Creating my own series for AMS. Need some help on a few things!


Peter Lee
Hi Guys,

As above I'm currently setting up (slowly) my own series in AMS. Basically its how I think F1 should be - No DRS, V10 Hybrid Engines (I'm currently in the process of making my own sound files) and 30 cars, meaning the return of 'Pre-Qualifying' (kinda), but I'm a bit stuck on a few aspects.

  • The DRS Flap (see images below) won't colour even though I've set the colour in the PSD files and as far as I can tell, have set it up correctly - anyone got a guide/ able to walk me through it?
  • I'm struggling lining up colours - does anyone have a guide on which parts of the skin line up?
  • I've created my own series but whatever I do they won't go in it - the series is there in game but no cars are in it (they are in the correct series if I go on All Cars and Tracks).
Also, here's a sneak preview of some skins I've created so far (WIP)!

Panasonic Jaguar Racing -

Volvo Polestar Racing -

BMW Castrol Motorsport -

Gulf Porsche Racing -
It is usually the same. People who could answer the questions are too good to pass on their knowledge. The same people then complain that they are in the minority and have to do everything themselves.
Anyway, the idea for your mod is great and if I knew that I would help you.
It is usually the same. People who could answer the questions are too good to pass on their knowledge. The same people then complain that they are in the minority and have to do everything themselves.
Anyway, the idea for your mod is great and if I knew that I would help you.
Thanks, I agree that a lot of people that could easily help keep their cards close to their chest.
If I could get the series working and the DRS I'd be all good, the sound files, talent, vehicle and painting I can do relatively easily. Just getting it to register in game!
  • I've created my own series but whatever I do they won't go in it - the series is there in game but no cars are in it (they are in the correct series if I go on All Cars and Tracks).
Make sure that Classes and Category in the VEH.files are Matching with the SRS Files
Without having a picture to go off of did you paint both DRS00 and files? Are the alpha channels correct for both when comparing to stock content? Another simple one is if its the correct size or not, stock is 512x512. You can try copying one of the stock car's DRS wing files and renaming them and see if they work just to compare.

As for lining up painting its just trial and error. If unless you have 3dsMax you can download Reiza's viewer file and make a 3d paintable model from it to paint with in photoshop that will then make it extremely easy to line stuff up.
Without having a picture to go off of did you paint both DRS00 and files? Are the alpha channels correct for both when comparing to stock content? Another simple one is if its the correct size or not, stock is 512x512. You can try copying one of the stock car's DRS wing files and renaming them and see if they work just to compare.
Thanks Troy, as for the DRS files, I've now done as you said and have got them working! :thumbsup: