hat happened to Unreal 4 in Raceroom?

Just having a look at RRE history. Found in Feb 2017 they said they were going to switch to UE4. Anyone know why that never happened? Bit of a shame as it would have been a real game changer. After ten years a change is well overdue. I like RRE, but I feel they need to improve the game in graphics, laser scanned tracks etc., if they want to expand the player base. BTW title should begin with "What", probably stupid wireless keyboard problem.
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I don't think there was ever an official info for that, maybe on their forums, but not here.

They probably realized it wasn't worth the effort. Switching engines usually isn't far off from starting a new game altogehter. Then there was also the GTR3 vaporware that I think also had something to do with it.

That's all from what i vaguely remember, maybe somebody esle is more informed about the matter.
I don't think there was ever an official info for that, maybe on their forums, but not here.

They probably realized it wasn't worth the effort. Switching engines usually isn't far off from starting a new game altogehter. Then there was also the GTR3 vaporware that I think also had something to do with it.

That's all from what i vaguely remember, maybe somebody esle is more informed about the matter.
OK, thanks. That makes a whole lot of sense. Suppose just sim racers wishful thinking, without consideration for the practicality of such a big change. But I think they will will have to update it soon or get left behind by the competition.

I really like the way RRE handles, which from my limited track experience seems pretty good. It would be good if the game could be further developed. But for that it really needs an graphic engine update. Guess we just have to except it as it is and enjoy it, cos nothings going to happen for years, that's for sure.
I was an RRE beta tester yrs ago....they were to switch to the unreal engine after the release of GTR3.
The few pictures we saw of that title was using Raceroom place holder content while they looked to secure a license but could never obtain one.

The whole switch to a new engine died off...than JF mentioned updating the DX9 to dx11 several yrs ago....nothing other than the same old "were looking into the options/possibilities/solutions" since.

After all the yrs of playing and supporting RRE...I still scratch my head, as to why they didn't just remaster the Race07 engine and do what Reiza did with AMS and the isi engine ?
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Yes it would have been a smart move to develop Race07. I remember playing that a lot and enjoying the online racing. In some respects it was a better sim, since it had dynamic weather rather than the static conditions in RRE. It just shows that a lot a sims have actually gone backwards in this area.
I am not exactly sure why...
But if Simbin UK had acquired the license to use the Unreal engine and was using Sector3 place holder content and sharing/helping with resources, why they didn't merge after GTR3 was confirmed dead?

From what I got from the revolving door of staff that went through the studio over the yrs, was that there hands were really tied by KW.
There was alot of strange stuff going on during that period. GTR3 was even tested by a certain moderator/staff member on Racedepartment (so he claimed) and still nothing ever came about from it. I am sure RRE would have really benefitted from it too.
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