Ghost Cars In AC

In other games the ghost cars are translucent cars until they are either a bit in front or behind you, and they look like the car you are driving not some weird purple wire frames things like in AC.

Does it bother anyone else, is it likely that ghost cars will become like in other games?

And will hotlaps have timers running and your sector times to show if you are ahead or behind your best laps?

I like the way it records your best laps for each track but these other things would be nice.
They don't look wire-frame for me; they look basically like the car I'm in. They do look a little weird for some cars at some distances, though.

What I wish for most concerning ghost cars is to be able to choose some other car than the one I'm driving - my best lap so far in some other car. That would be a cool feature.
What I wish for most concerning ghost cars is to be able to choose some other car than the one I'm driving - my best lap so far in some other car. That would be a cool feature.

I think you can do that in Project Cars, choose any previous best lap with the car it was in.

Another thought on ghost cars is that at times I think they put too much pressure on you to beat your best lap, I often find if I turn off the ghost car and just concentrate on doing a quick lap it's faster than if I am trying to beat the ghost car.