FSR Presidency

Thomas Mundy has officially resigned from the FSR Presidency.

"I will be resigning from my post as President of the ISR Club. I am sorry that some of you feel I have don't my job correctly and I have made some mistakes but I would also like to thank those that did so much work to help whilst I was president. A lot of people didn't even think we would make the start of the season but we did. We now have a server which has saved FSR a lot of money over the course of a year. We also have articles appearing on motorsport.com. We have the continued sponsorship of Thrustmaster (David O'Reilly & Jonny Simon). A mod was created in record time (David Greco, John-Eric Saxen, Georg Winter, James Sadler). I would recommend that whoever does take the role make sure that the forum conduct and server conduct improves with regard to abuse etc. Its far more important than you might think.

Whoever takes it good luck to you and may it go well. Best wishes.

Also and this is just a suggestion if you can find a new president quickly then I suggest you do that and then announce it on the RD forums but I will leave that up to you. The reason I say that is it will prevent panic over the coming days but its up to you."
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Yes Thomas Mundy has resigned. Good luck to him in his future endeavors.

Nominations will (again) be taking place. If you would like to seriously be considered and run for ISR Club President you may PM me and I can nominate you.

The season will move forward as planned. Bahrain will still be held in 2 weeks. @John-Eric Saxén should have the track out soon.

@Mike Partington has been named PRO Race Director. Big thanks to @Pashalis Gergis and Daniel Brewer for doing what they did in Post Race Checks.

Vice President @Sam Jones is effectively in charge until after the new elections.

As always you may contact myself through private message or @David Greco (TOA Vice Chair).

We can use this thread as Q&A.