Acc 1.8 vs ACCFFB

Came across ACCFFB and wondered if its an improvement or if the ffb in version 1.8 covers all the SOP bases well enough. Since the update I've gained considerably more control in corners and with much lower tc values and I'm wondering if ACCFFB adds to it or if its just redundant since 1.8 release
It requires vJoy which at this time will not work with Windows 11 and newer versions of Windows 10 without some significant changes. The problem has gone beyond code signing.
We shall see if the required updates are made but neither the original author or the current maintainer seem likely to make changes any time soon. The last release was in June 2020.
It requires vJoy which at this time will not work with Windows 11 and newer versions of Windows 10 without some significant changes.
I'm confused. Do you mean it won't install or, once installed, it won't run? I very recently installed vJoy on my fully updated Windows 10 machine without having to make any changes to it.