
When I try to a download new overlay, now it's not in a zip flie but in rar. file? and I can't download to Simhub now. How do I change it back to a zip file? or is there way to install the rar.file to simhub? Thanks Gary
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Hi Gary, this forum is for general site support. If you need a utility to extract .rar files I would suggest 7zip which is free and does the job nicely. (https://www.7-zip.org/)

I would also suggest posting in the mod specific discussion for the file you downloaded where the author or other users of the mod can give you bvetter directions than I can. You will find a link to it underneath the page title on the mod page like the ne pictured below
Hi Gary, this forum is for general site support. If you need a utility to extract .rar files I would suggest 7zip which is free and does the job nicely. (https://www.7-zip.org/)

I would also suggest posting in the mod specific discussion for the file you downloaded where the author or other users of the mod can give you bvetter directions than I can. You will find a link to it underneath the page title on the mod page like the ne pictured below
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