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Misc mod 2014 ( CTF files ) 1.3

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doberjam submitted a new resource:

mod 2014 ( CTF files ) - Values changed of ctf files following 2014 Fia regulations.

Backup your files and folders:

1) C:\...\ F1 2012\cars\xx.cff - C:\...\ F1 2012\cars\xx\ balanced - C:\...\ F1 2012\cars\xx\ track

2) Set <drsSpeedBoost float="1.5" /> ai_handling_config to "2.1" DRS 2014

3) I play setting <corneringAccelerationCoefficent float="0.7" />

4) In ai_driver_config.xml set <dfMinDraftSeperation float="1.5" />

DATABASE: The ctf files has a NO-Kers, I set in database f1teams row – enfine_power column:

mc: me: wi:...

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doberjam updated mod 2014 ( CTF files ) with a new update entry:

mod 2014 ( CTF files )

Some changes for Tires.
One of the key evolutions this year has been optimisation of the footprint, pressure and temperature distribution.
So I increased grip up to 10%.

Because of I modified tyre inertia, I noted in my game, problems with braking point of Competitive Braking Mod in ( True to Life AI of user snthenumbers ), therefore, for how have the same problem, in rar folder you will find ai_vehicle_track.xml modified for all tracks.


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Wow, this looks very promising. But, is there any chance that you do it for f1 2013. That would be great and much needed :)
You can use the same values in f1 2013. Obviously, it's a little longer work to do selecting columns of cts files 2012, copy and paste those in 2013 gridlines .
but the method for obtaining the values was done through a comparison between 2012 and 2013, using physical mathematical formulas.
I upload ctf 2012 because I still play with f1 2012 (waiting for 2014), in which the livery of the cars are more easily modified.

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