Nürburgring Nordschleife announced for Assetto Corsa


Nürburgring Nordschleife announced: http://www.racedepartment.com/forum...cement-on-24th-dec.79549/page-11#post-1603263
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Hello everybody

I'm Marco Massarutto, Producer and Licensing Manager of Assetto Corsa. First of all, let me thank you for your kind support, that is the fuel that allows us to continue to do the job we love. Assetto Corsa has been welcomed in a way that exceeded our best expectations, and we'll thank you for this in the best way we can. If you will have a bit of patience. :)

Here I've read everything and its opposite. When I start to feel disappointed or sad for some comments, I force me to remember how I was at the times of Grand Prix 3, F1 Racing Simulation and so on when, being a gamer, I wasn't directly involved in this business. Therefore I can't get angry with you, because I understand that sometime it's easy to jump to conclusions when you can't know the facts but you can just imagine how they could be.

Therefore, for the first time, let me bring you behind the scenes. Would you like to follow me for few minutes? Let's go.

I'll go straight to the point, so please don't get me wrong, I will try just to explain our point of view in the simplest way.

- Lot of complains about additional contents are not so reasonable, for a simple reason: Assetto Corsa is moddable, and people who don't like to purchase additional contents, can make their favorite tracks and cars or wait that someone else produce a mod that they like to download. For free. Simple, clear, FAIR.

- Assetto Corsa 1.0 will include all the elements needed for a good and complete racing/gaming experience. We'll not force anyone to buy an additional feature or content that is needed to use the game. Nordschleife is not "needed", nor it has never been mentioned or scheduled as part of Assetto Corsa 1.0. I don't understand why to complain about DLC preorder before the availability of the full game, because this is just an unfair lie, not the truth: if I'm wrong please show me the pre-order button for Nordschleife.

- We must collect new licenses before the end of the year, in order to allocate the budget to pay the licensing rights and produce the contents, BEFORE THE TAXES. MORE TAXES, LESS CONTENTS. Simple, clair (not fair, but not depending by us). In addition, each car needs 8-10 weeks to be produced, an average track requires 3-5 months to be produced. That's why we program our production and communication activities (I'll be back on this matter later) with so much advance.

- "Kunos might use the resources needed for Nordschleife for other 2-3 tracks".

Now, just a short digression: I read something like "I'm bored to race on the same tracks in all games, I would prefer to race to some good, unknown and new tracks".

Let me ask you: if you were a developer, and you need to PAY a lot of money IN ADVANCE to create tracks for your game, would you choose those tracks that people knows and - you are sure enough- they will like, or would you bet to invest for contents that are unknown for 80% of your potential audience? Because the matter isn't "In a perfect world I would like to", but "ok, I will risk a LOT of money here: what I will do?"

Yes, because the truth that a lot of people don't know, is that when we talk about licensing rights, royalties and fee to pay, all this money is required to be paid in ADVANCE, BEFORE the game is released, and it doesn't matter if the game sells or not. Money paid, is gone. Even if a licensing agreement is based on a royalty on sales, you must pay an advance minimum guarantee that usually already covers large part of the total royalties forecasted. Now, let's multiply this operation for 36 cars (mmh wait, 36? I knew cars of 1.0 were 35... :D) and you get the same money that you might use to buy a mansion in the Pacific Coast: and I'm talking just about rights: after you paid for the rights, you still have to cover the production costs.

Said that:

1. We asked to people about the track they would like to have in AC, Nordschleife has been the most voted track: easy, clear, fair. If you voted for something else, I'm sorry but as developer I must keep my company on the market and I must hear the masses: considering that we make simulations and not arcade games, we have already showed to love the simracing community and we don't have to demonstrate it again each time we do something new. So: 90% voted for Nordschleife and 1% for your favorite one? Sorry pal, see you next time.

"Kunos might use the resources needed for Nordschleife for other 2-3 tracks"

2. People who say the statement above does know the REAL costs involved? Or it's just an estimation based on Kms? Let me tell you that some track companies asked for their license 3 times the amount needed for Nordschleife. If I tell you which tracks I'm talking about, you will never believe me, or you will and you start to laugh for hours.

3. WIth other tracks, the cost asked to rent the circuit for the survey is bigger than how we'll spend for Nordschleife. I can continue for hours, if you like.

Said that, Why a so big announcement about the Nordschleife? Well, where to start..some thousands of people who were at Nordschleife last saturday to save the Ring might answer you. Our answer is: for thousands of race enthusiasts all around the world, this is THE track: maybe YOU who are reading don't like the Nordschleife and no one can criticize you for that. Does everyone like Ferrari? Lamborghini? Monza? No.

But our huge announcement about Nordschleife is for all THOSE thousands of people in the world WHO love it, for all those people who, since when we announced Assetto Corsa in 2011 showing that the tracks included were based on LS technology, started to ask to us about the inclusion of Nordschleife every day.

For all of them, the Nordschleife laserscan based IN Assetto Corsa, is THE news. And that's enough for us.

It's like when we announced the Ferrari license and some commented "Ferrari license? Meh, who cares, I like "X"". Well, let me reveal you a secret: the announce isn't for YOU: is for all those people who like Ferraris. ;)

About our marketing strategy and communication:

We don't have a publisher: we are our publisher. Usually, for each Eur spent for the game production, a publisher invests 5 Eur in advertsing. During that development of AC we could not do it. Why? Because if we had spent 5 times in advertising rather than in contents, there would be no contents. :)

And, as surely you understand, you can make the best product in the world (in general, I'm not talking about AC), but if nobody knows it, you will sell some items to your parents, you uncles, friends, then you close, buy a newspaper and look for job announcements. :D

How an indipendent company with low resources can make a game like AC and let people to know it without advertising? In 2 words: quality (as best as we can) and communication. At international Auto Expos, Car brands present and show models that will be available 1 or 2 years later. We are not more or less smart the BMW, Mercedes-Benz or any other.

Communication is our strategy, to keep our resources to develop contents instead of banners: you can't find Assetto Corsa advertsing on the internet but a lot of people talk about it. On Facebook, Youtube, and so on. You find videos that compare a game made by 10 people with Gran Turismo 6 and Forza 5, made by companies with budget and resources hundreds of times bigger than KUNOS. Yes, it looks to me that our strategy works fine. ;)

Now, tell me: do you prefer that in 2014, after 1.0 release, KUNOS invests in new contents or in advertsing? Advertsing might be much better for us, let me tell you why:

1. we pay and other people make the job: the game is done, we advertise and enjoy our earnings

2. spending the same money, we reach much more people than with the Nordschleife and 10 additional cars

3. I don't have to spend for production of contents, releases, nor I have to invest money and time in betatesting, manpower and so on

4. Crossed arms, we enjoy our earnings and let the modders do their job.

5. I spend in advertsing today, I will see results in 10 days instead of in 10 weeks or more (contents)

Please note: it's not a threat nor a blackmail. It's a list of available and realistic options.

Now, let me tell you why we want to stay focused on contents rather than in advertsing: because AC is our life. We have done it for ourself and to share what we love with as much as people as possible, and not JUST to make money: if we just wanted to make money, you wouldn't have Ferraris in the game and we'll keep much money in our pockets. AC is AC with or without Ferraris, exactly how iRacing doesn't need Ferrari to be a value sim.

But, and now probably I will shock someone, we need money. YES: I MUST CONFESS and I apologise for that but, as well as 7 other billions of people, we need money for living. :)

The concept is very simple: without netKar PRO, FVA wouldn't exist. Without FVA, AC wouldn't exist. And, without the mistakes made with netKar PRO, Assetto Corsa wouldn't be so appreciated. And the best is yet to come.

So, at the end: when you don't like a news, an announcement, a feature, a drag race, a car brand, you are absolutely welcome. We are already happy for the simple fact that you might take Assetto Corsa in consideration: but, when you don't like or understand a feature or a content, don't waste too much time to complain for that, because that feature or content maybe is not for you: but for other thousands of people out there. ;)

On our side, we can only continue to do our best: sometime we'll get right, sometime we'll get wrong. But I leave you with these clues:

2011 - "Featuring that kind of graphics, no way for AC to be a simulation"

2012 - "Featuring that kind of licenses, no way for AC to be a simulation" (2012)

2012 - "Featuring the Ferrari license, they must sell milions copies, so let's forget that AC will be a simulation"

2013 - "What I said? AC is an arcade, now it's clear".(after the release of the 458 GT2 video) :D

2013 - "They will not release nothing this year, typical italian style"

2013 - "They don't release official footage because their screenshots are photoshopped"

2013 - "They had released just the 458, the other Ferrari will be released as DLC, I'm pretty sure about it"

2013 - "No way that they will get the Nordschleife license and that it will be laserscanned"

Now I'm ready to collect other funny stuff on December 31. ;)

Thank you guys, your support is very, very appreciated: we would like to organize a party when we'll go to Nordschleife next Spring and we would love to meet you there, having fun, some laps and then (but only then :D) lot of beer together.

I think there is so much and all kinds of emotions involved in every announcement, because we all care about AC. I am personally very "grounded" person and I can see everything from the right perspective, so I agree with all decisions Kunos has made. I like drift, drag and ferraris ;p There is everything for everyone. I don't understand why some are upset that we have options? Why would anyone want to be limited in content?! I am absolutely amazed by AC and waiting for more to come. I cannot wait to see how muliplayer will look like. I hope will see a full day-nigt cycle with working headlights in some reasonable future (imagine 24h race on nordschleife with driver swap!!! ). Everything I have seen and felt so far was the best simracing expirience in my life (exept we don't have racing yet ;p). Many people are complaining just for the sake of it, that is a most of society nature. Very few can free themselfs from this. I did, and now I enjoy life fully, no matter what.
So, Kunos, don't worry about whiners. They will complain even though they are enjoying the game. It is just how the things are.
This is true passion and a sensible buisness approach. I like that and applaud you and your team for that. Right on!

Look it is like Marco said, not everything is interesting to everyone. I couldn't care less about MP, they might as well leave that feature out of 1.0 but then I know that others like to have this very much...so why should I complain? They plan to release a sim for all of us - isn't hat great? Isn't that good enough? Why the constant moaning? Kunos will deliver, just be patient. Some things you can't have today, for some things you have to wait until tomorrow...is it really that unbearable? Don't be silly. ;)
@Marco Massarutto: I just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done for the community. Until now (no insult to other devs) I've felt there has been no real option apart from iRacing but your sim is doing so much more without the elitism and financial pressure associated with that outfit. For me this is the greatest sim I have ever been lucky enough to play (and ladies and gents we are damn lucky to have this, so many on earth have nothing, not even water).

Ignore those who complain and cannot be constructive. Listen to those who complain and are constructive, as you always have. The rest of us will keep playing and hopefully helping you in a very small way to bring about a masterpiece. I've been playing racing games since the era of Revs, Grand Prix Circuit, Stunt Car Racer on Commodore 64 up to Amigas, , SNES, PC's, PS3, you name it. This is the 1st time I've truly felt compelled to play a racing sim every day. Everyone I have shown it to has been captivated and most would normally have no interest in gaming or race sims. You converted my sister, brother-in-law, 6yr old niece, 4yr & 2yr old nephews yesterday. Now they want a race rig. :)

I applaud your strategy to focus on creating content for users over eyecandy advertising for the idiot masses. Its a rare thing these days to see the focus truly on the community rather than the cash cow. Congratulations for putting pure passion over pure profit.

Thank you again and I hope you and yours, family and all at Kunos have a fantastic Christmas.
@Marco Massarutto If i could i would have rated your post with all options, but i think the "winner" suited the best.

I do that also, trying to open someones eyes from time to time, but most of the times all the effort is in vain, my point was, never explain ur steps for individuals that doesn't have patience or wanna see results after just one night. Friend of mine enters the car while icy winter and says "why the vents are cold and not warm" fact is he doesn't have the needed knowledge or just to have logic explanation with himself, that the car needs warming up first. The people who gave those comments, are exactly the same.

I have been passionate about racing since i know for myself, i have used PC racing games all the time when i couldn't in real life, and that was often.

I was driving from the first more quality racing games such as F1 Challenge through all the generations since 2000 onwards and i have never driven anything like this

When i saw AC for the first time what i saw was, a dedicated, precision in design, original, unique virtual models, who were brought to us, finished finally, after quite some time, meaning, the people who did it spend a lot of time for it all of because....they wanted to do the best!
And i was sure they did because you don't create Ferrari without putting a clime into it! My point is, if so much effort was put in one thing, it's a must that everything else is high quality and all for the most realistic features.

Now, i have never tried AC, i have only seen it and read an article or two, but already i was decisive to buy it and if i tell you one fact, which is a bit emberassing, that since 2002, when i throw out my PS1, that i have never-ever bought a game for PC, i did it now, with Assetto Corsa, isn't that saying enough already?

What you are doing, something i didn't expected though, 10 guys, low budget as u say, etc., what you do is a master piece! You have every right to be proud of your project your work and also, your communication, because i don't have everyday the opportunity to say THANK YOU to one simulation developer. So thank you!
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  • Deleted member 151827

Hope all the gremlins(the people that are never happy no matter what) here are happy with themselves! I think some people just flat out need to get a proper life!
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People not in business often overlook the fact that money is the lifeblood of any company. It doesn't matter how much you love your job if you're not taking home money it's going to be unsustainable. Even at full price AC is a good deal when you compare it to the pricing structures of other PC sims.

I always suspected Nords would be a DLC that you had to pay for, I'm willing to spend money on Nords, there were plenty of other people saying the same thing and the fact Nords would be such a monumental track to take on I knew there was going to be much more work involved, which means cost on the company, which means they're going to have to charge for it and would be foolish not to when people like me where saying they would pay for it. .

I hope Kunos continue to bring out DLC, the quality of their work is something I haven't seen in another sim and while mods will be welcome I don't think they'll be in the same league as the paid for content Kunos will be able to produce. I think it will be a case of you get what you pay for, free cars and tracks might be fun but Kunos content will be a step above.
The reason the guys at Kunos do what they do is very simple: They have passion. They have passion for motorsports, they have passion for cars, they have passion for bringing the most realistic simulation they can to the pc. Stefano could make way more money using his skills in the private sector.
Aris is a rare jewel that has the skills behind the wheel to push a car near its limits; he can drift very well also; and he can take what he feels and understands about car physics and transfer them into code that becomes what we feel when we drive the cars. He would be highly sought after in the private sector.

Marco has proven with the impossible deals he has brokered that he would be very valuable to many different businesses.

The graphics artists and sound guy put in mind numbingingly long hours not for the overtime on the check (i bet they don't even get overtime) but because they have a passion that is shared with the group.

They don't make this sim for purely financial reasons, they do it because they truly love it and you can feel their passion with every lap you make; or at least I can.

Couldn't agree more!
It's refreshing for the community to be addressed this way by Marco, He should not have to explain himself but that is the joy of the internet. So fair play to him and Kunos. I really feel like i am in on something fantastic and its only the start. Keep doing what your doing gentlemen my wallet is ready and willing to support and its not often this tight old git say's that!
Hello everybody

I'm Marco Massarutto, Producer and Licensing Manager of Assetto Corsa. First of all, let me thank you for your kind support, that is the fuel that allows us to continue to do the job we love. Assetto Corsa has been welcomed in a way that exceeded our best expectations, and we'll thank you for this in the best way we can. If you will have a bit of patience. :)

Thank you for your reply Marco.
Kunos, you are the kings of the best communication ...

I do a little too much? ok I go
I would definitely come to that Nordschleife Party :D

By the way. Very interesting post, Marco. I am so happy for you at KUNOS that it worked out so well until now, i can not find words for it. You have achieved so much and are so communicative. Its really something special in the world of game/sim development.
There are more iconic circuits to me, such as Road America, Brands Hatch, Watkins Glen, to name a few.

I wonder if this is sort of an Anglo vs. the rest of the world kind of thing, or Europe vs. US/Canada/Australia, or something. None of these three tracks mean anything to me, and certainly wouldn't be in my top 10, 15, even 20 of tracks around the world. Whereas to me, Nordschleife is something you only talk about in hushed tones, with a mystical respect. I grew up in Europe but live in the US, now, not too far from Laguna Seca, I don't meet a lot of car people here that share that same feeling of awesomeness for the Ring, but will talk for hours about the Salt Lake salt flats, for instance.

Maybe it's just what you grew up with.
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Nords is iconic in multipe ways;

- One of the longest tracks in the world. 181 corners I believe? What other existing roadtrack has thus?
- Iconic for legendary races in the past. I vaguely remember a story about Fangio who had to change cars and still won, by being some 20 secs a lap faster than any ody else, or The race where Lauda had his crash.
- maybe more importantly, everyone still has access to the Nords. Whatever car you have, whatever race experience you have or lack, you can just go to the Nords and drive a lap there. That's just briljant :).
Ok, a little bit late with my reaction due to the family festivities but:
WOW Kunos :confused::thumbsup::notworthy::x3: you did it!!!
I was joking with my post before guessing a license for Nords but you actually did it, ha!!
So psyched there will be a LASERSCANNED version of the mother of all tracks in AC.
I read a lot of disappointed reactions about people who couldn't care less bout the Nords
and I can understand them to some extent.
I wasn't psyched about the ferrari license, or the bmw one or the lotus on
In fact up till now there isn't a car in the game yet that I have some affinity with
they are all perfect cars to race against on track but none of them I really have lost my heart on
but there is like a friggin F40 in the game with realistic physics!!
that's really impressive, I'm not a Ferrari fan but as a small kid I already knew that car was sthing extraordinary, and now you can drive that in AC. To see a Ferrari in a sim these days is sthing rare.
And that's just the same with Nordschleife, the most extraordinary track LASERSCANNED in your game when there's no owner of the track. But they pulled it off. RESPEC Kunos!
(maybe they have connections with the italian mob :cautious:)

Everyone was hoping for MP but I really was hoping that it would be a complete new announcement. I ain't playing the game yet so there was no gain for me in an MP announcement.

I got a lot of nice christmas presents but this was the best one. Thnx Kunos.
(Man, if my gf reads this, :poop: will hit the fan :cautious:)
Also a big thumbs up for your way of communicating with us simracers. Regular updates with some USEful info instead of all those marketing blabla. Yup, keep doing what you're doing but enjoy the holidays first! ;)

Can you hear that clinging noise, Kunos? No, it's not Santas reindeer wigglin' his butt,
It's the money in my pocket waiting to be spent on your DLC! :D
@Marco Massarutto
AC in its pre-released state already demonstrates some great foundamental qualities, which proves your strategy to be successful. However, there is still one detail that I do not understand: Why are these community polls opened to people not having purchased Assetto Corsa? Aren't you afraid to be measuring the haters' point of view rather than the one of your customers?
Best wishes for 2014!
I wonder if this is sort of an Anglo vs. the rest of the world kind of thing, or Europe vs. US/Canada/Australia, or something. None of these three tracks mean anything to me, and certainly wouldn't be in my top 10, 15, even 20 of tracks around the world. Whereas to me, Nordschleife is something you only talk about in hushed tones, with a mystical respect. I grew up in Europe but live in the US, now, not too far from Laguna Seca, I don't meet a lot of car people here that share that same feeling of awesomeness for the Ring, but will talk for hours about the Salt Lake salt flats, for instance.

Maybe it's just what you grew up with.
I've got to come clean a little bit here. I'm Irish, not Italian but there is a little bit of European pride for me in seeing a little European dev team fight one hell of a fight to get this to come to fruition. All during the worst recession since the '30's. Like the Italians trying to get capital for anything in my country has meant getting the door slammed in your face at every turn. I don't know how these guys managed to do this. Nord is like the raising of a flag of victory for me (but then I am nuts, its genetic).

I'm dying to see US and non-European tracks in the game, it would be fantastic and really lead to more non-Europeans being drawn in and enjoying the sim even more. Laguna and others would be brilliant not just for the different layouts and challenges but weather and scenery. We've yet to see a dusty track in AC an I want to see how these cars handle it. It might also help to compete with iRacing and maybe lead to better value for everyone in both sims.

So yep for me there is a pro Europe thing going on but believe me its definitely not anti anyone else. I'd be delighted to be lapped over and over by more non-Europeans :)
Hohum, maybe it is a European thing, but show me a racing track that compares? The Nordschleife is a monster, this track is several tracks put into one, there is possibly every curve you will ever meet on other tracks in this, it is that various and on top of that you have special curves, like curves where you don't see the apex or a steep turn, plus elevation...I mean watch this:

And then think about a most accurate recreation of this track. This will be different and this will grip you, too.

"but will talk for hours about the Salt Lake salt flats"

Probably, but it is hard to believe.
Honestly, I don't really understand (perhaps it has something to do with my intelligence level, though) all the excitement about this track. There are more iconic circuits to me, such as Road America, Brands Hatch, Watkins Glen, to name a few. I have never really liked it, and now, seeing so many people on their knees drooling, I like it even less :). I know, I am evil.

The 24h race at the Nordschleife is one of the highlights of every "racing" year...
There is not a single track in the world that compares to it... You don't have to like it but I can show you why many many many other people like it... here you go...

This part of the track is called Flugplatz (I spare you the google translate, it is called airport/airfield)...

doing 200+ Km/h battling for 1st place with pretty much no room for error (because there are no run offs)...

Nords at night in the rain with traffic (and a crazy amount of different classes)... (7:40 car control and luck at it's best ;))

And one nice Video about the 24h Race itself...
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Except for AC, they are not laser scanned, but I didn`t mention that in my previous post. So, @Chris James , I will ask really and very politely, because there is a lot of angry AC belevers around, what is the meaning of your "disagree"?

Otherwise, I was probably one of the first buyers of AC (bought it first minute when appears on Steam) and I will buy all DLC˙s for it, as I did for every racing game in the past, but some reactions here are really too childish and reminds me COD: Ghosts vs BF4 immature polemics all over internet.

Peace, racers :thumbsup:.

You expressed an opinion, and my opinion is that I'm in disagreement with your opinion. I've seen a few childish reactions too, but I hardly think that pressing a disagree button is childish.

To elaborate, you think that the 'Ring is no big deal, that several sims already have it, and that it doesn't warrant an announcement, which is a valid opinion that I'm sure you share with many other people.

I, on the other hand, have been wanting a laser scanned 'Ring ever since the first time I raced on a laser scanned virtual track. I used to race the popular rFactor mod, but then I would watch YouTube videos of real 'Ring races and track days, and I would notice that the angles and apexes were slightly off in the rF version, and that it didn't have any of the characteristic bumpiness. After I started playing AC, at the end of each session I would wonder if I will ever get to drive these fantastic cars on an accurate 'Ring. Now I don't have to wonder any more. The announcement of the 'Ring was very welcome, and I can't think of any other announcement that I would rather have received from Kunos. For me, that was exactly what I was hoping for.

If you were just looking for further discourse, there you have it. If you were offended by that little red X down there, don't be, it was not meant to be offensive.
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