May be too early to judge ,but so far the AI physics are too arcade feel. Boring.
You continuous bump , push or drive into the side of AI cars and they keep driving as if nothing happened.
Please post a more detailed constructive description on the official Forum as it's pointless moaning here, if you don't then it won't help Reiza make the AI any better.
Although these opinions may help others who don't visit the Reiza forums about making a purchase. Always useful to hear both the good and bad things.
Helpful or not, everyone is free to post their own opinions here on RD. People may disagree or dislike what is being said, but that's what forums are for... discussion. As long as it stays civil then it's all good.This is a Beta, people should NOT be making decisions about a purchase at this stage if they're unsure whether to buy or not. These types of posts only lead to misinformation further down the line and - quite frankly - are not needed here at this moment, better off like I said in the official forums, especially after the next update as Renato alluded too.
Helpful or not, everyone is free to post their own opinions here on RD. People may disagree or dislike what is being said, but that's what forums are for... discussion. As long as it stays civil then it's all good.
I'm sorry, but an issue that has been confirmed as such by an actual Reiza developer is not misinformation. Yes it will be worked on, yes it will apparently be fixed quickly, but as of right now it's an issue. I appreciate that Reiza and AMS have a lot of loyal fans who want the sim to do well (I am one of them myself), but trying to prevent people from posting anything negative is not the way to go about it.Discussion is fine, but as this and other threads have shown people are spreading misinformation about the product which does no one any favours whatsoever.
If posts/users were removed then it's because they've broken our rules. It doesn't matter if the whole post or just one word/line in it breaks the rules. RD staff don't have time to mess about editing individual posts so they generally just get removed in their entirety. The simply solution is to just be aware of what our posting rules are and be careful not to break them, then you're safe from moderation.I see a lot of constructive comments including comparisons to PCars 2 etc. that are perceived by the bias slight here as "negative" and are therefore removed along with the users who post them.
Big discussion going on about this very topic on reddit
I don't want to spoil, but the AI is the pCars 2 one, you can admire the beauty Project Cars 2 train/snake...
You are right....AMS2 AI is worst than Project Cars 2.Have you play the updated PC2? If yes, it is strange. I play at 110%-50% aggressiveness, with AI laptimes similar to mine and even if I can win the race, AI try (and make) several overtake to me or against other AI. In defensive manouver AI is not great becouse just try to close the door in mid curves and do quite not in straight... but snake??? No way.