Moar tweaks, moar presets in all categories. CM is part of AC now.
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It's just that CM has even too much stuff, that should not be available/needed in the first place. CM, CSP and SOL are a big part of AC's success, but they should not be needed. Also if/when everything should work without a launcher (not like currently in vanilla AC/CM), the amount of settings and tweaks will be a lot to handle in-game with VR for example.Moar tweaks, moar presets in all categories. CM is part of AC now.
Maybe because base AC was a tiny little game from a tiny little indie software house with no clue on a) what content to cover b) depth of core features.
When devs say its "impossible", they mean "It's not financially viable".I somewhat agree with Nrde on this. CM, CSP, and SOL are godsends to AC, and make it what it is. But the pessimist in me can't help but say, "why is it that it took a crazy talented Russian with a lot of time on his hands to add stuff that probably should have been in the game in the first place?"
Like I'd say atleast 75% of the stuff Ilja and Peter have done are things Kunos themselves said were impossible. Compare AC modded out with base AC, and you can see the stark difference between what we got from the devs themselves, and what a small but dedicated third party managed to do.
It makes me somewhat sad that AC is only so great because some dedicated fans took several years out of their lives to make the game what it always was meant to be, and that without their work, AC would just be another sim amongst the quagmire. At this point Ilja and Peter could and should start their own studio, they've basically made AC thier own, and I'll gladly claim AC owes more to those two than it does to Kunos themselves in terms of popularity and staying power.