PC2 Newbie Looking for a Practice Buddy.

Title says it all, I do also have AC but I haven't posted over there yet, figured I would start here. Huge caveat is that I'm on PST and work late, so I'm usually not on until 9ish my time.

I have not yet participated in an online race and need to get my bearings on the race wheel to a degree but I'm very excited to be here!
Hi there, im over in Calgary and on days off usually run around that time...days on i jump on around noon and after 2am
4 on 4 off evenings.
I've got both games but don't play AC that much as i've been pretty content with the Rally X, GT3 and touring cars in PC2

Steam: [DTR] David Slute
Hey, I'd be up to practice with you too, as it's always more fun practicing with friends than on your own :p Feel free to add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/sonoafafayon/

Just pop a comment that you're adding me to practice with me so I know it's you haha

Hey, I did go ahead and click the add button. I have learned today that there are busy times ahead for me, though when I have the chance I will shoot a message over on Steam and go from there! Thank you!
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Hi there, im over in Calgary and on days off usually run around that time...days on i jump on around noon and after 2am
4 on 4 off evenings.
I've got both games but don't play AC that much as i've been pretty content with the Rally X, GT3 and touring cars in PC2

Steam: [DTR] David Slute

That sounds like the most workable schedule I've been presented with in quite some time. I added you on Steam for now and, though I have learned there are busy times ahead of me, I will try to make a connection on Steam when the opportunity arises. Thank you!