*.fbx to bob's track builder xpack???

is it posible to pack to BTB a venueterrain.fbx exported from Race track builder using 3ds max?

i can't or i don't know how because i exported from 3ds a *.3ds file and got an error in the xpacker something like "error reading file , a non negative number needed, parameter name: count"

any clues someone?
The error 'non negative number required' usually applies to lists, and that a list which should have at least one item doesn't in fact have any.

It could be, for example, that the material (or its diffuse texture) isn't assigned in a way that the 3ds exporter can recognize, causing the 3ds file to contain no materials. Try exporting as Collada (DAE) instead. XPacker supports that format too. If that doesn't work, but you've successfully exported other objects to XPacker, compare them with this terrain object and see what's different.

You could also import XPacker's example 3ds object and see how its setup is different. It may be that you need to assign a new simple material (just one texture).

Another possibility is that the terrain object has too many triangles (based on the error message I think it's unlikely), so if changing the material doesn't fix the problem, try splitting a few of the objects triangles into a new object and just exporting that.
finally ive achieved the goal by exporting RTB---fbx----3dsimed-----dae------BTBxpacker-------BTB

I wonder now after trying several aproaches, what is the best solution:

1-- Drive over a giant object (the whole imported venue) with an invisibisible track (not collide, not render)

2-- Drive over an invisible track who has the giant object under it