[Formula Hybrid] Where is the fallback Chassis_C stored?

Hey guys,
As the title says, I need to find the default "fallback" Chassis_C texture for this car. Basically, The paint I'm currently working on does not have the 2017_Chassis_C file in the skin folder, which tells me that there's some sort of default Chassis_C (or an equivalent) stored somewhere. I need to get my hands on it so I can quickly paint a bit of the front wing and throw it in the skin folder to override the default, and I don't want to have to re-carbon the blank template for it. Does anyone know where it may be?
Thanks beforehand!
Hi there,
the default textures are always safe packed into the kn5-file of the car.

The official templates offers editable psd-files, which you could finde HERE.
To apply a proper carbon-look use the 'metal_detail.dds' and the alpha channels of '2017_Chassis_C.dds' and '2017_Chassis_P.dds'. Feel free to take a look at my Haas F1 skin to see how it's done! ;)

The alpha channel (channels tab/alpha 1) of the two chassis textures controls the application of the 'metal_detail.dds' (carbon fiber texture) onto these textures. Use white in the alpha ch. to apply the 'metal_detail.dds' onto the desired areas of the textures and black to hide it. To get the best carbon effect the desired parts in the chassis textures should have an white to grey color tone in the main RGB channel. You must save the texture in the DXT5 dds format.
Thanks so much! My Force India paints are now complete. Tire textures are yours ;)


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