AC Multiclass @ Red Bull Ring - Sun 21 July 2019

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Well this was really fun:). At first I was a bit disappointed with my qualify:(. But during the race my pace was good:thumbsup:. I could overtake @Medilloni and @marek2209 which was for me the first time.

At the end John came dangerously close because of an incident in turn 8 (which I barely could evase) and a LMP1 who went outside the track just before the last turn and re-entered on my raceline:thumbsdown:.

As a bonus I could lap @GEO147:D which he didn't make easy for me. I suppose he was tired of all those blue flags:laugh:.

Overall I think the race was very respectful from all the drivers. So thank you, guys and thanks Joel for organising!
Thanks everyone participating, I had blast even with some technical difficulties along the way, but GT's were fine for me(except for couple of hairy moments of misunderstanding, which we survived) and I had a lot fun learning more and more on how to be faster in traffic and at the same time not trying to kill the slower cars:D

Next week we're gonna take a break from the Multiclass format and just stick with the GT3's @ Algarve:

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A disappointing 4th really - totally my fault, wasn't brave enough to go on softs for the race. Qualified well, but the race was frustrating. My only hope were the guys on softs falling off and only one did. lol

Two notes of apologies. @marek2209 I was shaping up to do a nice OT at T2 but as I came along side, I had two LMPs deciding to try and get through at the same time - I simply couldn't turn in as they were there which meant I was where you wanted to go. Sorry, but zero I could do about it. I thought they were going to let us carry on through, they didn't.

@Enzo Fazzi - sorry for the tap - the guy in front was a lap down and slammed on the anchors way earlier than I expected so I had to move slightly to the right to make sure I avoided him.
Oh, and by the way LMPs - be aware that when you pass a GT3 coming up to a corner and cut immediately in front of them and brake hard, you create a big hole in the air, our braking is worse than yours anyway, then it get's even worse with a sudden lack of aero and our only option is to go off track to avoid, assuming we don't want to take you out.
Next week we're gonna take a break from the Multiclass format and just stick with the GT3's @ Algarve:

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Nice combo! But I will skip this one. I am going to the 24 hour of Spa next weekend. Maybe I can learn some things from the pro's. Have a great race all!
Fun combo. I have issues with AC atm, and had 2 HUGE freezes. Like a solid 15s ish each... Happen at the same point of the track each time, funny enough :thonk:
I apologize especially for the first time I had a freeze, as soon as it stopped, I got back on track spinning. Just had a brain fart and I should've just stopped the car completely. So my bad on that, that was completely unacceptable and noobish of me.

2nd time around I managed to just stop the car outside of the track, then coming back on when it was clear.
I was getting massive freezes too and it turned out to be due to the smoke generation setting being too high. I put it to minimum and it completely fixed my freezes. Worth a shot.
Well this was really fun:). At first I was a bit disappointed with my qualify:(. But during the race my pace was good:thumbsup:. I could overtake @Medilloni and @marek2209 which was for me the first time.

At the end John came dangerously close because of an incident in turn 8 (which I barely could evase) and a LMP1 who went outside the track just before the last turn and re-entered on my raceline:thumbsdown:.

As a bonus I could lap @GEO147:D which he didn't make easy for me. I suppose he was tired of all those blue flags:laugh:.

Overall I think the race was very respectful from all the drivers. So thank you, guys and thanks Joel for organising!
I calculated my fuel for 115 minutes instead of 75 like a fool. Had 41 litres left at the end.

Interested to know what pressure, wing and diff settings others in the 650 were running?

I'm a bit frustrated with my lach of progress in the 650 so think I'll switch to something else but Chris and John have no such issues :thumbsdown:

And yeah Han the blue flag was really getting on my t**s. :p
Thanks for tonight's event @JoelK :thumbsup:

A negative comment, sorry-ish!: We really could do with a few firm pointers/rules ahead of the event, rather than a quick mention on TS before the race - I'm referring to the overtaking situation with LMP over GT3.

It was mentioned in TS that GT3's should stick to their racing line and LMP's are to find their way through. Lost 20 seconds due to being tapped into a spin by an LMP trying to go round the outside of turn 6 when I was clearly committed to the corner - with a car's width still to spare on their outside....ffs, race cooked, and no stop or mention from the LMP:mad:. I have no axe to grind, and have always tried to make room where possible, though there'll be no consideration from me for LMP's in the future, we've got a race too. Whinge over:p
Thanks for tonight's event @JoelK :thumbsup:

A negative comment, sorry-ish!: We really could do with a few firm pointers/rules ahead of the event, rather than a quick mention on TS before the race - I'm referring to the overtaking situation with LMP over GT3.

It was mentioned in TS that GT3's should stick to their racing line and LMP's are to find their way through. Lost 20 seconds due to being tapped into a spin by an LMP trying to go round the outside of turn 6 when I was clearly committed to the corner - with a car's width still to spare on their outside....ffs, race cooked, and no stop or mention from the LMP:mad:. I have no axe to grind, and have always tried to make room where possible, though there'll be no consideration from me for LMP's in the future, we've got a race too. Whinge over:p
That was me, I did say sorry but that was when I was in turn 7.Perhaps I didn't press my push to talk properly, too many buttons to push with the KERS. Again, apologies.

However, I do think it was a racing incident and I don't see how this is related:
It was mentioned in TS that GT3's should stick to their racing line and LMP's are to find their way through.
I was finding my way through, rather than trying to go through you on the racing line.
Had I been 1 meter more to the right, we would've been fine. Had you been 1 meter more to the left or waited a little longer before going back on the throttle, we would've been fine.

That was me, I did say sorry but that was when I was in turn 7.Perhaps I didn't press my push to talk properly, too many buttons to push with the KERS. Again, apologies.

However, I do think it was a racing incident and I don't see how this is related:

I was finding my way through, rather than trying to go through you on the racing line.
Had I been 1 meter more to the right, we would've been fine. Had you been 1 meter more to the left or waited a little longer before going back on the throttle, we would've been fine.

Then maybe it's best if we simply agree to disagree, I was on the limit, you chose to go there, imo. And yes, I've watched the replay.
From the experience I have with multiclass racing, as with all racing, it comes down to both parties being observative and reactive to make traffic not be a mess.
From a GT perspective you can sometimes feel powerless when a faster class, especially hybrid P1s, wants to pass.
The number one rule is BE PREDICTABLE. This is too often boiled down to "Stick to your line" which is not always true. Be predictable in a way that you communicate to the car coming up to pass, where you're going. If you don't want an LMP1 to pass into a corner, you can clearly communicate that by defending to the inside. Obviously depending on the corner a P1 might just chose to try and go around you, but it is possible. As for when the P1 is making the pass on the inside, you can make it easier for the P1 by braking earlier, and run a tighter line if they pass around you.

A trap I think alot of people fall into, is watching their rearview mirror, coming out of corners. There's no useful info in the mirror at that point. If you see a car, nothing changes, you stick to your line and the car behind will make a pass. If you don't see a car, you've just taken your eyes away from the road infront of you, not paying attention to a car that might be passing on the outside or whatever and you end up hitting eachother.

As for P1: Don't be over eager, Don't Chop. Know your braking-zones. Learn to run alternative lines. Don't divebomb (As in the GT has to make a last-minute-correction to not hit you).

I'm no angel myself, and even in this race I had a few questionable decisions. But these are just my thoughts on the topic.
Then maybe it's best if we simply agree to disagree, I was on the limit, you chose to go there, imo. And yes, I've watched the replay.
But would you have done the same if I were in a GT3 car? At the end of the day, there was a car alongside you and you go on the throttle making the car run to the outside.
Thanks for the race guys. My first race back in sometime, and i did alot better than i thought especially with no practice and no specific setup for this track. Again surprised to get a P4 in class in qualy, never done a 1:28 before I don't think, could of gone abit quicker but needed to see how the mediums ran so used qualy for some testing too.

Decided to go softs and a mid race change along with split fuel. At the start a slow starting LMP had to be avoided so i dropped 2 places, but then had a really good battle with @Asterix who was struggling on his tyres but drove really well to defend his position. Got passed and then I start to close down Aki and Henry who were battling but it just wasn't enough.

I was heading for one last lap before pitting and into the last turn an LMP tried to over taking me and we collided, not sure who it was but cost me some time. I think this LMP also collected another Mclaren into Turn 4.

After pitting i hadn't lost a position and @Asterix was still behind me and all was good. 5 mins to go and an LMP overtook me into Turn 7 and as i turned in i expected the LMP to be quicker but I had to lift and ended up spinning. Waiting for cars to pass i knew @Asterix wouldn't be far behind, managed to just about to get going and a GTR smashed straight into me, then I watched as @Asterix flew buy. Not enough time to catch up with 5 mins to go.

It was good to be near the top for a change, as when I raced with you guys before I'd always be mid to the back, I've been driving a Radical SR3 RSX in reality this year so I'm thinking I'm bringing that reality into the game which is helping me, as much as I take from the game to reality.

Thanks for setting this up @JoelK looking forward to the next one :)
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I was finding my way through, rather than trying to go through you on the racing line.
Had I been 1 meter more to the right, we would've been fine. Had you been 1 meter more to the left or waited a little longer before going back on the throttle, we would've been fine.

I would argue that there a faster(and a lot of safer) way going through would've been going a bit wide on the entry and then waited for a opening at the inside of the exit. In a Club racing environment going side by side through corners(with a LMP) should be avoided and at the same time is usually slower way going through.

PS. This is just my point of view and your mileage may vary :thumbsup:

Thanks for tonight's event @JoelK :thumbsup:

A negative comment, sorry-ish!: We really could do with a few firm pointers/rules ahead of the event, rather than a quick mention on TS before the race - I'm referring to the overtaking situation with LMP over GT3.
I was thinking of including a short briefing in the 2nd post in the next event of Multiclass:)
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But would you have done the same if I were in a GT3 car?
If you were in a GT3 car, even though you're a much quicker driver than I, you certainly wouldn't have had the huge speed advantage (and therefore, the speed differential) an LMP has to be there in the first place. If you were in a GT3 car I would have been aware of you sooner and you might have used the extra car's width to your right, knowing that any overtake round the outside is risky, purely because it's hard to tell how committed to the corner the other car is. But taking that risk in an LMP, imo, is unnecessary when you can blast past on the short straight ahead.

I've been in a similar situation many times, racing hard against others in the same class, and never taken anyone out on the outside, so if I'm coming across a bit grumpy, I think your question is a bit insulting and totally unfair given the advantages LMP drivers have

At the end of the day, there was a car alongside you and you go on the throttle making the car run to the outside.
At the end of the day, I'd committed to the corner (you can hear power-on from the apex) well before you got there - and to be honest, I was a bit surprised you didn't do the sensible thing that Joel, Ronnie and couple of others did, which was simply to take a later entry and use your power for a clean undercut.

EDIT: You didn't have enough room? Your own replay says otherwise imo.


If you want to discuss this further, do it by pm, and (having watched the replays over again) we can put it in for a report if you prefer.
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A disappointing 4th really - totally my fault, wasn't brave enough to go on softs for the race. Qualified well, but the race was frustrating. My only hope were the guys on softs falling off and only one did. lol

Two notes of apologies. @marek2209 I was shaping up to do a nice OT at T2 but as I came along side, I had two LMPs deciding to try and get through at the same time - I simply couldn't turn in as they were there which meant I was where you wanted to go. Sorry, but zero I could do about it. I thought they were going to let us carry on through, they didn't.

@Enzo Fazzi - sorry for the tap - the guy in front was a lap down and slammed on the anchors way earlier than I expected so I had to move slightly to the right to make sure I avoided him.

No worries mate :thumbsup:
Had a good qualy and some nice battles at the beginning of the race, but! My pit stop strategy was a huge pile of :poop::roflmao:.. had more than 35 litres fuel left and my tire choice.. Well, this could have been a Formula 1 Ferrari pit stop strategy :D So I lost a few positions because of that, and also made some small mistakes, so @HF2000 and also @Medilloni could pass easily :cry::p
And sorry for that small incident/misunderstanding with the two LMP1's, I have only seen the first one, so I've left the racing line.. haven't seen the second one so should have stayed on racing line :unsure: So in general, I always tried to just stay on racing line and behave predictible..
Thanks for organising @JoelK, it was fun :)
No worries mate :thumbsup:
Had a good qualy and some nice battles at the beginning of the race, but! My pit stop strategy was a huge pile of :poop::roflmao:.. had more than 35 litres fuel left and my tire choice.. Well, this could have been a Formula 1 Ferrari pit stop strategy :D So I lost a few positions because of that, and also made some small mistakes, so @HF2000 and also @Medilloni could pass easily :cry::p
And sorry for that small incident/misunderstanding with the two LMP1's, I have only seen the first one, so I've left the racing line.. haven't seen the second one so should have stayed on racing line :unsure: So in general, I always tried to just stay on racing line and behave predictible..
Thanks for organising @JoelK, it was fun :)
Hi Marek, I'm just interested as you were also in the 911, which tyre strategy did you choose?
Started on Soft's and pitted after ~15 laps.. changed to Medium's then. Which were pretty cold during the whole race :unsure: So should have gone on Soft's and pit at half-distance, I suppose :geek:
Which tyres did you have?

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