F1 1991 Tracks

Tracks F1 1991 Tracks V1.0

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F1 1991 Tracks - Track pack

91Phoenix BY MC WOLF V1.3
Interlagos BY Frank Alexandre V2.0
94Imola v1.0, BY by Afdelta , Converted by TTTTT, FIXED BY GOBI
Monaco88 BY derDumeklemmer V1.1
Montreal88 BY HTI-Heizer V1.0
Mexico-City88 BY GOBI & derDumeklemmer
Magny-Cours91 BY ZWISS v1.01
Silverstone88 by FuFFZich & SRF V1.0
Hockenheim88 BY derDumeklemmer V2.0
Hungaroring88 by Carrera.4 V1.0
Spa88 BY derDumeklemmer V1.3
Monza88 BY by Carrera 4 v1.0
Estoril88 BY GTI-Heizer V1.0
Barcelona91 by montesky and mcsaltens v1.0...

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Do you have a shortcut to launch GTR2 ?
If you have or create it, you simply add "-trace=1000" to the command line in the properties to ".....\GTR2\GTR2.exe" so that it looks like that ....\GTR2\GTR2.exe" -trace=1000

This will create a trace.txt file in your GTR2/Userdata/Log .... and you or we might find a possible reason for your CTD.
I don't drive GTR2 much but this may often help to find the reason of a problem.
Do you have a shortcut to launch GTR2 ?
If you have or create it, you simply add "-trace=1000" to the command line in the properties to ".....\GTR2\GTR2.exe" so that it looks like that ....\GTR2\GTR2.exe" -trace=1000

This will create a trace.txt file in your GTR2/Userdata/Log .... and you or we might find a possible reason for your CTD.
I don't drive GTR2 much but this may often help to find the reason of a problem.

Thank you very much I will try it and get back to you :D
If you have one ... just zip it rather than copying so many lines in a message. ;) ( as there are many unuseful lines in order to detect a problem )

I don't know how heavy the mod and tracks are .... but just a question: do you have the 4GB patch installed as it might be the only reason why it should be crashing without any other reason.
netcomm.cpp 7902: NetComm checking command line: "-trace=1000"
game.cpp 633: Entered Game::Enter()
osman.cpp 469: Entered OSMan::Enter()
setup.cpp 1194: Could not find .HDC <-- This line repeats for many many lines
vidman.cpp 1011: Entered VidMan::Enter()
specialfx.cp 3577: Entered SpecialFX::Enter()
dynman.cpp 597: Entered DynMan::Enter()
plrfile.cpp 3783: Entered PlayerFile::Enter()
sound.cpp 700: Entered Sound::Enter()
hwinput.cpp 6527: Entered HWInput::Enter()
onscreen.cpp 3155: Entered OnScreen::Enter()
game.cpp 726: Entered Game::Setup()
hwinput.cpp 6541: Entered HWInput::Setup()
options.cpp 1657: Entered Options::Setup()
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
plrfile.cpp 2936: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Heikki Makinen\Heikki Makinen.TMP
plrfile.cpp 2959: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Heikki Makinen\Heikki Makinen.PLR <-- This is a new profile I created to test hence the silly name
According to what I see here .... that's the same I have in a normal log ..... except that it doesn't stop there. :D .... that's where the race session begins to really load.... so I'm not really sure it's caused by the mod and the tracks.
I suspect the problem is somewhere else.

That's the only car-track combo doing this ? did you try afterwards to start a session with an original car on an original track ? did you use GTR2 regularly before trying this championship ? .... the fact you just installed this 4GB patch makes me imagine you just started or restarted driving GTR2 .... is it the case ?