PC1 Banned for no reason!

How did you get that? Is that footage of Mi........no I won't say it. But that is exactly how I see him. Incredible. :D
Had a nice comment from my friend Micas today on my new Simracing Channel today on that Pcars vid I posted on build 277.

Sounded pretty funny his comment, but I can see from the comment why he is an arrogant A Hole at it's finest. "Micas099" is his YT channel. NOT ONE vid uploaded on Pcars or any sort of sim racing. He's had that channel for a long time. Didn't spend much time on his channel.

As the nice guy I'am I subbed him and sent him a nice friendly PM. LOL's.). Exposed is basically the brunt of the message. I know it's him with a name like that. I'm guessing this dude (unless anyone has seen him on the WMD forums) is a complete fake. All his preaching here and NOT ONE Pcars video view or upload. He must have privacy on, cause he watched my vid and made a short comment on it.. I see nothing more then a troll in the forums here with him.

He's a consolite by the sounds of it. I'm guessing.

Andy I liked your comment about console gaming ruining PC sim racing. I agree. I do love GT5, but that takes a big dump on Shift and Forza IMHO. Other then that, YES console racing for the majority is Simcade and it's fans who believe Forza or this Pcars is a simulator have been brainwashed by the developers who only are interested in BIG SALES.

Is there anything wrong with money and going after the big bucks? Nope. But honestly the way Slightly Insane Studios went about their hype marketing on this Pcarssimcade IS US game, frankly they should stay away from the PC market and just made it for the consoles. Using the PC to show it in it's porn star glory and then going 720p and 30fps with a ton of stuff left out for console fans. BLAH..

Watch... We PC players will get the buggiest, patch plastered version and the console boys will get the best running version..ROFL. No kidding either..

Anyways go check out the big man Micas099's channel. Very sim inspiring indeed. He's my age as well as he's got it on his channel. 45. What an embarassment to mature guys (I wish) like myself. His comment sounded like a 13 year olds..

Micas where did you go.. No Micas here. EXPOSED..
Ian tends to make me laugh, but Micas makes me question the value of humanity in general, LOL.

Aha. hahah.. that's so funny.. and I'm sure the moderators here love that sort of thing.

You know.. I could call you a pathetic loser who's never accomplished anything in life, has nothing but a bitter and callous attitude, and disdains anyone that is successful and contributes to the success of a project rather than detract from it... but then I might be violating some forum rule or something.

Oh wait, there are no forum rules. That means this can be really fun.

And I definitely appreciate the other person referring to me as a clone of Ian Bell, however I still have hair but not quite as many employees as he has. I have a ways to go yet to be as successful as Ian, but he certainly is laying the ground work to enable some of us to make progress.
Anyways go check out the big man Micas099's channel. Very sim inspiring indeed. He's my age as well as he's got it on his channel. 45. What an embarassment to mature guys (I wish) like myself. His comment sounded like a 13 year olds..

Micas where did you go.. No Micas here. EXPOSED..

Exposed? You can tell what games a person plays by their youtube channel? This is some of the strangest stuff I've ever seen.

Oh heck.. he's going to 'expose' me? What does that even mean? I'll just post a message he sent to me so we can see his "maturity" first hand.

Get an education.. Your a clown man.. a 45 year old clown who should of shut his mouth and stayed away from this channel.

You wanna troll me with your BS. I told you not to mess around with me on RD. Your exposed on there now.. Don't come back.

Your not even a sim racer by your channel, nor do you show any interest in the hobby by what you watch...

Your done.. Go on WMD and stay there. I took a vid of your channel if you decide to pull it to show all the people you were an ignorant prick to what kind of joke you are. ROFL.

You're really not bright now that you exposed yourself all asshurt on my page. Get Real. Quit the ****. and move on. I kinda think now you invested squat in Cars. Now geet.

That's some mature commentary right there. In fact, it's pretty much the tone of this entire thread. Quality stuff indeed.
You know.. I could call you a pathetic loser who's never accomplished anything in life, has nothing but a bitter and callous attitude, and disdains anyone that is successful and contributes to the success of a project.

Has it ever occurred to you that your constant boasting and unrelenting arrogance might also be a factor, LOL.

re-Ian, I was referring to his trolling at VR when as a simmycade developer he tried to undermine one of sim racings most famous and respected individuals{BSNismo}.....the fact is, Nismo is good for sim racing, he has a flair for video production and shares his work with us, but more importantly, his opinions have proven to be reasonable.

Ian is ok by me, he claimed that EA were in the way, and now that they're out the way, SMS have proven they can build a game that drives well{although from a simmycade POV}.....and as I've said lately, I prefer a sim, but the last thing I want and the last thing SMS need is to botch this game, and so far, they're on track to producing a good simmycade game.
I respectfully request that all members here ignore MICAS and his posts. He is clearly attempting to get the thread locked or deleted. Please just ignore his baits from now.

Thank you.
Has it ever occurred to you that your constant boasting and unrelenting arrogance might also be a factor, LOL.

Has it ever occurred to you that this unrelenting and deranged criticism of SMS and pCARS is what caused me to raise the pimp hand?

I told you before, a majority of that stuff is just trolling the obsessed. I'm actually a fairly reserved guy in most circumstances, and I do try and use some humor that mostly goes right over the heads of the ultra-serious critics. Most of the guys at WMD understand that, and we like to point and giggle like little school girls sometimes over the seriousness of the screeds we see on a regular basis.

Seriously.. the messages that guy is sending me are beyond weird, into the 'needs meds' level of deranged. Oh lawdy... I'm being EXPOSED! I mean.. who writes that stuff? He's taking screen shots of my youtube channel, and threatening me with them? I've had some differences of opinions in forum discussions before, but I've never had a stalker. This is new territory for me.

As far as Ian is concerned, the point I've tried to make a few times is that I find it a bit odd that there is a presumption that he was trolling at VR. He was just answering questions, but it's like the Area 51 nutters are constantly on the lookout for conspiracy theories. There is no conspiracy, and the things that Ian and the SMS devs are saying don't have some hidden agenda behind them. The members of the crazy train are more obsessed with pCARS and my posts than I am, and I actually have something at risk in the project.

As far as BSNismo goes, he's the one that completely flipped out and pulled a Exorcist moment on SMS. Everything was going fine, and then one day, instead of having a reasonable discussion about the issues like most members at WMD, he just decided to go the lunatic fringe route. That's not Ian's fault. And please, spare me the 'criticism is punished by SMS' trope. We all know that't not true. Heck, SMS was very supportive of BSNismo, gave him a promotion and so on, and if he chose to go nuts, then that's his issue, not Ian's.

And it's not Ian that is the one that is saying all of this is inconsequential and meaningless. It's just me. I get that there are, what, 4 or 5 of you that want to completely tee off on me, and that's fine. I think it's great that RD doesn't have standards of discourse. NoGrip mods get all testy when the ridiculous accusations start flying, but it's more fun here where nobody seems to mind. I've never argued that anyone should stop - because that would lessen the entertainment factor. It gives me a chance to be a pompous, boasting, arrogant Pimp - and enjoy the ensuing hilarity of the serious keepers of the "True Sim" religion going batty.

This has turned into the perfect place to house the nutters, and while I'm often perplexed at the really odd intensity of the wackiness going on, it does amuse me. And as I often say, I just hope everyone keeps it up through the release of pCARS. I'll be around to gloat, and I'm sure that's going to be a glorious turd slinging party, all sanctioned and approved by the overlords of RD!
As far as BSNismo goes, he's the one that completely flipped out and pulled a Exorcist moment on SMS. Everything was going fine, and then one day, instead of having a reasonable discussion about the issues like most members at WMD, he just decided to go the lunatic fringe route. !

Don't you really mean it finally dawned on him pcars wasn't likely to be a sim, so he exited the project?....remember, this was supposed to be a sim whereby cars feel like cars not digital marhsmellows connected to the track by a central point.

That might sound harsh, but it's the difference between a sim and a simmycade game, though I still see no reason why pcars would fail as a racing game, but some people aren't buying into the "sim" aspect.

If there isn't going to be a sim on PC, I find it odd that SMS couldn't persuade one publisher to fund an even bigger game just as long as the cars drove reasonably well{as some currently do}.....I mean, 120+ or so cars is far more appealing than 50-75, so it seems incomprehensible to me that publishers can't fathom the idea of racing games working well with things like wheel and gamepads.
Exposed? You can tell what games a person plays by their youtube channel? This is some of the strangest stuff I've ever seen.

Oh heck.. he's going to 'expose' me? What does that even mean? I'll just post a message he sent to me so we can see his "maturity" first hand.

That's some mature commentary right there. In fact, it's pretty much the tone of this entire thread. Quality stuff indeed.


Keep spinning your wheels. And thanks for posting my response to you, cause my comment being incoherent as you stated is just sidesteppin. You continue to be really nothing more then a troll.

I may be wrong, but I just can't see you knowing squat about gaming period Mucas..A man that talks sales and trying to ignite more interest in a FM quickie project, but watches no vids on Pcars in the YT community to see what and how the community is reacting to the game is beyond me.

Just goes to show, you are not compassionate about the hobby, and are like so many here have stated care LESS about the game, but only what you are gonna get out of it..

Personally to me, your as FAKE as a girl who puts tissue in her bra to make herself look like she's got a pair. Rofl.

Keep going and embarrassing yourself, cause the people on here know already, even before I joined you're not to be taken seriously.

And ya as you brilliantly quoted my PM to you on YT, I say one more: "Get an Education"
I'll be around to gloat, and I'm sure that's going to be a glorious turd slinging party, all sanctioned and approved by the overlords of RD!

Nothing is approved or sanctioned by the overlords here Micas. You are now the second SMS employee/affiliate saying that this week. Is there some kind of statement made by the overlord group that we encourage this discussion. We stay far from the politics m8 believe me.

Imo its the most pathetic and childish debate in simracing history here at RD and its both parties to blame. The four haters and the group of fanboys that have been rambling on for for like 60 pages now.
People that were unhappy with being banned started a thread. Fanboys came in to say it was a good decision. Debate hasn't stopped since, only the subject changes from time to time i think.
Strange thing though when a debate seems to be settled and the thread dies for a week or two its the fanboys resurrection the discussions. Why is that? Or is that also a decision by the overlords of RD?

That I don't agree with your arrogant way of posting doesn't mean I agree with the other side. I made my point clear months ago and I am looking forward to the full release of the game when its done. Then ill purchase it and draw my conclusions if I like it or not. All the time wasted here on this debate is pointless and the overlords have much better things to do than managing a kindergarten of people that should be grown up by now.

You know just as good as me that we can do a few things. Lock this thread, and the discussion will go to another thread.
Or let people themselves get a bit more grown up and mature and report rule violation and don't wait for others to do the work.
Or third: just wake up at some point and realize you guys are at war for a game, facepalm, cry for all the wasted months debating this and try to pick up your lives.
He is clearly attempting to get the thread locked or deleted. Please just ignore his baits from now.

Thank you.
Would this not be the best thing to happen to this thread? What exactly is it achieving?

The posts seem to be more one person having a dig at another, instead of any constructive discussion on the PCARS title itself.

But like Bram has stated. This one gets locked/deleted and it will just be resurrected in another thread.
I see you lot ignored my request to ignore the troll from WMD.:rolleyes: Deaf ears and all that. I am enjoying this so called childish discussion though thanks to Bram. No point in locking the thread though. It will die a natural death until a fanboy awakens it again. :D

Right, I'm off to kindergarten, cya.
He's a casual gamer at best, plus I never see any of these guys in the top10 on the WMD records, so it's questionable they're any good at simmycades as well.

Brams right. Got way better things on this forum to do and talk about.

I don't think he's even the investor he is. Just a troll. His dance last comment was from a 45 year old? Just wow..

Pcars is boring and irrelevant to me until it's release. I uninstalled it and can't bother wasting my time in the WMD forums. This Pcars chapter is closed for me.
I registered for this thread. I've only read the first 15 pages, but I'm seriously offended by the unethical, downright nasty behavior SMS has been exhibiting. I noticed threads were disappearing from NG but I didn't know it was being whitewashed by SMS.

Anyway, I won't rehash all the arguments again (worthless ffb, simcade physics, junk wheel support, slamma-jamma brakes, et al forever), but here's my contribution, starting on page 2 with Leviathan's picture post:


edit: and now I've read all 60 pages and feel like I need a shower. Well, almost all 60 pages, I stopped reading micas' posts after his fifth or sixth bizarre entitlement/bank account rant. :confused:
^ Beware that this thread is ripe with plain untruth about SMS, WMD and WMD members. However, from your writings, I suspect that you simply want to take any and all anti- SMS/WMD statements to heart, regardelss of their truth or sense -values, just like the regular detractors here.

The accusations of SMS/WMD being evil and corrupt is no more than hot air, or even just references to hot air. I've yet to see any proof of any of it. Angry morons, ripping senselessly on SMS/WMD doesn't mean a thing; as we all know, the net is full of hate-mongers attacking the strangest of things with absolutely no regard for the facts, and they're generally the least credible species on the net. Sadly, they and their supporters seem to thrive on controversy and bullshit, so it probably can't be helped.

The attacking party of detractors are the ones who created this situation, and they're maintaining it by a mix of willful ignorance, lies, bitterness, rudeness and preposterous claims. When some of that is reacted on and corrected, they seem to always ignore that, and a few posts later the same bullshit repeats. And why do they do it? For what purpose? I have a few thoughts on that, but it would start a napalm war, so I'll leave it... ;-)

This whole SMS/WMD conspiracy theory thing (secret agents in all the forums, random bans, the investors evil plots, SMS ripping everybody off etc.), which is the core of most of the detractors arsenal, is getting more surreal by the hour. None of it stands to reason, and thankfully that is something which normal people can see.
This whole SMS/WMD conspiracy theory thing (secret agents in all the forums, random bans, the investors evil plots, SMS ripping everybody off etc.), which is the core of most of the detractors arsenal, is getting more surreal by the hour. None of it stands to reason, and thankfully that is something which normal people can see.

Yo.....what you seem to forget is that some of the people making these claims are KNOWN to RD, they have a track record of posting, and if those people are deemed sane and sensible, then it seems somewhat odd that they'd all of a sudden go kookoo over pcars don't ya think!!
Yo.....what you seem to forget is that some of the people making these claims are KNOWN to RD, they have a track record of posting, and if those people are deemed sane and sensible, then it seems somewhat odd that they'd all of a sudden go kookoo over pcars don't ya think!!

Most of these claims stem from peoples misinterpretation over what they were getting into and assumptions they made, NOT because they were told lies etc..

Everyone is fallible even sane people.

The fact there are currently over 24000 paid up pCARS 'members' and only a handful of people vocally objecting speaks volumes IMO, and it has nothing to do with SMS/WMD intimidating people into silence, underhand tactics or anything else.

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