F1 2015 Preorder f1 2015?

F1 2015 The Game (Codemasters)
They always release on Fridays in the UK. Friday the 10th is the day..

Amazon are posting pre-orders on Wednesday the 8th.

Anyway, here's the Steam page UK (USA release is July 21st) :-

I was not going to get this title as I have to many sims and not enough time as it is but after finding over at cdkeys for £20 I caved in and pre ordered it !

I hope it's all ok , did a little Google search and didn't find any real horror stories about this site well no more than any other third party key re sellers,


I suppose time will tell and I will find out come next Friday if this is good bargain or a nightmare.

I was not going to get this title as I have to many sims and not enough time as it is but after finding over at cdkeys for £20 I caved in and pre ordered it !

I hope it's all ok , did a little Google search and didn't find any real horror stories about this site well no more than any other third party key re sellers,


I suppose time will tell and I will find out come next Friday if this is good bargain or a nightmare.

I have used them before for a few games that were already released, like GTA V, Far Cry 4, and pCars. They've always delivered, and I have had no problems

Did they actually send you your Steam key yet?

They state "Key will be available on or before 10th July 2015"
No, no key yet i have an email with a download link but at the moment you are taken to a page that has this message,

This product is a Pre-Order, it will be avaliable here on or slightly before the release date of 10th July 2015.

Never sure about re sellers but i decided at £20 to take a punt as this is a title i would like rather than want so may well of left it at £40 until it popped up on a Steam sale.

Thanks for the info Jason, I am pre-order @ Amazon (£27.99 DVD), but it will have to be added to Steam anyway, and there will probably be an additional download involved as well (not sure).

I think for F1 2013 there was about 4.5 GB on disk, and then another 3.5 to 5 GB Steam download, if I remember correctly. This doesn't bother me, as I have a very fast connection. However, a 33% deduction in the price is not to be sniffed at. :)

Cheers :thumbsup:

Edit: It's 10% off on Steam up to the release date £35.99. I have also updated the Amazon price above, down from £30

Cancelled the pre-order at Amazon and went for cdkeys instead :)
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Well I hope it does work out now as I will feel bad if my link to cdkeys causes you any problems !

I have found a friend since I last posted who has used them and they provided a steam key bang on release date which worked fine, so let's hope we have the same luck.

I think it will be OK, I have at least 4 games from them (plus more from their Aussie site).

When I originally pre-ordered (way before the one month release delay), it wasn't available as a option at cdkeys.

Naturally it's a personal choice whether you trust them or not, if anyone has any doubt they should stick to more well known sources that they do trust.

As an established customer of theirs, personally I'm happy with changing over to them as my source.
