I seem to be missing alot of sfx, especially the Porsches.

Hi guys.

Not sure what is happening here. I seem to be missing alot of sfx from the cars, especially the Porsches. How would I go about sorting this out? I use the Fonesecker pack and also some of the ACFAN sound mods.
If you'd use JSGME to install mods, it should be easier ... just unactivating the mod making problems should show the original files back.
Not sure Content Manager may fully do the same.

Doing so for years now ... helped me each time I needed it ( even though it rarely happened ). ;)
Never used Fon's mods, but if they replace original files then yes, integrity check will revert them to stock.

Your missing out if ya havent used Fonseckers stuff, just sayin. Its kinda convenient, simply make a copy of the cars folder and plop it on the desktop, just in case the working cars folder files get mauled.

It saved me when out of the blue, the cars folder wouldn't open after deleting/moving some cars around. CM could see it, but couldn't access it (if that makes sense).