Cut track warnings?

Warren Dawes

Probably a noobie question.
I've just picked up this Sim and very impressed so far. Only been running single player practice mode so far to get my wheel and other settings fine tuned. Mainly only running different cars around Monza.
However, I've noticed in my stats that there are a few "invalid " laps, no doubt due to track cutting (after bouncing curbs ), but I was wondering if there are any immediate "cut track" warnings when that happens? I haven't noticed any until I look at lap times.
Yes, you'll get an audio from the crew chief ingame like "lap invalidated" or similar. Also a small box message will appear around the cars ingame dashboard with the same content (black with white letters IIRC).
You might not be getting the audio warnings because your in practice mode. I'm pretty sure he only starts telling you about breaking the rules in modes where it actually matters if you cut the track.