Cars Audi TT RS Touge Monster/Time Atack

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Franstuf6 submitted a new resource:

Audi TT RS Touge Monster/Time Atack - Audi TTRS VLN S3

A very upgraded version of the Audi TTRS VLN i made with Street and Semi Slick tyres and a huge turbo

REMEMBER TO COPY THE "audi_tt_vln_lod_a" AND "collider" FROM THE AUDI TT RS (VLN) FROM THE "Ready To Race" DLC, otherwhise it´s not gonna work

i took the sound from the Audi Sport quattro S1 E2 From kunos and fooled around a bit with the set up

i also used a Underglow preset from MAMIYA MOTORS (Instagram & Youtube @mamiyamotors) please check them out

uhh... i hope...

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