HOLY Shamolee - The Long Requested / Buttkicker Gamer 2 / Simhub Tactile Effects Thread

Mr Latte

I've been asked for a long time to do a thread on one of the most popular ever tactile transducers.
To this day the Buttkicker Gamer 2 is one of the most considered entry-level packages.

As tactile becomes a REAL headache of a topic.

First off, I'm going to simply request that this thread is for discussion only of using the Buttkicker Gamer product line.
This way all users are on the same hardware. It's not, to talk about tactile in general, it's not to talk about other models of Buttkicker or different makes of units and different models or using different amps etc.

Keeping It Simple Guys
So let's focus on and talk about using "Simhub" and getting started with effects creation/tuning for the BK Gamer & BK Gamer 2 models
My hope is people will benefit and learn from this, owners will get involved. People will start to share their own effects, discuss issues, configurations ask questions. I will help what I can and for those that are new to this and using a single shaker or indeed the more advanced users with multiple sets of units installed.

Getting Started:
Tactile when it's working nice can be a great addition but it can also be a troublesome one as these and many threads show regards setting up, configuring, and how to come up with nice working effects. I will continue to update this thread in time with images/info on getting started but I think we have a fair few that are already using and familiar with the software.

(Info on Amp & Soundcard Settings To be Added)
(Info on Windows/Software Settings To Be Added)
(Images for break down on mentioned factors, Master Volume / Effect Folders / Effect Layers)

Featured Effects - Lets SHARE!
Here is my own effects submission, as my first test effects based on ACC and The Ferrari 488GT3
I used this car for creating the files as I had previous effects testing done with this.

My advice is if checking out the effects try them on that sim/car.
People will likely use shared effects for other cars and sims too and that can vary how well or suitable the effects are but for feedback.
I would suggest relating to how effects feel with the car/sim they are created on. To me, this makes sense if someone else creates/shares their own sets to mention what sim/car was used.

What I attempted to do with this set was to bring more to the immersion than an individual or typically used tones have.
Yet also with the intent to make things easy and keep down the number of layers an effect uses. This way we can get more variation in the possible feel and personalize the felt sensations.

  • As a baseline, these are not bad, better is possible with more layers but this being mostly aimed at beginners to tactile
  • I want to make it easier to start feeling or learning how we can achieve nice felt sensations
  • Simple advice, stick to altering just the volumes and not things in each layer's settings if you are not aware of how/what they do
  • In some scenarios with combinations of effects, even a single Hz change can alter how the layers of different effects work together or feel
  • This can be covered if the thread is a success and then we could start looking deeper into each effect's primary settings

Balancing Frequencies
With each effect, I have them simply labeled for easy discussion and in their own folder.
  • Within each folder, I have set out 3 layers for most effects
  • This enables altering the volume of individual layers to adjust the feel of that effect
  • Try each layer on its own, learn what it does/how it feels then set a general volume
  • Do the same for all effects, then fine-tune the volume for each effect folder, to balance the mix for all effects
  • Test and tweak, different cars or sims can vary even with the same settings

Same Effects / Very Different Feel
You can create a volume balance that is more towards the engine or chassis feel depending on what you like. It's also possible to create a volume mix for both scenarios and save these as individual profiles to then use/load as you please.

We all may differ in what, we prefer to represent sensations for different effects, so I welcome others to get involved too.
Personally, I think it's better to use more balanced volumes or try to limit the effects used. Even this set the Engine/Speed effects to keep a single unit busy and make it harder to feel other effects.

These effects have perhaps some potential for easier enjoyment in getting started but the may need better-balanced volume settings
See what you think and feel free to comment or indeed highlight issues.

How To Use:
Simhub can be found HERE
My efforts being shared are like an unofficial help/guidance I am no way associated with the software or its developer. I recommend this incredible software as it is the best option now available for tactile and with many other uses/features. So please consider giving its developer a kind donation.

I strongly recommend also reading any official documentation that is given to get a grasp of how to use it.

NOTICE: The attached set of effects is not to represent ideal/perfect settings but as a starter for people to use and give feedback. If people get involved and offer feedback or share their own effects then I will help with sharing other effects more to what people may want.

My Attached Profile:
*Download File, place it in Docs/Simhub folder and rename from ".txt" to ".siprofile" for it to work as a profile
You should then be able to import it into Simhub.


  • Assetto Corsa Competizione - RD Forums _ BK GAMER2 - ACC - Example Effects By Mr Latte.txt
    22.7 KB · Views: 1,621
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Hi there, I haven’t used Simhub for a while - and although I am very happy with my current Simvibe setup, this has inspired me to give it another go!
One thing I do have to pause to question though is touting simhub as being;
the best option now available for tactile
Albeit perhaps a not a debate for this thread, I think we do need to make sure subjective views like this are clear as being so (@Mr Latte, I also respectfully appreciate your unfortunate history with the team at Simxperience - which I was both surprised and sad to discover, but I would hope your advice and support to the community remains objective and unbiased, if you catch my drift ). Maybe we need another thread for Simvibe users- but that being said, you have persuaded me to give simhub another try - im personally keen to support any endeavour to help make tactile setup easier and more approachable as it brings so much more to the simulated experience - so I will give it a go! Cheers.
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Hi there, I haven’t used Simhub for a while - and although I am very happy with my current Simvibe setup, this has inspired me to give it another go!
One thing I do have to pause to question though is touting simhub as being; Albeit perhaps a not a debate for this thread, I think we do need to make sure subjective views like this are clear as being so (@Mr Latte, I also respectfully appreciate your unfortunate history with the team at Simxperience - which I was both surprised and sad to discover, but I would hope your advice and support to the community remains objective and unbiased, if you catch my drift ). Maybe we need another thread for Simvibe users- but that being said, you have persuaded me to give simhub another try - im personally keen to support any endeavour to help make tactile setup easier and more approachable as it brings so much more to the simulated experience - so I will give it a go! Cheers.

What tactile setup are you running or is it just BKG?

I would be confident we can improve on what your current tactile experience is with Simvibe, just based simply on what each enables us to do. Also, fairly certain anyone would see the benefits in comparing each software too and by using decent effects others may have worked on.

Let's be clear there is no stupid agenda going on here, just compare what each software offers, what they can/can't do, how they both are to use and take into account the very simple fact that one requires a donation and the other is $90.

What people use is upto them, but this is a thread for Simhub and primarily helping BKG owners.
This may relate also with BK Mini Lfe & BK Mini Concert owners as the settings for the BKG will work well on each.
Obviously, though we still have variations in personal preferences and installations.
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Great guide so far.
Looking forward to getting some advice on the amp settings. I'm running my unit at fairly low output currently to avoid vibration passing through to my neighbors. Will get my profile and set up posted in here later to see if it can be refined with some advice from those with more expertise.
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Great guide so far.
Looking forward to getting some advice on the amp settings. I'm running my unit at fairly low output currently to avoid vibration passing through to my neighbors. Will get my profile and set up posted in here later to see if it can be refined with some advice from those with more expertise.

As am I. I definitely feel something is set up incorrectly for me between PC sound card settings, Simhub settings, and BKGR2 amp settings. I am getting consistent clipping and can't seem to stop the rattling sound.
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Guys, I do not have tactile working at the moment as have been focusing on the new build. Also covering less time on the forums or responses at the moment. It will be a while before I can get the seat attached to the new rig base as this build in progress is quite extensive.

For BKG2 settings it would help if people here would share the settings they use, I did get the BK G2 amp but as yet have not had the chance to use it yet. Also the idea is to get people to share effects they create or like.

My advice is to set your soundcard volume to 50% and then try effect layers volumes from 50% -100%
Do this and set your BK2 amp's volume to a level that feels nice (create/use a 40Hz Gear Shift to test the strength).

If the output is too low even with the amp at max then reduce the amp volume and try 60% soundcard volume.
You want to avoid a scenario your soundcard volume is at 100% and your amp is at a high volume too.
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This is a helpful start. Thank you! I am sending back my unit and they are replacing it with a new unit. They believe the Buttkicker is "out of spec" as the rattling does not appear to be normal given the levels I am using. I will be digging into the setup a bit more once I have the new unit.
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Received my unit yesterday and had it up and running pretty quickly with SimHub (I donated too, might as well). Overall I'm blown away by its addition (I play in VR so immersion is king) to game play, most notably gear changes ha!

I exclusively play AC for driving sims and have my unit set up at 80hz on the high cutoff, master volume at 70%. I'm running gear shift at 42hz/26% volume, speed at 40hz/10%v and wheelslip at 50hz/7v. This was just from playing around with things cautiously last night but reading here it looks like I should put my big boy boots on and get a little more adventurous.

That's not to say things are not good at the moment, it's actually amazing. Gear changes are explosive, speed gives reasonable perception of moving and wheel slip gives feedback on how much I'm pushing in the corners. It's not made me faster (I'm not concerned about this, most of my driving is hotlapping or ai battles as I'm too far away from decent servers here in New Zealand), well not yet but it has hugely improved the experience.
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Us there a translated in the house?

Googles attempt:


I received my BKG2 today. I already use Simhub on iRacing and AMS2.

- When connecting the RCA cables (black / red) to the PC's audio output (green), should I connect only one of the cables to the input or connect both, one at the input and one at the output? When I call just one, I have the option to select Mono in Sinhub (and it seems to receive a stronger signal). And when I connect the two RCA cables, I can have a stereo and on Simhub two channels appear. What is the right thing to do? In the manual, he talks about connecting only one cable, but I've seen several videos on Youtube, where the class connects the two.

I am a very layman in these settings and will use the Example placed in the Originals Message.
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Eu recebi meu BKG2 hoje. Eu já uso o Simhub no iRacing e no AMS2.

- Ao conectar os cabos RCA (preto / vermelho) à saída de áudio do PC (verde), devo conectar apenas um dos cabos à entrada ou conectar os dois, um na entrada e outro na saída? Quando ligo para apenas um, tenho a opção de selecionar Mono em Sinhub (e parece receber um sinal mais forte). E quando eu conecto os dois cabos RCA, posso ter um estéreo e no Simhub dois canais aparecem. Qual é a coisa certa a fazer? No manual, ele fala sobre conectar apenas um cabo, mas eu já vi vários vídeos no Youtube, onde a turma conecta os dois.

Sou muito leigo nessas configurações e usarei o Exemplo colocado na Mensagem Originais.

The other RCA is output ( I believe for connecting more than one amp and bass shaker) so from my understanding only plug one of the RCA's from your PC to the amp.

And googles translation:

O outro RCA é emitido (acredito que para conectar mais de um amplificador e agitador de baixo). Portanto, pelo meu entendimento, conecte apenas um dos RCAs do seu PC ao amplificador.
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Now that I realized that my previous message was in Portuguese ... sorry! I was copying from google translate and it was the wrong part :)

So I will connect only one of the RCA cables (red) to the one that goes to the PC. In this scenario I only receive one signal, not being able to choose stereo on Simhub. That's right?

When configuring "Sound Output" do I have to select the "Mono" option?


Best regards,
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Yes, man where did you go eh?
Sorry I went off the radar. Things got a little busy and a little messy for a bit, and by the time I was gonna check back in the experimentation thread for SimShakerWheels had unfortunately gone cold. I also never quite got the hang of tuning my setup, as I have no idea what a "real" racing car feels like, so I always felt a bit lost :)

I had an odd thing with the SSW software. After I switched from Intel to AMD, SSW sends my CPU to 100% load as soon as I load it up, so I've stopped using it and after seeing your mention about SimHub I'm using that now instead. Now I get an issue where SimHub and Forza Horizon 4 starts to get my CPU to 100%, so I'm throwing in the towel and building a new PC over the next week which should be a decent upgrade (from Ryzen 5 1600x B350M to a Ryzen 7 3700x on B450M and faster RAM.

Just picked up the Fanatec F1 V2 rim and Podium shifter paddles yesterday and trying to jump back into things.

I have to say, the SimHub software is amazing, I'm shocked how good it is, and its a shame I never found out about it earlier. I'm still messing with SimHub settings for the Buttkicker LFE you told me about on Ebay way back when :)
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I've been asked for a long time to do a thread on one of the most popular ever tactile transducers.
To this day the Buttkicker Gamer 2 is one of the most considered entry-level packages.

As tactile becomes a REAL headache of a topic.

First off, I'm going to simply request that this thread is for discussion only of using the Buttkicker Gamer product line.
This way all users are on the same hardware. It's not, to talk about tactile in general, it's not to talk about other models of Buttkicker or different makes of units and different models or using different amps etc.

Keeping It Simple Guys
So let's focus on and talk about using "Simhub" and getting started with effects creation/tuning for the BK Gamer & BK Gamer 2 models
My hope is people will benefit and learn from this, owners will get involved. People will start to share their own effects, discuss issues, configurations ask questions. I will help what I can and for those that are new to this and using a single shaker or indeed the more advanced users with multiple sets of units installed.

Getting Started:
Tactile when it's working nice can be a great addition but it can also be a troublesome one as these and many threads show regards setting up, configuring, and how to come up with nice working effects. I will continue to update this thread in time with images/info on getting started but I think we have a fair few that are already using and familiar with the software.

(Info on Amp & Soundcard Settings To be Added)
(Info on Windows/Software Settings To Be Added)
(Images for break down on mentioned factors, Master Volume / Effect Folders / Effect Layers)

Featured Effects - Lets SHARE!
Here is my own effects submission, as my first test effects based on ACC and The Ferrari 488GT3
I used this car for creating the files as I had previous effects testing done with this.

My advice is if checking out the effects try them on that sim/car.
People will likely use shared effects for other cars and sims too and that can vary how well or suitable the effects are but for feedback.
I would suggest relating to how effects feel with the car/sim they are created on. To me, this makes sense if someone else creates/shares their own sets to mention what sim/car was used.

What I attempted to do with this set was to bring more to the immersion than an individual or typically used tones have.
Yet also with the intent to make things easy and keep down the number of layers an effect uses. This way we can get more variation in the possible feel and personalize the felt sensations.

  • As a baseline, these are not bad, better is possible with more layers but this being mostly aimed at beginners to tactile
  • I want to make it easier to start feeling or learning how we can achieve nice felt sensations
  • Simple advice, stick to altering just the volumes and not things in each layer's settings if you are not aware of how/what they do
  • In some scenarios with combinations of effects, even a single Hz change can alter how the layers of different effects work together or feel
  • This can be covered if the thread is a success and then we could start looking deeper into each effect's primary settings

Balancing Frequencies
With each effect, I have them simply labeled for easy discussion and in their own folder.
  • Within each folder, I have set out 3 layers for most effects
  • This enables altering the volume of individual layers to adjust the feel of that effect
  • Try each layer on its own, learn what it does/how it feels then set a general volume
  • Do the same for all effects, then fine-tune the volume for each effect folder, to balance the mix for all effects
  • Test and tweak, different cars or sims can vary even with the same settings

Same Effects / Very Different Feel
You can create a volume balance that is more towards the engine or chassis feel depending on what you like. It's also possible to create a volume mix for both scenarios and save these as individual profiles to then use/load as you please.

We all may differ in what, we prefer to represent sensations for different effects, so I welcome others to get involved too.
Personally, I think it's better to use more balanced volumes or try to limit the effects used. Even this set the Engine/Speed effects to keep a single unit busy and make it harder to feel other effects.

These effects have perhaps some potential for easier enjoyment in getting started but the may need better-balanced volume settings
See what you think and feel free to comment or indeed highlight issues.

How To Use:
Simhub can be found HERE
My efforts being shared are like an unofficial help/guidance I am no way associated with the software or its developer. I recommend this incredible software as it is the best option now available for tactile and with many other uses/features. So please consider giving its developer a kind donation.

I strongly recommend also reading any official documentation that is given to get a grasp of how to use it.

NOTICE: The attached set of effects is not to represent ideal/perfect settings but as a starter for people to use and give feedback. If people get involved and offer feedback or share their own effects then I will help with sharing other effects more to what people may want.

My Attached Profile:
*Download File, place it in Docs/Simhub folder and rename from ".txt" to ".siprofile" for it to work as a profile
You should then be able to import it into Simhub.
Mr Latte , thanks for this thread , i downloaded your settings from OP , i tested the Wheel slip settings but the 3Hz setting is really rough , is it supposed to knock badly ?
Also i dont really get good kerb feeling in ACC and seeing as the road rumble option isnt available in ACC how do you think is best to achieve good ripple strip feeling like i get through my wheel ?
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Mr Latte , thanks for this thread , i downloaded your settings from OP , i tested the Wheel slip settings but the 3Hz setting is really rough , is it supposed to knock badly ?
Also i dont really get good kerb feeling in ACC and seeing as the road rumble option isnt available in ACC how do you think is best to achieve good ripple strip feeling like i get through my wheel ?

The effects I shared were only to give people a starting point. I had used some settings from effects I had for larger BK so not all the layers shared may work so well on the BKG2. I have other effects but not specifically tested the BK with the BKG2 amp.

What was wanted was to get people to start sharing effects or discussing settings for specific effects that most enjoyed. Including settings that were not working so well.

Have been working on a new build that is in progress (no tactile in a month) and it's coming on well. I will be able to then test the BKG2 on it more properly. Then work with some others here (if they want) to tune better effects and find good amp settings as I now also have a BKG2 amp thanks to a member on the forums.

Wheelslip can work well with 70-80Hz if you want more of a lighter feel, do take note though those different frequencies themselves may operate better/worse depending on the volume you use with them. Yes you want to avoid the knocking if that's happening with the BKG2 amp and those very low Hz.
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The effects I shared were only to give people a starting point. I had used some settings from effects I had for larger BK so not all the layers shared may work so well on the BKG2. I have other effects but not specifically tested the BK with the BKG2 amp.

What was wanted was to get people to start sharing effects or discussing settings for specific effects that most enjoyed. Including settings that were not working so well.

Have been working on a new build that is in progress (no tactile in a month) and it's coming on well. I will be able to then test the BKG2 on it more properly. Then work with some others here (if they want) to tune better effects and find good amp settings as I now also have a BKG2 amp thanks to a member on the forums.

Wheelslip can work well with 70-80Hz if you want more of a lighter feel, do take note though those different frequencies themselves may operate better/worse depending on the volume you use with them. Yes you want to avoid the knocking if that's happening with the BKG2 amp and those very low Hz.
I am using the Simulation kit from Buttkicker but i assume it is the same as the Gamer 2 just without the mounting bracket , its the mini concert and only a single one atm.
This is what im trying to achieve if you would like to share your opinion .
I want a little road noise but not over done, i want brake lock, engine but only at idle , but kerbs are important to me . I cant get it great in ACC but AMS 2 feels pretty great .


  • Any Game - Simulation.siprofile.txt
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