Ideas & suggestions

By knowing that Sector 3 Studios (Simbin) is reading the RD forum, i was thinking of making a thread to collect little ideas and suggestions to improve things in R3E. This thread is not intended to be a discussion-thread, neither a wishlist.

So just post your ideas (preferred with concrete suggestions and examples). Big discussions aren't necessary. Give a rating to the posted idea, and this should be enough to tell your opinion about it.
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Move autoclutch into the controller profile so we don't have to change that when we change controller profiles. Maybe make controller profiles assignable to cars so we don't have to change controller profiles. Maybe give some info and history about the cars when you pick them. Would be nice to know some history , specs and in this case what type of shifter the car uses.

This is probably in the works but adding more info after single player races, like the lap times, sector times, etc... Also an option to restart the race without being sent back to the menus and having to load again.

Optimize the shadows. Anything lower than high is really jagged and without shadow split the car shadows look bad. Maybe have a shadow split on cars only setting? Also, I'm not sure if its the shadows causing it but there is some annoying flickering on certain tracks. A lot of the overhead banners flicker really bad and since those are so visible its a big eyesore. Also the shadow in Raceroom Raceway tunnel flickers for me, really kills the immersion.

Speaking of Raceroom Raceway, maybe provide another fantasy track for free content? I remember reading somewhere a suggestion to make a real track as free but I can understand that licensing costs might make that prohibitive. Maybe another free fantasy track would make the free to play model look a little better (for those complaining)? Maybe a flowy, more noob friendly track with less technical turns to contrast Raceroom Raceway?
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@Cosmic "Also an option to restart the race without being sent back to the menus and having to load again."

Don't know if you meant this, but if you map the restart button to your wheel it's starts right on the start/finish line when you push the button before the race ends.
I actually miss the old menu system. The reason is because it was quick and easy to pick a car and I got to see my fastest times on the selected track immediately. The new menu system doesn't provide this info. That makes it hard to track progress on leaderboard hunts. :)

Scratch that. The Single Player > Leaderboards is an even better option than before. I'm happy. :)
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Move autoclutch into the controller profile so we don't have to change that when we change controller profiles. Maybe make controller profiles assignable to cars so we don't have to change controller profiles. Maybe give some info and history about the cars when you pick them. Would be nice to know some history , specs and in this case what type of shifter the car uses.

I second this. It would be nice to be able to change gearing without having to come back out to main options menu.
I would love to see some street cars.

Oh youuuuuuu
- Force meter like iRacing to better determine when we’re clipping force feedback. I need this to ensure that max corner forces don’t exceed the limit of my wheel.
- Min Force like iRacing to solve the G27 ffb center deadzone issue
- FFB settings per car due to different cars having different steering physics (ie. weight of steering, etc.)
Save replay happens automaticly, but you have to go to the media HUB.
I thought you ment to watch a replay direct after the end of the race and not go to the media Hub first.
Idea: to be able to play single player offline, then i am can still play when there are internet connection problems or server issues.
It really is starting to bother me that just to start up a game I need an internet connection. Yes, my net connection is always on and usually working but it's surprising how often something between here and there affects the connection and you can't even boot up the game.

Steam allows you to play games offline for 24. The same should apply for everything in-game besides those parts of the game that actually need an internet connection (leaderboards, store, multiplayer, etc.)

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