I drive Gillet on Monza.
I've installed XD hud for tyre and brake temps, and what I've noticed after 2-3 warm up laps:
1) Brakes cool down too fast on long straights, so I lowered down brake "ducts" setting from 5 to 2, and it helped. Now for the time of short 10 lap races they are longer in 300-600 temp range. Good. All ok. I know that for longer races, too little cooling might cause faster brake wear, but I'm only driving short races.
2) I've noticed that after warming up, left tyres are hotter than left ones, that causes slight pressure imbalance, so I wanted to correct that.
- But then I've red that optimal temperature of tyres should be around 90 degrees, no more than 100.
- Some guides say that for a given track, tyre pressure should be as low as possible without causing them to heat up above optimal 90 degrees.
- Other people say that in GTR2 you can forget about balancing left and right side, that the only thing that should be set for tyres in GTR2 is camber, so that temperature spread across a tire is between 5-10 degrees.
- Some other people say that optimal tyre pressure/temp can be checked out in tyre *.tyr files. For Gillet, it's "Dunlop_NGT.tyr", and it says:
Temperatures=(90.0,20.0) // Optimum operating temperature for peak forces, cold starting temp (Celsius)
OptimumPressureBase=90.0 // Base pressure to remain flat on ground at zero deflection
Well, 90 deg as optimal temp seems ok, but you can't even set 90 kPa for pressure in garage, and that's obviously not a number of optimal tyre pressure when they are warmed up, it's too low. I expected something like 180 or 200 kPa.
I've also noticed, that when I drive Gillet around Monza for 10 laps, they rarely go up to 90 degrees when they are around 180 kPa.
Even if I lower pressure down to 140 kPa (that feels wrong), tyre temps don't go up to 90 deg, while I thought that with the lowering of pressure they should...
Tyre temperatures in GTR2 seem to be a bit strange, but whatever, lets focus on their pressure - What tyre pressure should aim for when tyres are warmed up? Is it possible to check it in some files?
I've installed XD hud for tyre and brake temps, and what I've noticed after 2-3 warm up laps:
1) Brakes cool down too fast on long straights, so I lowered down brake "ducts" setting from 5 to 2, and it helped. Now for the time of short 10 lap races they are longer in 300-600 temp range. Good. All ok. I know that for longer races, too little cooling might cause faster brake wear, but I'm only driving short races.
2) I've noticed that after warming up, left tyres are hotter than left ones, that causes slight pressure imbalance, so I wanted to correct that.
- But then I've red that optimal temperature of tyres should be around 90 degrees, no more than 100.
- Some guides say that for a given track, tyre pressure should be as low as possible without causing them to heat up above optimal 90 degrees.
- Other people say that in GTR2 you can forget about balancing left and right side, that the only thing that should be set for tyres in GTR2 is camber, so that temperature spread across a tire is between 5-10 degrees.
- Some other people say that optimal tyre pressure/temp can be checked out in tyre *.tyr files. For Gillet, it's "Dunlop_NGT.tyr", and it says:
Temperatures=(90.0,20.0) // Optimum operating temperature for peak forces, cold starting temp (Celsius)
OptimumPressureBase=90.0 // Base pressure to remain flat on ground at zero deflection
Well, 90 deg as optimal temp seems ok, but you can't even set 90 kPa for pressure in garage, and that's obviously not a number of optimal tyre pressure when they are warmed up, it's too low. I expected something like 180 or 200 kPa.
I've also noticed, that when I drive Gillet around Monza for 10 laps, they rarely go up to 90 degrees when they are around 180 kPa.
Even if I lower pressure down to 140 kPa (that feels wrong), tyre temps don't go up to 90 deg, while I thought that with the lowering of pressure they should...
Tyre temperatures in GTR2 seem to be a bit strange, but whatever, lets focus on their pressure - What tyre pressure should aim for when tyres are warmed up? Is it possible to check it in some files?