Make some confessions about yourself in this thread.

William, you're only 19. It's never too late. :) ;) :thumbsup:

At least try out for a testing role. You may not get paid much, but, it's enough to live a comfortable life.

You could also try low-level motorsports for a modest sum. I bet you'll compete with many drivers of your caliber.
Testing role: You need past racing experience, they don't take random people in. Furthermore, testing roles are mostly done by retired drivers, or team's third driver. You still are at pro level though, it's not exactly simple to get there.

Grassroots Motorsports: Yeah see, sounds simple enough, but a "modest sum" for a season in F1200 (least expensive proper racing I could do, besides the sporadic 4-stroke karting) is 5000$ for the absolute minimum budget layout (shitty food, sleep in tents, 2 years tyres, 3 years tranny, etc...) doesn't include possible repairs, nor travel. (Although I would move to Ontario to get closer to the race tracks) A used car without a friend's price would be between 5000$ and 7500$, then add the trailer... I'd also need to get a car capable of towing said trailer.

Adds up innit ?
We're in the same boat I guess... The problem with that is that you are so uninterested with anything else that you can't get the money to get into racing, *sigh*... Oh well, I shall keep on trying !

Sure but it´s one thing going racing and it´s another living of racing.
Even for guys that had a proper path find it hard to live of it.

But doing trackdays and that sort of stuff would be cool.
And it´s not like i´m depressed, just don´t really care that much about how my life will go, no real goals because of it.

Edit: posted at the same time,
Sometimes, I worry about my physical appearance. I worry that I don't look good in the eyes of other women.

I know looks aren't everything, but, I want to have the package of good looks, intellect, and an outgoing personality.

I also feel that my big mouth will get me in trouble one day. I want to stand up to people going through abuses of any kind if they don't have the support network. I have alienated many people in all walks of life with my controversy, whether in real life or on the Internet.

I don't mean to be abrasive, it's just that what has happened to me in the past six years really got to me.
Grassroots Motorsports: Yeah see, sounds simple enough, but a "modest sum" for a season in F1200 (least expensive proper racing I could do, besides the sporadic 4-stroke karting) is 5000$ for the absolute minimum budget layout (shitty food, sleep in tents, 2 years tyres, 3 years tranny, etc...) doesn't include possible repairs, nor travel. (Although I would move to Ontario to get closer to the race tracks) A used car without a friend's price would be between 5000$ and 7500$, then add the trailer... I'd also need to get a car capable of towing said trailer.

Adds up innit ?

Same here, i would like to try some real racing, but i started to add up some numbers and i had the same problem. I would need a car to race, i could get one for around 5000 euros to take part in one of the throphy championships there are in here, i could get a couple of friends to help me with maintenace, i would need tires, lets say 500 euros per weekend, i would need other parts for the car, i would also need a trailer to transport the car, so i would end up with a very large amount of money needed to do that, only with some sponsors it would be possible :(
I have motivation issues.

I can't be motivated to complete my jobs, important tasks, and chores without being angry and using that anger to force myself to do things and do them efficiently.

I get things done, but, I am building health issues for myself in the long run.
When I was 17, I had no confidence in my good looks. When I was in school, a lot of women would greet and sometimes talk to me.

I was quite thin back then.

A girl hit on me once and I said to her, "Alisha, why do you want me? I don't have a six pack."

Now, I feel beautiful and know that I must have confidence if I want a woman to like me.

The problem with a small town is that no matter how confident, how kind, how physical attractive I was and still am, people were and still are quite skittish of me.
I'm never really satisfied with what I do. Without positive feedback I often feel like a lame. When I do get positive feedback I'm really happy however. One of the most important things for me probably.

Another thing is, when it is not everything going well, I can quickly go down in mood, and spend too much time worrying, thinking about how to do better, and that causes me perform worse (especially in learning). This makes my life hard sometimes (shortening the time left for achieving success severely), but I simply can't change it.
I just spent too much money on photography gear, yet again. What makes it even worse is that I always help out for free if someone needs a shoot, I don't even charge people for getting nice pictures taken with pro-grade gear.

Maybe I shouldn't be as nice anymore, now that I think about it.
Wow, this thread. It has alot of despair in it. But also courage!

Time to add my confessions.

I am a foster child. Moved from my real mom when I was five. I have no idea who my father is.
I suffer from anxiety disorder. Almost my whole life (or at least early teenager) I have also been depressed. School was a joke, barley made it to the last year. Graduated at the age of 18 and I have never had an job. I am 33 now. I always find lame excuses to the social services to try not to get one. I am very anti-social in real life. Friends that I have left can be counted with one hand only.

I also have problem with my own motivation to do stuff. I hate going outside. I only do it if I really must. Like shop for food and such.

Moved to an new apartment 6 years ago. I still have not unpacked all the boxes with stuff in it.
Recently I cleaned up the apartment for the first time since I moved in. Not because I wanted it, but because friends for years has been nagging more or less and told me, I live on a garbage dump. And they were right. I did. So I'm actually happy someone rammed the fist into the table and opened my eyes.

When I get drunk, I get very suicidal. At least 5 times, I have tried to commit suicide. Always ends up at the emergency ward. I say try, because I don't think I really want to die. But I hate this life. I barely eat any food. My source of energy is energy drinks and and maybe a few sandwiches per week.

I hate the mankind (not all of them, but pure idiots and elites), and i hate the current monetary system.

However, I had moment in my life when things were much much better. I had my own bands, and I was an active front man in both of em. I had girlfriend that I loved. and life was good in pretty much everything. No idea what changed really. All fell apart fast and I sometimes still cannot grasp it.

I have used drugs for years. Mostly marijuana. I have tested speed and LSD.
I have never been addicted to it, even thou I have used it for years.

the current heavy drug I only use is PC gaming :p

Wow, what an confession I just did. Ohh well. Life is better now, but I have my ups and downs.
Wow, this thread. It has alot of despair in it. But also courage!

Time to add my confessions.

I am a foster child. Moved from my real mom when I was five. I have no idea who my father is.
I suffer from anxiety disorder. Almost my whole life (or at least early teenager) I have also been depressed. School was a joke, barley made it to the last year. Graduated at the age of 18 and I have never had an job. I am 33 now. I always find lame excuses to the social services to try not to get one. I am very anti-social in real life. Friends that I have left can be counted with one hand only.

I also have problem with my own motivation to do stuff. I hate going outside. I only do it if I really must. Like shop for food and such.

Moved to an new apartment 6 years ago. I still have not unpacked all the boxes with stuff in it.
Recently I cleaned up the apartment for the first time since I moved in. Not because I wanted it, but because friends for years has been nagging more or less and told me, I live on a garbage dump. And they were right. I did. So I'm actually happy someone rammed the fist into the table and opened my eyes.

When I get drunk, I get very suicidal. At least 5 times, I have tried to commit suicide. Always ends up at the emergency ward. I say try, because I don't think I really want to die. But I hate this life. I barely eat any food. My source of energy is energy drinks and and maybe a few sandwiches per week.

I hate the mankind (not all of them, but pure idiots and elites), and i hate the current monetary system.

However, I had moment in my life when things were much much better. I had my own bands, and I was an active front man in both of em. I had girlfriend that I loved. and life was good in pretty much everything. No idea what changed really. All fell apart fast and I sometimes still cannot grasp it.

I have used drugs for years. Mostly marijuana. I have tested speed and LSD.
I have never been addicted to it, even thou I have used it for years.

the current heavy drug I only use is PC gaming :p

Wow, what an confession I just did. Ohh well. Life is better now, but I have my ups and downs.

Much respect to you, my brother! :thumbsup:

Once again, people need someone to listen and I will be that listener along with anyone else who wants to do the same.
I am a person with sort of an abrasive personality. I have a feeling my mouth will get me in trouble one day.

I talk a lot of politics, religion, and other topics considered 'taboo' in normal conversation.

I want everyone to know I can stand up to anything and if getting brutalised results in my persecution, whether by government or even society, I know I will be the courageous one for sticking with my beliefs.

But deep down, I express my views on religion, politics, and all forms of bigotry because when governments are treading on their people, I have this feeling to call them out because I want to go there and tell those governments, "No, we will not let you cross the line with us!" If a religious society is denying certain groups of people rights, persecuting them, or what not, I call them out as well. If there are racists, sexists, homophobes, religious bigots, and all other bigots bullying others or giving those certain groups of people a hard time, I openly condemn them because if I was silent, they would win in the end.

Once again, I can stand up for myself, but, I want to speak for others who are abused and I want everyone in this world to have the same opportunities in life at education, job market, etc. as myself, even though that's not possible.

I want to protest my gov't, but, I'm one man and the cops will brutalise me for not having a protest permit, despite the fact the U.S. Constitution grants freedom of assembly.
Well, my mom is going to leave for her niece's wedding Monday. I realised my mom makes my life so hectic that I am too stressed out to study; when I tell her to take it easy, she doesn't listen and she has so many chores and tasks for me to do.

That, combined with my job, makes studying 3-4 hours a day nearly impossible - which is what she, as well as my brother, who is just as demanding, wants me to do - because I don't have enough time to unwind and enjoy myself.

In the next few weeks, I'm thinking about living with my father. Once again, my mom and dad aren't divorced, just separated, but, they love each other. Anyway, my dad doesn't pester me very much and I can do my own thing most of the time. While my mom tries to prepare me for the real world, she doesn't help me develop the attitude necessary for the real world. My dad, while he does not prepare me for the real world, he lets me develop my attitude that is unaffected by what the world does onto me.

I understand mothers love their children very much, but, I feel she is keeping me from being successful in life. My brother and to some extent, my sister, are also like this.

Also, whenever I deal with my mom and brother, bad things always seem to happen to me. Bad luck follows me when I am around them, and I have been very angry at them so many times, but, in a few weeks, I'm gonna say my goodbyes to everyone and resign from my job and leave to Mobile to live with my dad, because, my dad has tried to talk to them, but, they are set in their ways, so, my father says that as long as I enjoy pursuing my ambitions, my life is good.

Seven years ago, when my mom was hardly in my life, I used to enjoy everything I did. When my mom became more attached and domineering towards me because of my hard times in a new school, I barely made it out of high school, I failed college, and many opportunities that were ripe are now gone. My mom makes everything into a business rather than an enjoyment, and, I have to go my own way if I ever want my ambitions to be realised.

I will still visit her, sometimes, with my dad, and hopefully, we will have many good memories. Though, I can't remember the last time I had a good memory with my mother; I have seen pictures of me as a three-year-old playing with my mom. How distant we've grown! :cry:

Now, our tumultuous relationship has spread to where I am resentful of my brother and perhaps my sister.

I have post traumatic stress disorder, because I didn't do well in high school and college, and, I am quick to blame my mom, brother, and sister. I let my PTSD ruin our trip to Vancouver last year when I kept bringing back old memories of my failures and I had arguments over past issues because of my distrust of all three of them that I still harbour today.

Well, I don't know if I'll ever fully reconcile with my family considering they drive me insane.

I'm sorry for expressing my frustration, but, this is a thread of confessions, so, I have to confess this to let everyone know about the main issues surrounding my life.
I'm sorry everyone!

A few days ago, my mom told me that it's best if I don't stay with my father because his health is deteriorating. I told her I only care about studying hard, and, she decided I would take a hiatus from the job I'm working it (my mom's clinic). I'll still get paid and I will have plenty of time to study, so, I hope I come out on top of this IT exam.
I may have mild obsessive compulsive disorder.

Some of you may have noticed by how I always have avatars of Saint Bernards (I want to be known on the Internet as the guy who loves Saints) and you may also notice it with my postings of redheads.

I mean, it's not like when I was a kid, I was so obsessed to the point where that was the only thing I talk about.

I try to keep multiple interests and seek knowledgeable subjects for me to share.

Today, I have so many interests I can't keep up with all of them, but, that doesn't bother me.

If you're my friend on Facebook, you would probably think I'm obsessed with certain things, which, I likely am.
I have to confess that my thick skin is starting to wear off and therefore getting less tolerant with utterly stupid behavior of some people in the sim racing community.

Where has the love and passion gone that used to be a synonym for the entire sim racing community back in the days.

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