OK, I've done a full review of everyone's advice - I'm really blown away, you guys have put serious time and thought into this and I really, really appreciate it!
Again, unfortunately I won't be able to get a wheel in my hands again until Monday, but in the meantime I've worked on trying to distill the advice down into somewhat of a priority ordered list. I've determined priority based on what I learned from reading a Skip Barber school book once - from biggest possible time gains to least: (1) the line, (2) corner exit, (3) corner entry, (4) braking. I've also marked who the advice originally came from as well as some comments (I have a lot more to say about some items than others, but don't take that personally - I'm going to give every tip its due).
I've also added a "general tools/technique" category to the front for stuff I felt was too cross-cutting to tuck away in a specific category.
@DowntownSIX - yes, I will absolutely post a follow up video (maybe more - with so many things to work on, this could be an iterative process).
@BhZ - yes, I am using a wheel.
So, here goes:
1. General tools/technique:
[BhZ] Too much steering; increase tire volume:
Dude, let me tell you - this one really rang true to me, as I already had some nagging suspicions around this very topic. I was watching an in-car cam view of one of my R3E laps and I noticed I have a very peculiar habit to suddenly dial in a bunch more steering right around mid-corner. I had never noticed I was doing it until I watched my replay and - sure enough - watching the two laps above, I see myself doing the same damn thing in a completely different sim/car/track. My suspicion is that, as a start to pour on throttle around the apex, I start to sense the car wanting to come away from the curbing and I try to fight it with more lock...this tells me that (1) my notion of where the apex really is on those corners is probably off and (2) I need to take your advice to crank up the tire noise and improve the coordination between my ears/eyes/hands.
[RasmusP] Enable ABS:
Another tip that rings very true to my ears! Probably a little over a year ago, I was doing a lot of lapping in AC and just felt as though I couldn't get the same feel for the brakes as I do in ISI-based sims. I can't remember the specific car I was using, but I did a little testing at that time and found that I was actually
faster (by quite a bit) with ABS on! So why didn't I stick with it? Well, I posted my observations (on a completely different forum, btw) and people told me I was nuts and I should check to see if I was running on a green track!
ABS is going back on straightaway (for this car, at least - probably many others, from the sounds of it).
[BhZ] Use protyres:
I've already checked it out - looks amazing; great tip! I'll familiarize with the docs between now and my next wheel time.
2. Proper line
[Mr Deap] Use overhead view in replay to evaluate line efficiency:
Yes, will do! Seems painfully obvious - why the heck am I not already doing this??
[BhZ] Too wide at turn 3 entry
[Lorenzo Bonder] Get wider at turn 4 entry; "throw" the car a bit:
I am going to attack these together, as I think they probably very much go hand-in-hand. I'm not surprised in the least you guys found some weirdness in this sector, as my confidence in the turn 3/4 combo is very, very low and I've experimented with many different lines but have never been happy with any of them.
[BhZ] Missed apex at turns 9 & 10:
Despite hearing many times "there is no throwaway corner," I still manage to be very lazy through this section. Good advice, gonna tighten this up, as there is really no excuse for mistakes on the 2 easiest corners of the whole track.
[BhZ] Missed apex at turn 12:
Also not surprised to hear this because, after the T3/4 complex, this is my second least confident turn. I've been experimenting with a slight lift and different turn in points, but I will try to incorporate just a touch of brake to see if I can't get a crisper turn-in (critical turn with such a long straight following it).
3. Corner exit
[BhZ] More gentle on the throttle throughout:
I suspect I am especially lazy with this on the MX5 - it being so low powered, I have to wonder if I feel I have license to just really mash the throttle without giving much thought to car balance. I will make adjustments.
4. Corner entry
[DowntownSIX] More trailbraking; e.g. entry of turn 3:
I have to wonder if having ABS enabled will drastically improve my trailbraking. I realize you wouldn't believe it to see the laps I posted above, but in my recent R3E lapping/racing, I've actually been trailbraking quite aggressively (and, I think, effectively). I just have never had the same "feel" of the brakes in AC like I do in R3E - hopefully ABS will help close that gap and my follow up video will show much tidier technique in this area.
5. Braking
[BhZ] Jump on brakes quicker:
I don't want to blame everything on ABS, as ultimately I have to be accountable for my own technique, but I really have to wonder if some of the timidness we're seeing in the above laps is a result of me just lacking general confidence in my ability to dial in appropriate brake pressure. I think it's very likely I have a moment's hesitation before I really get on the brakes. If ABS really does make the difference I'm hoping it will, I feel I can make big gains in this area as, again, based on my recent R3E lapping, I am really not "scared" of the brakes in that sim.