PC1 Multiclass in Le Mans: Sauber C9 mixed with LMP1 but no GT

Seasonal choice, I tested yesterday Le Mans circuit.
I took the Oreca 03R and tried multiclass for the 1st time.
What did the game chose as opponents?
- LMP1: ok, good choice, mate
- LMP2: perfect.
- Radical : Ok, if you want.
- Sauber C9: Sauber C9?!!!! Sau-ber C9?!!!! Yes! this 25 years old prototype vs our brand new LMPs.
- GT? no, no GT.
Conclusion. At this moment, multiclass is just a joke.
For me, the biggest issue so far with multi-class is that the game does not tell you your class ranking... and I have a difficulties to imagine anything to consider before that when designing multi-class races !
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That is a point I also do not really like - I can understand that the devs did not think about it (tbh I don't know how this is handled in other racing games) but it would be a fantastic upgrade to the game as they've promised an authentic simulation of LeMans.

I know that there are many other things which do not fit to the ultimate LeMans-experience but I'd rather like not to discuss this as it already happened in another thread without any success.
This was all implemented correctly years ago how they can't manage to do it correctly now is beyond me.

The whole point of multiclass racing is the challenge of traffic and performance differences. It's literally different races going on at the same time.

This is very disappointing but my initial guess is due to each car having its own physics and time models in a larger field of cars.

If I had a choice I would choose GT over LMPs in that event.