GTR2 and Windows 11

What's the status of GTR2 on Windows 11?

I have a comment on a YouTube video from somebody who can't get it to run.

Are there some steps to get it going?

Windows XP/Vista/7/10/11+ Compatibility​

Note: I'm tracking GTR2 and Windows Compatibility on Secrets of GTR2 and I'll update this post with any new helpful tidbits.

Try GTR2 first. If GTR2 is running fine for you, no need to worry about this section.

Follow this GTR2 and Windows 11 thread for more comments from other people including generic tips for ‘how to run older software on newer windows’.

Compatibility Modes:
  • Steam
    • GTR2Config.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Check “Run as Administrator”
    • Do NOT set a Windows Compatibility mode on either GTR2Config.exe or GTR2.exe
  • Steam with Crew Chief GTR2 Enhancements Plugin
    • Do NOT set either Run As Administrator or Windows Compatibility modes on GTR2.exe or GTR2Config.exe
    • If using DXVK: GTR2Config.exe functionality can be replaced by new GTR2.exe command-line switches and dxvk.conf
    • If you’re having any issues check the manual for more details
  • Disc:
    • GTR2Config.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Check “Run as Administrator”
    • GTR2.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Check “Run as Administrator”
    • GTR2.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Set “Windows XP SP3” Compatibility mode
GTR2 and Windows 10/11+

You may need to install additional DirectX 9 June 2010 Redistributables (direct link).

If you’re really stuck

There’s some registry changes for GTR2.exe that may help.

This DXVK Integration > Troubleshooting section may also help in the Crew Chief GTR2 Enhancements Plugin manual.
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What's the status of GTR2 on Windows 11?

I have a comment on a YouTube video from somebody who can't get it to run.

Are there some steps to get it going?
My primary gaming computer still runs Win10, but I tested GTR2+CCGEP on 2 Win11 laptops and it worked no problem. I know that GTR2 does not work for some and I suspect there's a security/group policy setting that tightens legacy features that old game depends on. There are also compatibility settings that some people had to set (see CCGEP manual if interested).
The generic rules for older games in everything from Vista on -
Do not install to any "Program Files" directory; set compatibility for "XP SP3" or "Win7 SP1"; set all exe files (including installers) to run as admin; make sure your account has full access to the install folder.

And occasionally (I've not experienced this in any of my race sims) you may have to limit the affinity to a single core. A simple utility called "FlipTIB" makes this easy.
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Windows 12 may be taking a new approach to the way the operating system is designed on a core level. Microsoft is planning to make Windows 12 more modular, in the sense that certain components of the OS can be enabled or disabled for specific devices. This idea, known as CorePC, would allow for more tailored experiences for devices with different form factors and capabilities.

For example, a lower-end tablet or foldable PC may not support classic Win32 apps in order to have a lighter build. However, that feature would still be available on traditional desktop PC, so long-time users can still use their PC just as they always have.

Windows 12 release date 2024 probably 3th quarter

More currious how gtr2 would handle windows 12.. as win11 would also be replaced probably in 2024 aka next year
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I've updated the original post to include Windows Compatibility details I'm aware of so far

Windows XP/Vista/7/10/11+ Compatibility​

Note: I'm tracking GTR2 and Windows Compatibility on Secrets of GTR2 and I'll update this post with any new helpful tidbits.

Try GTR2 first. If GTR2 is running fine for you, no need to worry about this section.

Follow this GTR2 and Windows 11 thread for more comments from other people including generic tips for ‘how to run older software on newer windows’.

Compatibility Modes:

  • Steam
    • GTR2Config.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Check “Run as Administrator”
    • Do NOT set a Windows Compatibility mode on either GTR2Config.exe or GTR2.exe
  • Steam with Crew Chief GTR2 Enhancements Plugin
    • Same as Steam but if you’re having any issues check the manual for more details
  • Disc:
    • GTR2Config.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Check “Run as Administrator”
    • GTR2.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Check “Run as Administrator”
    • GTR2.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Set “Windows XP SP3” Compatibility mode
GTR2 and Windows 10

You may need to install additional DirectX 9 June 2010 Redistributables (direct link).

GTR2 and Windows 11+

You may need to install additional DirectX 9 June 2010 Redistributables (direct link).

If you’re really stuck, there’s some registry changes for GTR2.exe that may help.

This DXVK Integration > Troubleshooting section may also help in the Crew Chief GTR2 Enhancements Plugin manual.
Windows 12 is leaving the drawing bord as we spreak..

Think of all the things you do not like about W11. Amplify them. That will be W12.

would allow for more tailored experiences for devices with different form factors and capabilities.

But who would do the tailoring? MS or the end user?

My major complaint with recent windows, starting with Vista but becoming unacceptable with W10, is that with each new version of windows MS removes more and more end user options and configurability. I suspect there will come a day when the end user may, possibly, be allowed to change the desktop wallpaper ...and then will have to deal with endless popups in the corner of the screen "Desktop wall paper has been changed! Click here to restore default."

If Win7 becomes inoperable before I do, I'll deal with Linux; the aggravation of gettng my games working there is preferable to the aggravation of MS dictating how I use my computer.
Think of all the things you do not like about W11. Amplify them. That will be W12.

But who would do the tailoring? MS or the end user?

My major complaint with recent windows, starting with Vista but becoming unacceptable with W10, is that with each new version of windows MS removes more and more end user options and configurability. I suspect there will come a day when the end user may, possibly, be allowed to change the desktop wallpaper ...and then will have to deal with endless popups in the corner of the screen "Desktop wall paper has been changed! Click here to restore default."

If Win7 becomes inoperable before I do, I'll deal with Linux; the aggravation of gettng my games working there is preferable to the aggravation of MS dictating how I use my computer.
Well i have a pc with windows 7 no extra anti virus etc (my internet provider has a anti virus/anti mallware etc running on every connection (ziggo for dutch users)

I dont care if its not safe or up to date. What they wanna steal? Log books from gtr2 rf1 or rf2? That i have searched for gtr2 stuff? Stealing mods i have downloaded from RD.. really what the F they want to do.
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I use it mostly for programs that dont run or dont run great on win 10
(My main pc) but still i let it connect to the internet i really dont mind.

At my company a year ago or so there was a win 10 update that messed up the printer pool resulting the hole company come to a grinding hold food related producted could not print labels with date and other usefull data.

So great all the new stuff.. but after 20 years or more they still mess things up like they did in the past(MS, never learns from there own mistakes)

To me i would like to have a os as light as win xp but with propper 64 bit support and up to date directx plus hardrive bigger then x support.
I dont need more then that. I really dont care about paint 3d or in build 3d printer program's or xbox live while i dont own any console and not planning of owning one either.

Pop up news items in start menu kind of things... or what the weather is... (just look outside) dont need it never will need it either.

It is because i need win 10 to run my videocard propperly without the hussle in os like ubuntu or linux etc.

I just want a plain simple os
Just like win xp once was (in compair to win10 or 11 xp is much simpler)

Os dont need to be eye candy for me.. i am more in games then i am on my desktop.
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Lol, I'm reminded of a conversation with an OSU programmer a few years ago, shortly after W10 was released. She said you could remove half of W10 and it would still perform all the functions you need of an OS, it would be faster, more efficient, and more stable. And it's a matter of a few hours work to make any version of windows completely compatible with all previous windows software; you could run a 16bit Win3.0 program on a 64 bit W10 system, all the functions are there, MS just chose not to allow it.

It's also rumored that windows will soon be cloud based, your system will become a dumb terminal which access the OS on the cloud. So in addition to your phone bill, electric bill, etc., you will have a monthly MS bill. I know some will love this idea ....I'd rather have an abacus.
Lol, I'm reminded of a conversation with an OSU programmer a few years ago, shortly after W10 was released. She said you could remove half of W10 and it would still perform all the functions you need of an OS, it would be faster, more efficient, and more stable. And it's a matter of a few hours work to make any version of windows completely compatible with all previous windows software; you could run a 16bit Win3.0 program on a 64 bit W10 system, all the functions are there, MS just chose not to allow it.

It's also rumored that windows will soon be cloud based, your system will become a dumb terminal which access the OS on the cloud. So in addition to your phone bill, electric bill, etc., you will have a monthly MS bill. I know some will love this idea ....I'd rather have an abacus.
Years ago it was called windows azure.. a cloud based windows where you dont need (have) a local hard drive any more and every thing would be stored on a server.. so you only would need something with a cpu/gpu/ram. To operate this windows azure
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Also you could see this cloud based trend in windows 10.. every time you download a installer for something and you want to install, windows checks if the installer is trusted, aka if its approved by ms if it dont you get a pop up menu saying something like, this installer is unknown and probably bad, if you want to install it you have to agree that its at your own risk.

With things like azure you probably can not install things that arent trusted, a cloud based windows could eliminate illegal software periodly. Because your harddrive is on a ms server so they allways can check if you have "illegal" software.
This will destroy things like torrent limewire etc. So you can bet there will be a cloud based windows in the future.. windows azure is not really known by the big mass, but if you look closely and the rumours you hear windows azure is a testbest for something you hear rumours about
At my company a year ago or so there was a win 10 update that messed up the printer pool resulting the hole company come to a grinding hold food related producted could not print labels with date and other usefull data.
Lol, the infinite wonders of Microsoft.

It's also rumored that windows will soon be cloud based, your system will become a dumb terminal which access the OS on the cloud.
So I will go 100% Linux then. Now I'm balancing between Win7 and Linux on a dual boot.
BTW in the last several years there was a big improvement in Linux regarding playing Windows games. The Linux Mint itself is very user friendly for people that have only Windows experience (like me). Installing Windows games with Wine is more convenient nowadays - almost everything can be done via graphic UI, the need for command line typing is minimized.
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Installing Windows games with Wine is more convenient nowadays - almost everything can be done via graphic UI, the need for command line typing is minimized

From what I read on gaming forums there are still several variants of Linux and several windows emulators. Different combinations of these are best depending on what game(s) you're trying to run. There is still no universal "plug and play" of windows software in Linux, this is still the major drawback for me (it's like being told you need different TVs depending on what channels you want to watch).

a cloud based windows could eliminate illegal software periodly. Because your harddrive is on a ms server so they allways can check if you have "illegal" software.

That is not a big issue, beyond it is none of MS business what anyone has on their own computers. But with this system MS, not you, will have full control over "your" computer. They can, and will, dictate what you can and cannot do and how you will do it; they will even have full control over what websites you are "allowed" to visit. "Every move you make, every breathe you take, I'll be watching you."

Would you allow the manufacturer of your television to dictate what you can or cannot watch? (It is bad enough that "smart" TVs report what you are watching.) Would you accept the manufacturer of your automobile dictating where and when you can drive?

The absolute best thing that could happen to the computer world would be for Microsoft to have competition. If we had an alternative to windows that would run the programming, MS would have to drop their totalitarian attitudes and cater to their customers, not dictate to them.
FWIW, from an anti-trust suit brought against MS twenty years ago (they bought their way out of it) -

"Plaintiffs' Joint Proposed Findings of Fact, and the evidence on which they are based, demonstrate that Microsoft has engaged in a broad pattern of unlawful conduct with the purpose and effect of thwarting emerging threats to its powerful and well-entrenched operating system monopoly. Most prominent among these was the threat posed by competing Internet browsers, particularly Netscape's Navigator. Non-Microsoft browsers, if widely used, promised to form the center of an emerging middleware platform that could have helped to erode the high applications barrier to entry that protects Microsoft's monopoly.

Microsoft acted quickly to squelch this evolving middleware threat to what it sometimes called its "desktop paradise," first by proposing an illegal division of markets, and then by embarking on a predatory campaign to restrict the distribution and usage of Netscape's browser and, in Microsoft's words, to "cut off Netscape's air supply." But Microsoft's broad anticompetitive campaign has not been limited to preempting the browser threat; Microsoft sought to curtail other actual or potential middleware threats to its operating system monopoly, including Sun's Java, Intel's Native Signal Processing, and Apple's QuickTime. Microsoft's actions demonstrate that it believed it could not win simply by competing on the merits. As one of Microsoft's top executives candidly acknowledged: "we were very concerned that if the user saw Netscape Navigator side by side with Internet Explorer . . . we would lose."

Microsoft's predatory campaign worked. It succeeded in preserving Microsoft's monopoly power by preventing the successful development of alternative platforms that could have eroded its Windows monopoly and given consumers greater choice. In other words, Microsoft prevented consumers from getting what they wanted so that Microsoft could keep what it had -- a monopoly in operating systems.

For a long time now -- and, if Microsoft's actions to maintain its monopoly are not halted, for well into the future -- personal computer consumers are locked into a Microsoft world, one in which a single company essentially controls the configuration of desktop computing."

Entire article at -
I've noticed some discussions around GTR2 compatibility on Windows 11, and I thought I'd share some insights. It seems like users are facing challenges, and your guide provides a thorough walkthrough, including compatibility modes and potential registry tweaks. I also wonder if switching to Windows 11 professional might help. It's fantastic to see the community coming together to troubleshoot and find solutions. Best of luck to those working on getting GTR2 running smoothly!
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From what I read on gaming forums there are still several variants of Linux and several windows emulators. Different combinations of these are best depending on what game(s) you're trying to run. There is still no universal "plug and play" of windows software in Linux, this is still the major drawback for me (it's like being told you need different TVs depending on what channels you want to watch).

That is not a big issue, beyond it is none of MS business what anyone has on their own computers. But with this system MS, not you, will have full control over "your" computer. They can, and will, dictate what you can and cannot do and how you will do it; they will even have full control over what websites you are "allowed" to visit. "Every move you make, every breathe you take, I'll be watching you."

Would you allow the manufacturer of your television to dictate what you can or cannot watch? (It is bad enough that "smart" TVs report what you are watching.) Would you accept the manufacturer of your automobile dictating where and when you can drive?

The absolute best thing that could happen to the computer world would be for Microsoft to have competition. If we had an alternative to windows that would run the programming, MS would have to drop their totalitarian attitudes and cater to their customers, not dictate to them.
If they dictate what you can and can not do that would also mean a end to illegal software.. because surely they will dictate that you can not use illegal software. Not that is my goal to have illegal software...
But sometimes its handy to check if you pc can or can not work with that software before buying.

Demo's are not allways included and i learned the hard way with gtr2 demo and full version.

Demo did run full version not.
(Talking about 2006 era)

So yes thats the only reason i sometimes use "illegal" software if there is no propper demo or questions if the demo is as hard as the real version.
I've noticed some discussions around GTR2 compatibility on Windows 11, and I thought I'd share some insights. It seems like users are facing challenges, and your guide provides a thorough walkthrough, including compatibility modes and potential registry tweaks.

This is almost certainly a bot post but my report was rejected :/

This format of comment is common on YouTube and WordPress blogs
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