How to turn ingame info back on?

Have a look in this file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\assetto_corsa.ini
Open it with notepad and look at 3d paragraph....
Enable_Dev_Apps must =1 and not =0




If it isn't, modify and save file.
All apps will be back in the right side of the screen when on track.

Also check that some apps are well activated in the general options in the Options Menu.
On a related note (rather than start a new thread) - how can I make the game remember what apps I want displayed in car? It used to, but now I need to clear all apps (the screen fills with a load of random ones) and then re select & reposition the ones I want to see every time I start a new session.