To aid with the organisation of RaceDepartment events for RaceRoom, I'd like to know what our communities approach to the sim's content is. As we know, R3E is somewhat unique in that each piece of content can be purchased individually. This can be useful for those who are only interested in owning the specific content that they intend to use themselves, saving them a fair bit of cash. However, it can be a bit awkward for event organisers as it's hard to judge how many people actually own the content being used, and therefore what participation is likely to be.
So, what's your approach? Do you buy everything there is on offer, grabbing new cars, classes and tracks on release day? Do you spread yourself wide but thin by sticking with a single car in each class? Would you buy extra content if it were needed to participate in an online RD race? Or do you stick to what you love and go no further? Cast your vote, and feel free to comment below!
Please note that this thread is not for a discussion on R3E's business model, and any posts along those lines will be removed without warning.
I bought everything before Motorland Aragon in 2 transactions about 8 months apart using VRP I bought. Think I bought the middle tier pack at the point of downloading R3E around June 2019. And then at the start of this year, when I upgraded my PC, I bought the rest in one go as I knew I'd be playing a lot more.
Do you buy everything there is on offer, grabbing new cars, classes and tracks on release day? Do you spread yourself wide but thin buy sticking with a single car in each class?
I own everything up to Aragon, with Daytona being the only item I've bought by itself. Prior to purchasing the 2nd block of content I had to deal with not owning everything in a particular car class which I didn't enjoy - if I was to purchase new content in the future I would certainly buy the whole class.
Would you buy extra content if it were needed to participate in an online RD race? Or do you stick to what you love and go no further?
This is an interesting question for me. I mainly play single player on R3E these days as I enjoy the slower old classes, and the slower one-make classes and understandably these have less of a footprint on public servers. Fantastic AI and custom championships is just a bonus
It's hard to imagine having to purchase content to then allow me to participate in an online RD race as if I like the sound of it I'll probably already own it. DTM 2020 never really appealed to me when it was released (hence my non-participation in the club championship), and so I started a FRJ sprint championship around the Swedish tracks to keep me occupied until the next one gets announced.
I buy everything the offer to support their work. And when I take the punch and start racing again here, I would buy tracks/cars for the specific race.
I buy everything the offer to support their work. And when I take the punch and start racing again here, I would buy tracks/cars for the specific race.
No time like the present! We have a Silhouette Series running in the club right now, which is a great class to begin online racing with. Easy to drive but lots of fun. Next race is on Saturday.