General Is there possibility to add a water fountain animation onto the track?


Anyway, there's no known way to use animation, as in keyframe animation from Blender or any other modeller, on a track. All you can do is fake movement with the flow shader
i asked ilja about rotating objects for tracks
if possible, it would add a bunch of possibilities

in the meantime, there is animated shader for water
you could trick some moving textures on a fountain shape... but meh
it probably works by moving a texture with alpha over a stationary mesh.

Stereo made a second special shader that could rotate objects, like ferris wheels, but iirc it was never really released as it did not work with CSP
More cause it couldn't affect shadows so it only made sense on stuff animated in ways that the shadow won't change (like Riverside for some reason has spinning balls)

I have figured out the correct way to do it (for ferris wheels and such) just a matter of the person who writes CSP making time to implement it
Thank you all for your valuable inputs.

let me share what I have done

I created an animation, generated a texture with all the frames of the animation side-by-side (an input given by MGMetroDave) and converted to dds and nm_dds( using GIMP Editor) then used the stflow to animate them.

And what I see is just scrolling of all the images over a cone(lower region) and blinking of the upper region but no animation.

I played around with few properties of stPerPixelNM_UVflow but still, I can't find a good setting.


  • Onefountain_allimages.png
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  • Screenshot (963)_LI.jpg
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it probably works by moving a texture with alpha over a stationary mesh.

Stereo made a second special shader that could rotate objects, like ferris wheels, but iirc it was never really released as it did not work with CSP

If I am not wrong that is what I tried to do. Moving the texture on a cone mesh.

Can you tell me what is with the alpha channel, where and how can I add to the mesh?
I thought I had a spreadsheet of how the variation function works but I don't see it so this is the code it uses
  float v = ksGameTime * 0.001;
  if (pauseTiming.x > 0) {
    float modval = v%(1+pauseTiming.x+pauseTiming.y);
    float decrate = 0;
    if (pauseTiming.y > -1) {
      decrate = pauseTiming.x/(1+pauseTiming.y);
    v -= min(modval,pauseTiming.x) - decrate *  max(0, modval - pauseTiming.x);
pauseTiming.x and y are just the 2 values you input to that field. I think y=-1, x = frame time is when it does slideshows?
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