
kyeongbuk_arboretum 0.3

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hi ,maybe you should learn how to improve the texture size and do some optimization because there are tracks of 42km that weight as little as 450mb.
That said all new tracks are welcome, specially roads, so thanks!

sry for huge size of files.
I want to reduce the capacity too. I will continue to find a way.
Thank you for playing and Valuable feedback.
Does this road track have a complete loop? Or does it just stop at the end of the drive/run-does not circle back to beginning? thank you for the info.

From the initial planning, I planned to produce a point-to-point track.

The actual road could only be returned to its original position via a long, boring straight road, and only through the village.

To tell you the truth, it was difficult and hard to make roads through villages, and I deleted them entirely.


but maybe I don't know if it will be added later.
thx for play!
Here! some screenshots



AlexKim updated kyeongbuk_arboretum with a new update entry:

keyongbuk_arboretum 0.2

업데이트 로그

update log

v0.2 ( 2019-10-12)

-오브젝트 배치 정리
Object Placement Alignment
-랩타임 포인트 투 포인트 작동 확인 (사람, 붉은색 콘 기준)
Measure lap times
-텍스쳐 변경
texture changed
-921도로 삭제로 인한 일부 구간 프레임 드랍 해결
road 921 deleted, frame drop fix

-알려진 오류
known error
  1. 일부 구간 벽 텍스쳐 사이즈 맞지 않음
    some of texture in wall size look weird
  2. 전체 구간 트랙 텍스쳐 노멀맵 해상도 너무 낮음
    all track normal texture has too low resolution
  3. 일부 구간 벽 텍스쳐 인게임 랜더링시 반투명
    some of textures have Translucent ingame render
  4. 매우 게으른 제작자
    lazy lazy...

Read the rest of this update entry...
AlexKim updated kyeongbuk_arboretum with a new update entry:

keyongbuk_arboretum 0.2.1 texture adjustment

V0.2.1 (2019-10-15)

-텍스쳐 조정 테스트
Texture Adjustment Test

-알려진 오류
  1. 기본 필터 사용시 색이 없고 너무 어두운 편
    Darkness when using basic filter
  2. 일부 벽 텍스쳐 반투명
    Some wall texture translucent
  3. 일부 벽 도로 안쪽으로 튀어나옴
    Some Walls Protrude Inward
  4. 일부 오브젝트 도로 중앙까지 침범
    Some objects involve in the middle of the road
같은 마테리얼이 RTB에서 KS editor에서 인게임에서 제각각 다른 느낌으로 출력되서 애먹고있습니다 ㅋㅋ
same material has a different feel in the RTB, KS editor and in-game, making adjustments...

Read the rest of this update entry...
From the initial planning, I planned to produce a point-to-point track.

The actual road could only be returned to its original position via a long, boring straight road, and only through the village.

To tell you the truth, it was difficult and hard to make roads through villages, and I deleted them entirely.


but maybe I don't know if it will be added later.
thx for play!

I understand. I always ask on tracks like yours cause I cant tell from the videos sometimes if it comes back to the beginning. Good luck with your track design.
Thanks for your reply.