The previous GTR games were always based on real FIA GT seasons (2003 & 2004). With SHIFT 2 already having licensed FIA GT1 content from the 2010 season and the current real FIA GT1 season being a bit of joke content wise I don't know anymore what to expect in the game.

If there is no world championship licensed content availabe what series would you like to have in the game?
The previous GTR games were always based on real FIA GT seasons (2003 & 2004). With SHIFT 2 already having licensed FIA GT1 content from the 2010 season and the current real FIA GT1 season being a bit of joke content wise I don't know anymore what to expect in the game.

If there is no world championship licensed content availabe what series would you like to have in the game?

I guess I'd like the V8 Australian series. They also go to Dubai and China too, I think, so there's variety. All sorts of obscure tracks I've only played in the Codemasters games. It would be nice to have a proper complete V8 season.

I'll also push for DTM and ALMS/LMS, powerful cars on great racetracks.

A few one-make series would be cool too, like a 997 Cup or whatever exists now.
Did a check on VGChartz here and indeed for a NFS game the numbers aren't as high as with the first part
The NFS fans are playing Hot Pursuit and the Track guys weren't fooled by the marketing when they saw that all the GT cars were sliding all over the place in the trailers. Game companies buy graphics engines all the time, why can't they do the same for physics instead of making these half-assed efforts?
I guess I'd like the V8 Australian series. They also go to Dubai and China too, I think, so there's variety. All sorts of obscure tracks I've only played in the Codemasters games. It would be nice to have a proper complete V8 season.

I'll also push for DTM and ALMS/LMS, powerful cars on great racetracks.

If you want great V8 racing, try FVRFactor's mod for the rfactor and the RACE Series, plus if you sign up at their site, they have many WIP Aussie tracks and they're great quality

I agree with LeMans, that would be great :)
Scaling up the gfx in GTR3 is a good thing imo.

Never said it wasn't, I said/implied that GFX are LAST on my priority for racing games{I don't buy driving games} F1 2011 and S3 can kiss my ass unless they cater to what I want, which of course could be done, whilst also catering to casual gamers, but I'm not going to be supporting casual games masquerading as sims anymore.

Have you driven the 1970 Camaro from the Retro pack for Race07....?....that's what I'm talking about.
I can wait until next year

Ever since the retro pack came out on RacePro on the xbox 360 game console, i was hopeing i would be released on the pc it took its time but it was worth it.:doublethumb:

I assume now its full speed ahead at SimBin HQ with Gtr3, But i think Rfactor 2 will be our first treat followed by GTR3 (happy:) days are comming)
My opinion? If they can pull it off without bastardizing the PC version, more power to them.

I am actually not against "dumbing down" the physics for newcomers at all. Race 07 has an "arcade" tab. I have never even looked at it for more than a second, but if you could choose to boot up the game in either console or "pro" mode and we could get more people to taste the sport, I think it can only be an asset. Eventually, some of these people will wonder what is like on the other side and we will gain more racers we wouldn't have had.

The important thing here is that the game pleases their core users. If GTR3 comes out as a compromise, like NFS2, then it's going to be the end of Simbin because they don;t have the console market and will lose the PC market.

I think one of the mistakes they made with NFS2 and F1 2010 is that they didn't realize that the hardcore simmers would be writing reviews for them before the casual gamers and the reviews would be terrible.

Modders have proven they can make any of these games much better with their limited knowledge, access and resources. The developers should be able to make them even more so. Then, dumb it down for the casual gamers, but give the serious simmers something they can use.
V8 Supercars is too restrictive of just racing in Australia, I'm 80-95% sure there will be some element of GT racing in it, especially after SImbin's most recent video where you saw Maserati MC12's and Corvette's.
v8 utes, they look a blast

karting , LMS, open wheelers, trophy andros( + the eletric ones), And if you think about hill climbs, they have every car you can think off + some very special tracks , Maybe theyve looked at the best mods for thr race series and gone from there...
There are a large number of console racers that just cannot afford, or justify buying an expensive PC rig to run large amounts of mods and the latest sims. And while I would agree that PC sims are far better, I just don't have the equipment to do it.

Us console racers have really been suffering for years with all the disappointments from Turn 10, EA and Codemasters. Race Pro is definitely the best thing we have. I'd love to see a ''GTR3'' on the console. Some of the comments towards the start of the thread are very, very ignorant indeed.

A sim, marketed in the right way, with good physics, good visuals (framerate comes first) and good licensed content would make cash on the console.

A BTCC licensed game on the console would make a lot of money here in the UK and parts of Europe. An Aussie V8 license would bring in plenty of cash from Australia and New Zealand. Le Mans' growing popularity could be made advantage of. Why not tap into series like Indycar, which are desperate to get back on the racing map?

To take it a step further, it's not only that you have to pay an exorbitant amount of money, but you have to keep paying down the road. More memory, new video cards, new sound cards, etc. I don't want to buy a high end gaming PC, bring it home, turn it on, and then find out two months later that I can't run the latest and greatest game without buying a new video card (which in fact did happen to me). And then when you buy a new video card, it STILL doesn't work, i.e. the case with the newer NVidia cards and Race On/rFactor. It gets expensive, and quite frankly I have other things I want to spend money on, and I don't want to participate in this PC gamers arms race.

The other thing I always point out, is that there are many different types of games on a console that I can't find on a PC. Uncharted, God of War, Metal Gear Solid, Little Big Planet, RockBand, etc. Sure, many of those may not be "hardcore", but I don't always want to dismember corpse after non-descript corpse.

Sure some of you sneer and look down your noses at consoles, but there's something to be said of having every game work for five to seven years. One is not necessarily "better" than the other. It's what you want out of your machine. I wouldn't mind seeing GTR3 come to the PS3. I'm sure if done right, it could make the transition very well.
My opinion? If they can pull it off without bastardizing the PC version, more power to them.

I am actually not against "dumbing down" the physics for newcomers at all. Race 07 has an "arcade" tab. I have never even looked at it for more than a second, but if you could choose to boot up the game in either console or "pro" mode and we could get more people to taste the sport, I think it can only be an asset. Eventually, some of these people will wonder what is like on the other side and we will gain more racers we wouldn't have had.

The important thing here is that the game pleases their core users. If GTR3 comes out as a compromise, like NFS2, then it's going to be the end of Simbin because they don;t have the console market and will lose the PC market.

I think one of the mistakes they made with NFS2 and F1 2010 is that they didn't realize that the hardcore simmers would be writing reviews for them before the casual gamers and the reviews would be terrible.

Modders have proven they can make any of these games much better with their limited knowledge, access and resources. The developers should be able to make them even more so. Then, dumb it down for the casual gamers, but give the serious simmers something they can use.

Really though, the "hardcore simmers" are a small audience. Sorry guys, but I had to say it. If you're running a business, and when we get down to brass tax video games are a BUSINESS, you don't want to sell to as few people as possible, you want to see to as many as possible. It's a trade off you make.

One of the problems I've always found with "sims" is that there's far too much emphasis on things NOT related to the gameplay. I know that sim fans eat that kind of thing up, but it can be very frustrating. The first time I played Rainbow Six I spent forty five minutes planning a mission, that I only actually played for about 30 seconds before all the fire teams were wiped out. I nearly put my fist through the screen!

I know a lot of you guys are going to lambast me for this, but when I first started up GT Legends and I wanted to make adjustments, I saw this sceen;

There's got to be at least 30 different values there. I don't want to sit there for an hour tweaking each setting 1% each way to see if there's a difference. At some point frustration will set in, and you're going to say "I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE DAMN GAME!!".

I know that there's this feeling of "it has to be realistic", but this is still a game, and it has to be fun. Tweaking and tuning is not fun for a lot of people. If you're into that, fine, but it gets very tedious very quickly. There's nothing wrong with streamlining the process.
Really though, the "hardcore simmers" are a small audience. Sorry guys, but I had to say it.

I am not offended. In fact, that was sort of my point. Hardcore simmers are a small audience compared to console gamers, but we tend to be more vocal and passionate about our sims.

If company XYZ comes out with a new driving game, we are going to try it. If it is a simplistic arcade game, we are probably going to write bad reviews and critical forum posts.

When the casual gamer searches for reviews of that game they are going to read very negative ones. It may be that game would have been perfect for him or her, but based on the bad review from the minority simmer they are not going to buy it and may even repeat the negative comments with their friends snowballing the issue.

My point is that apparently it's really not that hard to make some of these games like F1 2010 and NFS better sims.

hey could also take a page from the success of rfactor and the many mods available for it, even on the console.

Maybe they could set up a modding program where the better modding houses could submit new mods to the parent company for approval and release at the price level Simbin is doing. With a fair profit sharing model I believe it would work and it would keep the game more relevant for longer on both the PC and console platform. Especially in the Xbox arena.

But that's a different matter.

The bottom line, there is a lot more casual gamers than serious simmers, but because we are serious our opinion is likely to influence the gamer's buying habits. make us happy.
Bram, I was thinking about the same thing. GT1 already licensed by NFS, and the real life series itself is also losing popularity. Last years rule chenges looked promising, but Maserati already pulled out, and there is still no proper TV coverage, only a web player on their site with 10-15 fps. After a few races a stopped watching the series last year. So it would be hard to sell a game based on an unpopular championship. I bet a lot of teens (future simracers :)) don't even know if this series exists.
When GTR3 was announced I was sure that it will be about GT1/GT3. Now I'm not. I was thinking about the possible other series that could come into view. V8 is only popular in Australia, DTM only in Germany, all the formula series living in the shadow of F1. So my conclusion is that it will be possibly the LMS/ALMS series. I would be very happy with this. Huge variety in cars, legendary tracks etc. And my imagination just kept going: a RETRO addon for LMS!!! You know what I'm thinking :cool: (Porsche 917, Ferrari 512, Lola T70, Matra-Simca... etc :wink:)
you have to pay an exorbitant amount of money,

I didn't pay an exorbitant amount for what is now a lowly e8400+4850+4gig ram PC which I bought 3yrs ago, and guess what, I'm still using it, still able to run EVERY GAME at 1080p with some settings tuned down, still able to use my PC as my media centre with the awsome W7 WMC software.

You blame the PC industry for your failure to buy properly or at the right time.....I buy a new PC every 3 yrs or so{this period being the exception as my PC is still kicking ass}, so the cost is hardly "exorbitant" especially when you factor in that you have the best, not some ****ty little RROD piece of junk with a gimped gaming controller.
I didn't pay an exorbitant amount for what is now a lowly e8400+4850+4gig ram PC which I bought 3yrs ago, and guess what, I'm still using it, still able to run EVERY GAME at 1080p with some settings tuned down, still able to use my PC as my media centre with the awsome W7 WMC software.

You blame the PC industry for your failure to buy properly or at the right time.....I buy a new PC every 3 yrs or so{this period being the exception as my PC is still kicking ass}, so the cost is hardly "exorbitant" especially when you factor in that you have the best, not some ****ty little RROD piece of junk with a gimped gaming controller.

If you don't mind my asking, what do you pay on average for a new PC "every three years"? And I think you're being unfair when you call a gaming controller "gimped". It's different than a mouse and keyboard, and that's by design. There are many context sensitive moves that would be impossible with a mouse and keyboard. One is not necessarily superior to the other, they are different by their very nature.

As for buying at the "wrong time", when is there a "right time"? (that's a rhetorical question) A friend of mine who works in I.T. told me once that if you wait for "the right time", then you're never going to buy anything. It's always been one of the problems with technology, you bring it home and as soon as you turn it on, it's out of date. You can try to future proof yourself, but it's really a losing battle.
If you don't mind my asking, what do you pay on average for a new PC "every three years"?

These days it would range from $1200-$1800 for the guts{PS3 bundle in Australia is approx $550, but launched at $1000}......and so now you'll do the maths and tell me you're still a few bob ahead, well that's the deal, ie, inferior equipment is cheaper.....

There's also the problem of a lack of precision on the consoles as they're equipped with moronic gamepads only, despite being computers more than cable of running a KB&M, admittedly, a steering wheel negates that charge, but it still applies for other games.

I highly doubt you play tactical shooters, but have you seen how they've utterly destroyed the Tom Clancy Ghost recon series?'s now COD dressed as a tactical shooter as the game developers KNOW that the intelligence, patience, and determination of a casual gamer is extremely limited.

It's one thing to own a console as an addition to a decent PC, but to favour and arguably boast about a console being your primary gaming platform seriously undermines your intelligence IMO.....heck, I'd be way too embarrassed to admit I even owned a console, let alone declare it the best gaming platform.
These days it would range from $1200-$1800 for the guts{PS3 bundle in Australia is approx $550, but launched at $1000}......and so now you'll do the maths and tell me you're still a few bob ahead, well that's the deal, ie, inferior equipment is cheaper.....

There's also the problem of a lack of precision on the consoles as they're equipped with moronic gamepads only, despite being computers more than cable of running a KB&M, admittedly, a steering wheel negates that charge, but it still applies for other games.

I highly doubt you play tactical shooters, but have you seen how they've utterly destroyed the Tom Clancy Ghost recon series?'s now COD dressed as a tactical shooter as the game developers KNOW that the intelligence, patience, and determination of a casual gamer is extremely limited.

It's one thing to own a console as an addition to a decent PC, but to favour and arguably boast about a console being your primary gaming platform seriously undermines your intelligence IMO.....heck, I'd be way too embarrassed to admit I even owned a console, let alone declare it the best gaming platform.

Bro, don't go there. I'm trying to carry on a reasonable dialog with you, and it's more difficult to do so when you take that type of tone. Let's leave that kind of thing at the door.

Well for me it's a matter of preference and game style(s). The game I prefer to play are predominantly on consoles. Sports games like Madden, baseball, basketball, granted I play a number of racing games, which is why I went and bought a wheel and the Fanatec stand for those. Even something like Batman Arkham Asylum I would rather play on a console because of convenience, and there's several free downloadable levels that are available on the PS3, including the Joker level. As for the gamepads, you have to take issue with developers. There are a few PS3 games with keyboard and mouse support, however the idea of versatility is what drives use of the DualShock controller. And given the Sixaxis controls there's a few neat things that it can do, that you simply can not do with a mouse and keyboard. But that's neither here nor there.

Still, I simply don't want to spend that much money on a gaming PC every three years, especially when I could do other things with that money. Yes it's a machine "for the masses", but as you can imagine $300 every five to seven years is easier to swallow than $1,200 to $1,800. Coincidentally, last year $1,800 got me eight days in a very nice hotel in London. When it comes right down to it, it's about preference.

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