Long load times when lots of championships

Clicking Championships from the main menu acts like GTR2 is frozen for up to 30sec when you have a lot of championships listed.

Is there a way to make it faster?

Anyone know the reason behind it?
GTR2 loads "everything" on startup - hdv files, talent files, tyr files, etc. - so all are readily available when you make ingame selections. When you select championships it loads all the data for all of them, including checking that required cars and tracks are available, rather than waiting for you to select a particular one (irritatingly it doesn't tell you if anything is missing). No way around this to my knowledge, other than streamlining GTR2 with multiple installs.
Not surprised by jgf but you I am :)

This is just quick demo as on my Sim PC and all early gmotor I prefer on my everyday PC as it looks better with Vega11 graphics.
So...Installed GTR2 made the 2 mods fresh along with a example one you see so when you boot any GTR2 there is no championships other then the one you want to run at that time.

It is the same with two many car mods simple to also activate them when you want to drive them which will make the single GTR2 folder you use to boot in seconds every time all the time.

There are many other advantages to using mod managers.

P.S. imho the first "mod" you make is Fresh GTR2 install which already has championships, talent and other files removed and those files are made into mods to activate when you want.

The other good thing about JSGME/OVGME can constantly test multiple mods when they are added or removed in different combos will turn up any conflicts and tell you what they are.

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I love ovgme, use it all the time, but with my SHO PnG Retrofit mod there's a lot of championships and I wouldn't expect users to have to shuffle championships in and out with a mod manager :(
Well it's up to individual users all I can do is point out the way to have fast loads from my experiences.
Course you have to repack "mods" every time you make a change in championship or add or tweak a setup or add a skin to mod or skin set etc.

It is no different what jgf said if you have too many mods in one folder they slow up same for tracks and packing everything into mods and only activating what you want to use will solve it. Actually they slow more from the changes you make rather then too many files, if you boot the same GT2 folder second time it will be faster, no different to gmotor2.5

Using PnG Track linker helps take load off GTR2 folder as well.

Hey, anyone does not like using mod managers is fine by me but don't tell me you have to put up with slow booting. ;)
Well, given that basic AI performance is set in the .plr file then tweaked by .aiw and .rcd files I found that different installs for different car types works well. So one install for, oddly enough, GT cars; another for C-Era, ALMS, and LMP style cars; another for formula cars; another for touring cars; and, of course, P&G for '50's through '70's sport cars. All reference a common locations folder (so unfortunately all see P&G LOD screens). This also makes talent files easier to deal with since less overlap.