Sounds No sound in modded car after FMOD update

Hey RaceDepartment!

I just did a clean installed Windows 10 and downloaded all the software I need for soundmodding.
I'm using:
  • FMOD Studio 1.09.01
  • Adobe Audition
  • Content Manager
I reimported all of my "old" projects and now, no matter what I do, they're mute ingame.

My algorithm was and is the following
  1. Find a good video, extract audio, make different files for a few RPM values
  2. Import these files into FMOD Studio, using the AC Sample Project
  3. Tweak them around until I have a smooth sounding RPM curve
  4. Click "Export GUIDs"
  5. Click "Build all platforms"
  6. Copy the .bank files from where FMOD generates them to the Tatuus FA01 sfx folder
  7. Test the sounds in AC with Tatuus FA01.
What am I doing wrong? I have no sound ingame, even when using projects that worked before I did a fresh WIN10 install.
Please help me :(
Sorry I completely forgot about this thread. You need FMOD version 1.08 and not 1.09.
That fixes everything, although you can't open projects you modified in 1.09 in 1.08 anymore because it says it's incompatible.