Thanks for your reply cYcLoNe. I will look at it a little more today. Yesterday, I did delete the side lines, removed the cameras. I didn't do anything to Surfaces file, will try that. Seems you have all kinds of crazy track boundry lines right at the start finish line which shuts off the AI helper when trying to run it yesterday. We will figure it out somehow. take care, Dave
No hurry cYcLoNe, when ever you get a chance to look at your track. I am always looking for new Karting tracks. Used to race real Karts many years ago.
update: tried what you said, didnt make a difference in getting rid of those red crosslines/track boundries at the start finish line. Guess it has to do with your 2 layers, main track and mesh kn5 files. I opened both (kn5 files) of them up with my 3dsimed and dont seen anything unusual. So just thought I would mention what I tried. take care Dave