DiRT Rally 2.0 L25 wheel issue.

Help, just getting into Dirt Rally2. My wheel is so far out of wack with the sim. I have no turning ability at all..... I'm turning my wheel forever and the car isn't reacting at all. It's almost like both the wheel and the car are both setup with 900 degrees of rotaion.
U mean Logitech G25 wheel? And u have logitech profiler software (version 5.10 or something)?

Open that software and keep it open in the background while playing.

Put these settings to profiler

- degrees of rotation: 540

that is a classic rally rotation which should work well with all type of cars, degrees under this can make rwd cars very twitchy and more than 540degrees can make fwd cars too understeering. U can always try lower 495, 450, 405, 360 degrees too, just change it in the profiler and maybe even re-calibrate wheel in game.

then have rest of settings like this in profiler
- overall strength 100%
- springs 100%
- dampers 100%
- centering spring 0%, OFF
- allow game to do changes: YES


In Game settings:

go to Inputs menu and on top of your wheel press button to enter wheel+pedal calibration and follow instructions. Then check advanced wheel menu and make sure that Soft Lock-setting is set OFF.

Then here are my recommended ffb-settings for G25

- Self Aligning Torque: 70
- Wheel Friction 21-56 (start with mid value 39 and test higher/lower values to see what feels better
- Tire Friction 70
- Suspension 35-49 (start again with mid value 42 and see if any changes make it feel better)
- Collision 0 (or only very low value max 5-10, imo quite useless effect since suspension already gives feedback when hitting something, too strong value can make smaller crashes impossible to save since this effect makes the wheel jolt violently)

- Steering Center Force: 30-50 (this is not a centering spring thing, well u could call it such but it doesn't work when car is moving, it only works at the start line and after a reset back to the road and helps to center the steering if u don't do it yourself. Put this value to 30-50 and it should be enough, also this needs to enabled(set ON) to work.
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