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Bram Hengeveld

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Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
Drivers involved: Alex and I
Round 4 - Lap 17/36

Quite intense battle with Alex and I. Quite aggressive but on the limit from both of us until right at the end where he clearly misses his braking point and sends me into the gravel, giving me damage and officially ending my chances of any points.

I think he had damage at this point but he clearly had no intention of trying to slow down in a fair manner; I kept it in the limit while he didn’t I’m afraid.

Q: 1st-ish

Picked up a 5 place grid penalty on an outlap as Liam looked eager to pass me. Decided to brake at the wrong time thinking he was still on my inside when in fact he was in the process of moving onto the racing line. Bit of a silly thing for me to do and probably worthy of the grid pen.

This did however take all the pressure off meaning I was able to put together quite a strong lap for 'pole'.

R: 1st

Dropped to 8th at the start but the pace of the front group was slow, so I just tried to keep it clean and bide my time. A couple mistakes and collisions ahead meant I was p5 when others began pitting.

Didn't see the point in pitting early as Dawid came out in traffic so I extended the stint to lap 14 so that I could pit for mediums.

Didn't lose anything on the overcut so used the grip advantage to overtake the hard runners with Connor and Alex making my life even easier. Was just a time trial from then on knowing that Ben would be making a late surge on the alternate strategy but managed to keep him at arms length to take the victory.

Did not expect to have such a strong showing here, especially after my first TT session where I couldn't go any better than a 1:09.6. Brilliant to have the Haas cars turn 6th & 13th on the grid to a 1-2 in the race.

Congrats to Ben and Jake, see you all at Zandvoort next week, yeah?
Personally i think you were over the limit nearly putting me into the pit wall, deliberatly slowing down on apexes and running striaght into T1 giving my the gravel despite me being side by side.

you can clearly see i every time i gave him enough space and he came back from the outside into me touching me and breaking my front wing, hence i lost a buttload of grip and missed my braking point.

unfortunate incident but connor coming from the outside touching my car and giving me wing damage is what caused this in the first place.

In general @Hasnain282 this is now the 2nd rac ein a row where someone on a different strat and clearly slower is just deliberatly holding me up, Brandon even owed up to it after china, while legal i think this is more then a questionable behaviour and it would be nice to hear your opinion about that

from 3:32 onwards the whole battle with connor:

quite pissed with myself but also with the circumstances of the race. My pace overall was pretty diabolical but my strategy worked great overcutting clarky and dawid and being the net leader, untill once again i had a struggle to overcome someone on older tyres, partly myself to blame but people being out there just batering the leaders isnt the best conduct considering this should be a relaxed and fair league.

At least three of my strongest tracks where i was 2nd last year in everyone of them are coming up, so i hope to get away from this race and get the season going again

With regards to the events leading up to the incident. The damage was caused by a slight tap by Connor from when he was correcting a small slide around the outside of T7, however Connor did not have much room available to him and there wasn't really much else he could do to avoid it once he was at that point.
In terms of the amount of space given, I'd say it was on the limit though I don't want it going any further than that.
I can't really blame either of you as it was just hard racing for the most part with neither willing to give an inch and in this case it was just unfortunate how it ended up.

WIth regards to racing on differing strategies, you're free to race as you wish as long as it's clean and doesn't cause any incidents. I'm not stopping you from racing wheel to wheel however most of you are experienced enough to know when you're fighting losing battle and to just let things go for the benefit of both your races.
The league thrives itself on having a relatively chilled environment and I'd like to keep it that way so please try and be wary of who is around you when out on track.
Hi guys. Unfortunately something has come up for me this evening. So I’m happy to give up my place to a reserve. If the lobby isn’t full at the beginning I’d appreciate an invite on the off chance that I could join during qualy. Thanks.
- Drivers Involved: Myself and Berreh
- Round and Lap Number: Spain Lap 17
- Description and video: Pretty similar to my enquiry at Bahrain really. Got ahead of Berreh, turned off my overtake to not waste it as I thought with him not fighting on alternate strat he'd be compliant at this point and let me go. Instead he seems to hop over the curb at turn 2, probably getting himself a warning in the process, and then forces me off track to receive a warning.

Nothing really I could do to avoid it with the line he's taken, and eventually it's cost me P2. I finished on 3 warnings/ 1 penalty + no warnings. Have my race director if needed.

EDIT: Compare the space left in the incident compared to that on lap 1 with clarky. Plenty of space to make it through without needing to put me off track and force a warning.

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- Drivers Involved: Myself and Berreh
- Round and Lap Number: Spain Lap 17
- Description and video: Pretty similar to my enquiry at Bahrain really. Got ahead of Berreh, turned off my overtake to not waste it as I thought with him not fighting on alternate strat he'd be compliant at this point and let me go. Instead he seems to hop over the curb at turn 2, probably getting himself a warning in the process, and then forces me off track to receive a warning.

Nothing really I could do to avoid it with the line he's taken, and eventually it's cost me P2. I finished on 3 warnings/ 1 penalty + no warnings. Have my race director if needed.

Should have back out in my opinion. Penalty confirmed :p:thumbsup:
livid after this one

, pulled out my pb in qualifying but knowing that my race pace was awful i just tried to get as many points as possible but my ERS being stuck on overtake for most of the race and me being retarded gives me another blank. At least i am still "only" a race win behind the championship lead so stiill all to play for.

livid after this one

, pulled out my pb in qualifying but knowing that my race pace was awful i just tried to get as many points as possible but my ERS being stuck on overtake for most of the race and me being retarded gives me another blank. At least i am still "only" a race win behind the championship lead so stiill all to play for.

Looked like your engine performance was set to "realistic".
Quite a fun race really. Enjoyed the battle with clarky and ollie, both probably having better pace. I really struggled with setup and the track in general, so to be where I was is a win really in a championship challenge.

Would be happy with 3rd regardless of the penalty out come. Definitely similarities to the Bahrain incident, and this one was probably more avoidable by giving me more room in a needless bit of racing, so we'll see if it also gets overturned. Regardless though, I'm happy as I said. Right behind Connor in the championship either way, and somewhat maximised my potential.

Onwards to Canada! Well done to Connor, was never really in any doubt. Congrats to josh on a first podium, and to ollie on a great turn of speed- a dark horse for future wins undoubtedly. A shame for alex and dan how their races unravelled too. See you next week guys, thanks to Hasnain. Great time as usual.
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