play on Xbox game pass for PC.
Medium preset

Control configuration is a bit confusing, it shows all my devices.
Thrustmaster TX
Fanatec pedals
Hand brake
My issue is my pedals are listed under the Thrustmaster TX primary instead of the separate fanatec pedals and I can't seem to map my handbrake?

In-game, I've encountered several stutters but nothing constant.
It seems to really trigger bad stutters through water and if you drive slightly off line and hit vegetation.

FFB doesn't feel much different from Dirt 2.0.
Physics wise, I've noticed a few improvements over Dirt 2.0, they have tightened up and reduced the ridiculous over exaggerated lateral movement when the rear swings out which feels much better.

Looking forward to diving into the car building. Hopefully, EA will improve performance and fix the major bugs faster than Forza Motorsport has been able to.
If they can make, those improvements, I'll most likely buy the game.
Hope to see a simhub profile released shortly, felt pretty numb without my base shakers and rumble motors.

EA Play 5hr trial on Xbox game pass
Thrustmaster TX sparco rally rim
Fanatec csr elite pedals
USB hand brake
I5 9600kf 1660ti
LG 2560 x 1080 144hrz HDR10
Medium settings
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Glad I didn't pre-order, it appears the new EA team, is just as bad as the old Codemasters. So that means best to wait about 3 months on patches or getting the game to work better and pay a lot less for it in Jan sales.
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I don't get it, why there is no one on the planet earth, that would create a proper rally simulation. I got bored of these arcades so fast, that I even consider not buying this one - for me, a total waste of money. No challenge what so ever, except with my self and missing a turn.
And before you say, yes I have RBR Pro.
It’s not a spinning planet magically flying through a vacuum of space, but a stationary, basically flat plane with an impenetrable dome.
Glad I didn't pre-order, it appears the new EA team, is just as bad as the old Codemasters. So that means best to wait about 3 months on patches or getting the game to work better and pay a lot less for it in Jan sales.

3 months? Battlefield 2042, with which EA have actually managed to bury whatever fanbase the franchise had, is still a mess 3 years after release. WRC is perfectly on time, just like BF, FIFA/FC and all the other big EA titles coming out in the last 5 years. Beta on release is simply the business model.

Those big real world rally drivers had none of these issues when they were singing praises to it? None of the crew here at RD playing it before release either?
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It's not about releasing it to early or not. It's about making the right decisions. They clearly made a big mistake by choosing the Unreal Engine. This is the biggest mistake in CM history. I expected this mess when I read about it and everything that I expected came true. They should have worked within the limitations of their own engine. The VR implementation is going to be even worse than F1 23. They already started with a bad decision again, they chose to only implement openvr instead of openxr. The over exposure bug from DR2 also seem to be back. There is no proper anti aliasing build into the game, I understood that the ghosting and artifacts which are created by TAA/DLSS are even worse then in ACC(yes this is even possible) so it's a complete mess.

They chose the wrong engine, the wrong rendering method(deferred instead of forward rendering), the wrong lighting configuration, they didn't implement proper anti aliasing because of this. It's a complete mess.

Let's hope that they learn from their mistakes. Kunos at least did, they switched back to their own engine for AC2, let's hope that DR/WRC also return to their own engine for their next title. But I expect that they won't and that a another before great gaming serie is ruined by EA/CM.
You don't get it ?

Well it is like this IS got pillared for being the bad studio so bad it got run out of business by nothing more then spoiled children.

Every other title, 90+ in steam !! They must be perfect ?

Go back a few generations no one in their right minds gave sims those sorts of scores.

Now everyone bags all studios.

Butt butt they all 95% ? Make up your minds ! lol :coffee:

The absolutely saddest thing it is too late for us to ever see gmotor 3.0.
There is only one guy even stood a chance of pulling it off and he would not code for this community again, neither would I, well maybe for a big bag of cash.
rally racers praised this game so much they didn't hang?!! doubt.. now even they shouldn't believe next time.. although I don't believe it until I check it myself.

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Angus Martin
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4 min read
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