Hi everyone,
May I know if there is a possibility to add animation to the AC track?
My idea behind this is to generate a dry fountain (Blender), edit using stFlow shader (kseditor) and upload it into AC track.
Any suggestions..
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
May I know if there is a possibility to add animation to the AC track?
My idea behind this is to generate a dry fountain (Blender), edit using stFlow shader (kseditor) and upload it into AC track.
Any suggestions..
Thank you.
it probably works by moving a texture with alpha over a stationary mesh.Long beach has an animated fountain.
More cause it couldn't affect shadows so it only made sense on stuff animated in ways that the shadow won't change (like Riverside for some reason has spinning balls)it probably works by moving a texture with alpha over a stationary mesh.
Stereo made a second special shader that could rotate objects, like ferris wheels, but iirc it was never really released as it did not work with CSP
Long beach has an animated fountain.
it probably works by moving a texture with alpha over a stationary mesh.
Stereo made a second special shader that could rotate objects, like ferris wheels, but iirc it was never really released as it did not work with CSP
As I am not familiar with all the tracks of AC, could you please share the name of the track that has the animated fountain?
I would like to see how does it work.
float v = ksGameTime * 0.001;
if (pauseTiming.x > 0) {
float modval = v%(1+pauseTiming.x+pauseTiming.y);
float decrate = 0;
if (pauseTiming.y > -1) {
decrate = pauseTiming.x/(1+pauseTiming.y);
v -= min(modval,pauseTiming.x) - decrate * max(0, modval - pauseTiming.x);
What version of long beach is that? went through 3 and I cant see any fountain working as described?I found it, is this the one "The Grand Prix of Long beach".