Hi Guys
Now that I have my CPU and GPU overclocked and running nice, my attention has turned to VR. I'm fastinated by it, but I don't want to jump in with both feet until I'm sure.
First of all: Oculus rift or Vive? I'm guessing Oculus, that seems to be the most popular system for driving sims, and the Oculus costs € 449 here, the Vive is more expensive.
If I buy the Oculus, do I have to buy the whole caboodle with two controllers that I don't need for use in a driving sim, or is a version without controllers available? And how many sensors do I need? One or two? And how far away from the headset must the sensors be to work properly? Will they work when they're only 50cm away, or will I have to modify my cockpit so that they are further away? And what are the problems, if any, with VR? I have an i5 @ 4.6Ghz, and a GTX 1080 @ 2088Mhz, I think VR will run well, but will I encounter any other problems?
Now that I have my CPU and GPU overclocked and running nice, my attention has turned to VR. I'm fastinated by it, but I don't want to jump in with both feet until I'm sure.
First of all: Oculus rift or Vive? I'm guessing Oculus, that seems to be the most popular system for driving sims, and the Oculus costs € 449 here, the Vive is more expensive.
If I buy the Oculus, do I have to buy the whole caboodle with two controllers that I don't need for use in a driving sim, or is a version without controllers available? And how many sensors do I need? One or two? And how far away from the headset must the sensors be to work properly? Will they work when they're only 50cm away, or will I have to modify my cockpit so that they are further away? And what are the problems, if any, with VR? I have an i5 @ 4.6Ghz, and a GTX 1080 @ 2088Mhz, I think VR will run well, but will I encounter any other problems?