Auto wheel range changes the global Thrustmaster driver settings

The wheel rotation setting in the Thrustmaster Control Panel changes every time I play with AMS (450° after driving the F3, 630° after using the Caterham and so on). Is this supposed to happen? After having similar issues with my previous wheel (DFGT) recently, I might be oversensitive regarding this matter.:D
If you've set the game to match rotation in the in-game options, then yes.

You have the option to set the rotation as a constant in the options. I'm not sure if it can be turned off completely.
The wheel rotation setting in the Thrustmaster Control Panel changes every time I play with AMS (450° after driving the F3, 630° after using the Caterham and so on). Is this supposed to happen? After having similar issues with my previous wheel (DFGT) recently, I might be oversensitive regarding this matter.:D

Ive been asking this question since the game launched.... but have never gotten an answer or solution other than remembering to reset it before playing other titles.
Ive been asking this question since the game launched.... but have never gotten an answer or solution other than remembering to reset it before playing other titles.

Same thing happens with Fanatec and rF2. Wheel drivers need to be updated to auto-reset to some user setting or allow the sim to do that upon exit. Complain to the wheel manufacturers. I am sure Reiza and S397 would program it if they could.
Yes, this is sadly something AMS does. Interestingly enough, not every time.

Wheel drivers need to be updated to auto-reset to some user setting or allow the sim to do that upon exit. Complain to the wheel manufacturers. I am sure Reiza and S397 would program it if they could.
I'm not sure if this is really an issue with the drivers - other games don't do that, just AMS. And I don't think rF2 does that with my T300, but it's been a while since I've last played it, so I might not remember it correctly.
Check again with rF2 please...
OK, I remembered that wrong. RF2 does that as well.

But Raceroom most certainly doesn't, AC doesn't, pretty sure Dirt Rally doesn't do this as well... so I still don't think it's a driver issue. And it makes sense, I think - if the game can set the degrees of rotation for you automatically while it's running, it should be able to (re)set it on exit as well. It should just be a question of checking on game launch what is the value the DOF is set to, store that value and set it back on exit. Obviously it might not be as trivial to actually implement as it sounds depending on some internal game code limitations, for example.
Those you mentioned to not mess up the driver settings, don't actually change the steering rotation there. They use soft-lock instead, limiting rotation through FFB, instead of drivers. Well, AC doesn't even do that properly, and Dirt Rally looses sync with the on-screen wheel...
Raceroom definitely changes steering rotation, because when I'm using Wheeler for recording purposes, I have to set the steering rotation in Wheeler according to the rotation of the car I'm driving. If I leave it at 900 which is my default, it gets out of sync with the wheel movement accordingly. Also, if you check the wheel control panel while running the game, you'll see the steering rotation is adjusted accordingly there. (I just verified that to be absolutely sure - just note that if you do this and open the wheel control panel when the game is running, the game will not set the degrees of rotation back correctly on exit. But it will under normal circumstances.)

Same with Dirt Rally if I remember correctly. And I never noticed any sync issues with the on-screen wheel.
In my experience, the virtual wheel in Codies games can only do 360° so setting the same value in CP is the only way to sync it with your movements.
You just have to turn off driver arms in Dirt Rally to have the on-screen wheel match the real one. And Dirt 4 has full range of wheel motion even with driver arms enabled.
You just have to turn off driver arms in Dirt Rally to have the on-screen wheel match the real one. And Dirt 4 has full range of wheel motion even with driver arms enabled.
In VR, if you turn off driver hands, it always visually rotates 900°, even when soft lock limits actual wheel movement to 470°.