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Bram Hengeveld

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Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
No different to any other year tbh. It's a long season following the actual calendar. Also the wheel temps thing hasn't helped much either.
We've not had the drop off as bad as that before. Last season our lowest at the end of the season was 11, this season highest was 10!! with just 6 on other occasions.

As for the classic series enough expressed an interest to make it viable but the numbers never materialised when it came to it.

Race Time: 8:00 pm (GMT)

Host: Ben Goldie | PSN: FAP_DemoN
Backup Host: Thomas Jonsson | PSN: Vithjalmen

Pole Position Award: Sean van Belkom (7)
Fastest Lap Award: Ben Goldie (3)
Driver of the Day Award: Michael Fleming, Sean van Belkom (3)

S10 Pole: Mitchell Haverlag (1:42.865)
S10 Podium:
Mitchell Haverlag
2. Toni Sokolov
3. Alex Gerasimenko

Drivers Standings (Top 3)
Michael Fleming (Toro Rosso) - 274 Points
2. Sean van Belkom - 272 Points
3. Alex Gerasimenko (Red Bull) - 198 Points

Constructors Standings (Top 3)
Ferrari - 462 Points
2. Toro Rosso - 402 Points
3. Red Bull - 297 Points​

Excused Absences:
- Fredrik Hahlin (Renault) - Jamie will reserve
- Jake Taylor (Haas)
- Dawid Wisniewski (Red Bull) - Brandon will reserve
- James Ratiff (Force India)
- Alex Gerasimenko (Red Bull)
- Harry Green (McLaren)
- Toni Sokolov (Force India)
- Andrea Cecchini (Sauber)

Reserve List:
- Jamie Ducie
- Brandon Jackson

Penalties From Previous Race(s):

Post Race Penalties:
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- Game bug giving me a 5 sec stop/go penalty which really ruined my race at the end:
I went into the pits with a really good advantage that would put me right behind Ben there coming out of the pits, also screwed me over when SC came out later on because it would give me more time to get in front of couple of cars. I obviously had to serve it as game shat itself there...I had no choice so i think it would be fair if i get back my 5 secs off my overall racing time. @0:02

- Getting pushed twice from the track:
I was battling with Harry for the most of the race and from my side I was clean with my moves and I can prove that. In L8 he got a good run out of the corner and had a less trimmed car...i defended with my one allowed move let him go to the outside, gave him plenty of space in the chicane so I can get a better exit and make a move in the 2nd chicane on his inside. I made the move up the inside, bit of lock up but that's fine as i was in that moment with half a car in front of him, left him some room on the outside as this corner is very slippery and you can't do much there and then he decided to get up on my inside, push me off the track and gain his position back. This is @0:53 in the vid

2nd situation:
This was at the end of the race...bunch of guys was making moves in front and i just tried to stay clean there as it also started to rain. Harry again decided that he will dive up the inside from the long way back, in the rain, hitting my car and push me off the track...I lost points because of this and there was nothing I could have done there. Not cool at all. @3:05

This was his response in the chat post-race where he obviously admitted that he made that on purpose as some kind of "revenge"...even tho I never touched him in this race:

3rd situation which I want to get clarified in regard of double moves in defending situations and late moves. Because i'm not sure if this is penalty worthy or not.
I got a great run on Harry there and I decided to go on the inside first with a dummy move and he obviously defended that one and then I went on the outside where he defended that one as he went a bit wider there, then i decided to go inside again, he kinda moved on the inside line to defend again. I went to the outside once again and at that point he just started to go towards the outside there to close his inside and I had to make a sudden move on the outside because we would have crashed there.


Also another vid where I can prove that I never touched him and that I drove there as clean as possible:

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Q: 1st. Guess 8 ballast works wonders around this track, very good lap time and pretty happy i got pole.
R: 2nd. Getaway was horrible as always and Shellay was on my right until he hitted the wall and almost crashed himself out the race, then Alex was sending it down the inside but he couldnt hold it on the long right corner and i got still 1st place. Hypers were very kind to me cause of 8 ballast and had no issues with my tyre temps whatsoever so i pitted on lap 9 to Ultras in the hope i got overcut dawidos. It worked Very well and rejoined almost a full Second ahead of Shellay and i could push as hard as i could to get myself in a comfortable lead. All went well until lap 21 or 22 when someone left the session and it screwed my whole race. Decided not to pit and staying on those Ultras who were not that bad but when i saw the gap i realised i Could`ve pit for Hypers. Restart was good as Mitchell was a good wingman for a lap and could get away from Shellay as he had twisty fresh Hypers to make my life uncomfortable. Penultimate lap and shellay was attacking me but could still hold on and started the last lap with a good feeling. Until i completely Forgot about Jamie that he hadnt had a penalty and was Second place.
Overall it was a good race and setup was very good Especially in the race. Japan should be one off my strongest tracks to keep the Championship hopes alive. Bring it on
Race Report:
Qualifying - P17
Invalidated both my runs on hypers, the second of which was a PB by 4 tenths (somehow). So, I was stuck with the initial laps I did on ultras.

Race - P5
Decided to start on ultras and just try and stay with the pack as long as possible with DRS. Dan got past at the start of lap 2 and then after that I was basically just following James around for quite a few laps till he started struggling on his tyres where I eventually manged to overtake him into T5. I decided to pit early on lap 13 onto hypers, as the front pack was coming through and thought I'd probably lose more time letting them by than I would on worn hypers at the end. The undercut worked so much better than expected, was way ahead of Dan once he'd done his stop, I'm assuming he probably had a bit of a battle as well. Was on for P7/8 once all incidents and pit stops had shaken out but then the SC came out. I decided to pit as I thought I'd be a sitting duck on 10 lap old hypersofts. I knew I had no penalties, so didn't fight as hard as I probably should've and so crossed the line P12.

With all the penalties, that became P5.

Best result of the season in the flukiest way possible though I was realatively satisfied with my drive without the SC. Finished 5th here last season as well (mainly cos of low turnout but we'll gloss over that). I could've been higher had I not done that last pitstop but was probably risking an incident as I'd have been holding up a train but after my races last week I really can't complain with this one.

Congrats to Jamie on his first RaceDepartment F1 win and well done to Sean and Michael on the podium.

The first and 3rd "incidents" you have nothing to complain about, that was hard fair racing and to be honest I think putting those in there is quite immature and petulant.

As for the 2nd one towards the end of the race, despite my late braking I clearly have my car alongside before the corner as indicated by the red arrows and you still insist on turning in at your normal point and disregarding that. I think you should be thankful we didn't crash because as you can see I actually have to move inside the track to not be cutoff by you. There is then blatant intentional contact initiated afterwards which in my opinion is far worse than anything you believe has gone against you.

As for the "revenge" comments, on my screen I had been hit by you twice, both times costing me position, therefore I was racing just as hard as I believed you were, because I always give back what I receive. I felt like I wasn't receiving any respect on track, but while I raced hard I don't feel like I did anything wrong, I'm not an inherently dirty driver, in fact I think the last time I was in here was for an accidental quali block, so you can see my point.

Videoclips in chronological order:
L5-6: Nexus has hit me after bailing out of a move, causing me to slide and increase tyre temps as well as lose DRS to Shellay ahead, costing me the position at T3 as I have no defence. Seems to be desync however.
L8: Why is this even brought up? Fair racing in my opinion.
L12: No idea what the issue is here either. You can't steer out of T3 so I was drifting to defend and closing the gap, after the corner I have some oversteer because my tyres are quite warm and there's slight contact, I also try and pick up some slipstream to stay with him.
L18: Nexus appears to hit me when on the inside of T3 causing me to slide. Again could be desync but didn't feel much like it.
L27: I'm up the inside, maybe a bit aggressive but in my opinion I could have bee warranted a bit more room.
"As for the 2nd one towards the end of the race, despite my late braking I clearly have my car alongside before the corner as indicated by the red arrows and you still insist on turning in at your normal point and disregarding that. I think you should be thankful we didn't crash because as you can see I actually have to move inside the track to not be cutoff by you. There is then blatant intentional contact initiated afterwards which in my opinion is far worse than anything you believe has gone against you."

No you don't have your car alongside dived up on my inside and left me no room at the exit of the corner. You can clearly see it in my mirrors that you came from the long way there and again before not even before the braking zone you weren't along side my car there.
And I obviously didn't hit you there as you can see from my POV. You were moving on my left there and touched my front tyre. If I wanted to punt you out I would have do that in the next chicane. But i'm not a dirty driver and I would never do something like that.

"L5-6: Nexus has hit me after bailing out of a move, causing me to slide and increase tyre temps as well as lose DRS to Shellay ahead, costing me the position at T3 as I have no defence. Seems to be desync however."

Not on my screen. And you already did a mistake in the chicane before where you overheated your were all over the track anyway as I could see you sliding out of the corners from L3-4 and later one. So don't blame me for a high ballast setup that actually overheated your tyres. Stupid argument.

"L8: Why is this even brought up? Fair racing in my opinion"
Because I clearly left you enough room there where you could have bail out but you actually decided to go up my inside, pushing me off the track and gained your position back. Check out my POV and you'll clearly see that.

I said that I want clarification on this one...just because this corner is very different from any other corner on the calendar.

"L18: Nexus appears to hit me when on the inside of T3 causing me to slide. Again could be desync but didn't feel much like it."

Clean move from my side there. You tried to close the inside when you saw me going up on the inside after you initially went to the tried to close in on the corner again and as you're running with high ballast you simply started to lose your back end and in all of that you started to lose your back end and touched my front wheel there.From my POV you can see that i'm holding the line.

"L27: I'm up the inside, maybe a bit aggressive but in my opinion I could have bee warranted a bit more room."

I already answered this at the start. IMO it was a move that was way to late, you were far away, you're not alongside my car there at that moment. You can see when my arrow went red and I could see you diving up the inside in my mirror in the last moment...i gave you as much room as possible but there was no room for me there at the exit. So IMO this move wasn't clean enough.

What bothers me that you've said in post race chat that this was basically a "revenge" for what happened earlier in the race...even tho I did nothing wrong AND if I did something wrong you need to go to the stewards post-race and complain about that...not go out there and try to do good ol' "eye for an eye" thing.

Again...look at my POV and you will see why I don't think that some of those situations were not cool by me. Nothing against you but you know...
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"As for the 2nd one towards the end of the race, despite my late braking I clearly have my car alongside before the corner as indicated by the red arrows and you still insist on turning in at your normal point and disregarding that. I think you should be thankful we didn't crash because as you can see I actually have to move inside the track to not be cutoff by you. There is then blatant intentional contact initiated afterwards which in my opinion is far worse than anything you believe has gone against you."

No you don't have your car alongside dived up on my inside and left me no room at the exit of the corner. You can clearly see it in my mirrors that you came from the long way there and again before not even before the braking zone you weren't along side my car there.
And I obviously didn't hit you there as you can see from my POV. You were moving on my left there and touched my front tyre. If I wanted to punt you out I would have do that in the next chicane. But i'm not a dirty driver and I would never do something like that.

"L5-6: Nexus has hit me after bailing out of a move, causing me to slide and increase tyre temps as well as lose DRS to Shellay ahead, costing me the position at T3 as I have no defence. Seems to be desync however."

Not on my screen. And you already did a mistake in the chicane before where you overheated your were all over the track anyway as I could see you sliding out of the corners from L3-4 and later one. So don't blame me for a high ballast setup that actually overheated your tyres. Stupid argument.

"L8: Why is this even brought up? Fair racing in my opinion"
Because I clearly left you enough room there where you could have bail out but you actually decided to go up my inside, pushing me off the track and gained your position back. Check out my POV and you'll clearly see that.

I said that I want clarification on this one...just because this corner is very different from any other corner on the calendar.

"L18: Nexus appears to hit me when on the inside of T3 causing me to slide. Again could be desync but didn't feel much like it."

Clean move from my side there. You tried to close the inside when you saw me going up on the inside after you initially went to the tried to close in on the corner again and as you're running with high ballast you simply started to lose your back end and in all of that you started to lose your back end and touched my front wheel there.From my POV you can see that i'm holding the line.

"L27: I'm up the inside, maybe a bit aggressive but in my opinion I could have bee warranted a bit more room."

I already answered this at the start. IMO it was a move that was way to late, you were far away, you're not alongside my car there at that moment. You can see when my arrow went red and I could see you diving up the inside in my mirror in the last moment...i gave you as much room as possible but there was no room for me there at the exit. So IMO this move wasn't clean enough.

What bothers me that you've said in post race chat that this was basically a "revenge" for what happened earlier in the race...even tho I did nothing wrong AND if I did something wrong you need to go to the stewards post-race and complain about that...not go out there and try to do good ol' "eye for an eye" thing.

Again...look at my POV and you will see why I don't think that some of those situations were not cool by me. Nothing against you but you know...
Thats your view fair enough, stewards isn't for arguing so I won't do, we'll let them decide.
Well, we're back in Asia for this race and that means that Daniel has stolen another round win! Positions continue to move around up top. Here's the results:

Russia results:
1. Daniel Newcombe : 14pts
2. Jake Taylor : 10pts
- Hasnain Aslam : 10pts
4. Dawid Wisniewski : 8pts
- Ben Goldie : 8pts
6. Andrew Wood : 7pts
7. Michael Fleming : 6pts
- Alex Krois : 6pts
9. Martijn Boontje : 5pts
- James Ratiff : 5pts
11. Thomas Jonsson : 4pts

Individual Round Wins:
Thomas Jonsson - 3 (Australia, Bahrain, Baku)
Alex Krois - 3 (tie - Monaco, Belgium, Italy)
Hasnain Aslam - 3 (Spain, Austria, Singapore)
Andrew Wood - 2 (France, Hungary)
Daniel Newcombe - 2 (China, Russia)
Martijn Boontje - 1 (tie - Canada)

Ben Goldie - 1 (tie - Monaco)
Michael Fleming - 1 (tie - Canada)
Jake Taylor - 1 (Britain)
Luke Cage - 1 (Germany)

Season Standings :

1. Daniel Newcombe : 158pts
2. Martijn Boontje : 151pts
3. Andrew Wood : 149pts
4. Ben Goldie : 148pts
5. Hasnain Aslam : 147pts
6. Jake Taylor : 145pts
7. Thomas Jonsson : 140pts
8. Michael Fleming : 135pts
9. Alex Krois : 129pts
10. Dawid Wisniewski : 126pts
11. James Ratiff : 106pts
12. Luke Cage : 60pts
13. Andrea Cecchini : 48pts
14. Brandon Jackson : 33pts
15. Fredrik Hahlin : 29pts
16. Jerry Moorrees : 13pts
17. Toni Sokolov : 10pts

Dan takes the lead back with his win this week, pulling a slight gap to his competitors. 2nd through 6th is now really tight as Jake moves up another spot this week. Sadly, our original championship leader continues to fall through the standings. Can he have a late season resurgance?

Score Sheet: (can be viewed on PC only!)
Preliminary standings updated after Russia.

Mitchell loses third in the championship to Alex G after finishing in 14th.. He was on track to p2, but a safety car combined with penalties harmed him. That leaves Micheal the only remaining driver to finish every race of the season in the points. With Martijn being DSQ by the game in russia, Mitchell and Micheal are the only two drivers remaining whom have finished every race this season.

Hasnain takes a strong 5th due to the SC and penalties of others, after running out of the points in the race. He now says goodbye to the long lasting battle between many drivers for p10 in the standings and takes a solid 10th now. Jamie passes a lot of drivers aswell with a strong win, congrats. Sean meanwhile closes the gap to Micheal to only 2 points now. The championship is not decided yet..
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