Presto GP - Pacific Series (RACE 07)

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well, that was absolute BS.

Q1 was great. Q2, I went wide in one turn and didnt know if I would get penalized, so I lifted completely , which cost me about half a second and only got me p2.

Race was great. I knew I just had to wait for a mistake to get by Ivan, who was very quick today. He made a mistake in T1 in lap 2 or 3 I think and I got past.
Then build my gap to 20 seconds. In lap 21 I wasnt sure if I could really go 23 laps with my fuel and lap 23 I shortshifted and coasted like crazty and got to the pits with 0.4l.
Second stint went perfect and I got my gap increased to 30 seconds and was about to lap P4. Then, my game quit and I had the Message "Runtime error: blah.blah,blah. "
total BS!
Well, what can you do.

Thank you guys for a great and fun season and gratulations to my team underdog teammates.
Nürburgring Race Report

Congratulations to Ivan for the win!!! :trophy::trophy::trophy: and to David Nodan....:trophy:
Thank you to Tim and Jeff for offering me a place in the prestigious CSRC racing team. :doublethumb:
And not least of all to Steve who tirelessly works at making the Pacific League the place to race, thanks mate. :thanks: It's been a fabulous season; one to remember for me. :)

Q1: 3rd
I surprised myself today with a late burst of speed and lap times I had not before achieved.

Superpole: 3rd
See above. A PB! Things were feeling “right” today.

Race: 2nd
The start went almost as expected. I did think I may have pipped Chris into Turn 1 as he is not renown for having “lightning starts”, but before the braking zone I knew it wasn't on and held a conservative into and around the first corner.

Dust and flashes of red and silvered raced across my mirrors as I approached Turns 3 & 4. I had a small break on 4th place already. The sun was indeed shinning brightly for me! I pushed hard during the first stint as I saw Lutz in my mirrors coming down the back straight.

The gap back to Lutz grew steadily to about 10 seconds and to 2nd place Ivan by 30 seconds [you guys ahead were Sooo quick today!] Just before my pit stop I noticed David Street was now in 4th and closing down my gap at rate of about 1 second per lap. Time for some new rubber!

After I emerged from the Pit Lane, two things happened. One, Chris' car had left the arena and two, the gap back to 4th had grown out to 30 + seconds. I eased off the pace and managed the gap to both David's who appeared to be battling one another for many laps.

I watched the gaps for the entire second stint and cruised home in 2nd place. There was no catching Ivan today. He and Chris were in a class of their own I thought.

Before I sign off, a special mention for those who turn up race after race to receive little recognition or points finishes. You are all champions, and not back-markers. I had a lot of fun racing with and against all of you!

Hope to see some of you in the off-season!!!

Peter [1st loser of the Pacific league for Season 3 :cool: ]
Congrats to Peter Marshal and David Noden and everyone that finished this race

Im not really sure how to begin here. After crossing the finish line i thought i was pretty exsausted,being up all day and this being a rather demanding cuircut,anyway i cant say that i am pleased with my efforts today,as i continue to make mistakes during the race

Q1.even though i practiced my Q pace prior to the race and easily did 20 or so 26's could only muster a "proud" 27 explanation for that..maybe grip wasnt as good..whatever

Q2.Was able to hook up a lap of 26.900 ...0.570 of my PB..good enough for pole...was expecting Chris to chalenge that time ,but he was 0.120 off in sec.1 and then ran a bit wide in one of the fast turns.

Race. I had a decent start and we stayed the same in T1.....i knew Hendrick was running much less wing and he was gona have a go sooner or later on the perhaps paying too much attention to my mirrors trying to defend i outbreaked myself majorly in T1(Massa style) on lap2 or 3,and he passed me.The car was awful today...breakes didnt feel right in the last chicane and i spun twice in the first 5 or 7 laps,thus allowing Chris to open a good gap ...needless to say that at this point i was pretty annoyed with the car and myself and never really recovered......tried to push every lap and be on the limit,but my confidence wasnt really there and i couldnt drive at the pace i thought i was going to...i was a full second off the pace i thought i was gona have:confused::confused::confused:...confidence goes a long way i guess. Made another mistake on lap 8 or 9 in the slippery T4 and Peter nearly passed me....after that i seemed to have a trouble free race trying to lap as hard as i can,but the car just wasnt performing like it did earlier in the day and i was constantly loosing time to P1..lapping in the late 30's and mid 31'!!Anyway i dont know what happened but at some point after the pit stops Hendrick left the game ...on my screen it showed he was 26sec ahead before it i made no mistakes for the rest of the race and got the win...i thought he had crashed at first but after reading his report, it seems he had other issues,so its a garbage win,ill take it,but
not a real win really.

Well finally i just want to say that I really trully enjoyed my first ever league season in competitive sim racing amongst very tough drivers...and im a bit sad that its already over..i am very hungry at this point!...i will spend as much times in the car in the off season as i can and try to hammer out the areas where im slow.Want to thank Stevie Crossland for all his are special M8,and to all the GUYS i had the pleasure of racing with in the Pacific league.Grats to Chris Hendrick on winning the championship and being so consistent(im gona do alot of practice in the off season),thanks to Kimmo Kokoknen for bfilling in when my teammates couldnt attend and also to my teamates for the great support.

Happy off season:)
First I'd like to congratulate Ivan for a great win, the rest of the podium for their valiant efforts; to thank all of the great drivers that make this such a fun league; and especially thank Steve for his great leadership and hard work to make it all happen. :thanks:

Well, this was a great race today. In fact it was easily my best race of the season. I've been reasonably fast several races this year, but my lapses in concentration and driving errors have always been my undoing, but not today. I didn't choke in qualifying, didn't loose 8 spots at the start, drove calmly and with focus, made several good passes, didn't choke when people were following close, only had 2 minor spins and NEVER left the pavement (hard to believe but true), and finished an astonishing 6th!!!!.

Yes, folks you heard it right - "Backmarker Bob" stayed on the race track the whole race and finished 6th!!! The only possible explanation for this change in character is that my wife and I had sex quite a few times this week. I must have been very relaxed :D

Condolences to Chris for his unfortunate game crash, at least Leif and I salvaged a some points for Team Underdog! Thanks for all of your help and coaching through the season. And a special thanks to my wife for helping me relax :D
congratulations to chris, peter and dave on there stellar seasons and to all the other drivers its been a pleasure , big thanks to my boss steve crossland for doing all the hard stuff and to all the other drivers in pacific , who make it fun to drive here , and also to the big bosses who run this show cheers, and to my team mate boby dassler who joined mid season to race for us at 2 am in the morning:wink:
Very good practice race for me (FPES and FPWS races still left). Very late call from Ivan as I noticed his message about 3 hours before the quali. Luckily I did a lot of practising yesterday so i was quite ready for the race. Didnt known nothing about race settings yet so decided to try 1 stop strategy with Mediums. Strategy didnt work so I was forced to do 2 pitstops (Medium tyres works only about 14 laps???).

Quali: 10th. 1,3 second slower than earlier yesterday??? Maybe its just too late for me while the clock was almost 03.00 am ;)

Race: 8th, not bad result while race ended 05.10 am...1st stint were the best one today, had a very good 14 laps battle with Bob but no chance to passing him as we had so equal speed. Later we had a second battle and then Bob was faster and I was 'forced' to do some dirty tricks to make his passing as hard as possible, sorry Bob, glad you were wake up and you didnt hit my car.

2nd and 3rd stints I just trying to stay on the track and I had nothing else to do but driving around so the end of the race were quite boring...

So as mentioned not a great race but very good practice race so races next week could be much easier to plan hope so.

Thanks to all, didnt saw any stupid accidents, also T1 after the start went so nicely, very professional racing.

Thanks Ivan and RD & staff great event again.

See you on track
Firstly I would like to thanks a few people for the season:
- Steve Crossland for running such a professional and friendly league and all your hard work, very good job mate, also for allowing me to join the league 3 races already into the season
- Mitchell Chapman for allowing me to join team Spy Gate Racing
- David Street for all his help with setups of the car etc
- And to all who raced this season, this league wouldn't be what it is with out everyones support

Race Report
I had 1 goal coming into the last round of the season, I was sitting in 4th position on the championship table behind Mark Brunner by 10 pts, so my main objective was to try and beat him by 11pts to take out 3rd in the championship.

Q1 - 6th
Interesting session, I couldn't find the pace of what I had the day before in practice 1 so could only manage a 1.29.0. Right up until the last minute I was sitting in 5th and thought great I'll get to do my first super pole lap, unfortunately for me David Street pimped me right in the dieing seconds so I ended up 6th.

Its always a pleasure to watch the aliens do they're flying laps - its just incredible to watch how quick they are.

Race - 3rd
Starting from 6th and on the inside line I thought I may have gotten swamped a bit but I got a good start, got past Lutz and moved to the outside with David Street on the inside, I thought there may have been a bit of mayhem at turn 1 so I wanted to take the outside line, to my amazement turn 1 was very clean - well done guys. Lutz took the inside line and got back past me through turn 1, coming out of turn 2 David Street gassed it up to much and went off to the inside, sliding back onto the track half way through turn 3 right in front of me (thought my race was over for a second). I just nudged him but didn't receive any damage which was good, then going into turn 4 David had traction and was right beside me, our wheels may have touched or something and I got pushed wide loosing a few spots.

Sitting in 9th or 10th now I quickly wanted to make some places up as Mark Brunner was a few spots in front of me. Bob was just in front of me after my excursion of the track and I managed to slide up the inside going into turn 5, Mitchell Chapman was the next in line (mate you got a flying start :D) coming out of turn 8 and 9 I had better speed and sliped past Mitchell, next was Mark, for a few laps we had a good battle, we both had similar setups I think as we were pretty evan. Unfotunately for Mark he made a mistake coming into turn 1?? (can't remember off the top of my head) so I took back my 6th position.

From there it was a matter of chasing down David Street, he'd pulled a bit of a gap and we were both chasing down Lutz in 4th, Lutz seemed to have had some suspension damage possibly as David and I got past him. The battle then came alot closer between David Street and myself after he'd had a spin, we'd battle for a lap or 2 then he'd pull away and then make another mistake and I'd catch up. David and I were on similar strategies pushing to get through to around about Lap 27, David had another misfortune and I made up the position. Now sitting in 4th with Peter Marshall about 13 seconds in front I was feeling pretty confident with my pace, especially when I saw Peter, Ivan and Chris all in the pits at the same time. I briefly took the lead as I passed Chris as he was exiting pits, I was probably a bit too concerned about Chris and kept watching my mirrors that coming out of turn 10 I lost the rear of my car and slid into the wall sideways.. Luckily I didn't loose a wheel but did suffer suspension damage.

After being able to go about 4 laps longer than Peter and with a shorter pit stop ahead with medium tyres I was pretty upset with my mistake, I crawled back to the pits and had an extra long stop for fixing the damage. On exiting the pits Mark Brunnar caught up and exited the pits at the same time as me, we battled for a couple of laps but unfortunately for him going into the last corner he made a mistake and lost 8 seconds to me. From here I was 30 odd seconds behind Peter Marshall, I was catching him about 1 second per lap, then every now and then I would make a slight mistake and loose a couple of seconds, Mark dropped out of the game unfortuately for him as he would've secured 3rd in the championship.

For the rest of the race I was just trying to catch Peter ahead just in case he made a mistake, but Peter didn't so to his credit he finished 14 seconds in front of me, if it wasn't for my accident then it could've been a bit closer who knows... Finished in 3rd behind Ivan and Peter who had great races which I was happy about.

Overall very happy with the result, this meant that I take out the championship in 3rd position which is an awesome result and better than I had expected, especially after starting at round 4 and missing the Silverstone race so with 5 races - 2 x 2nds, 2 x 3rds and a 6th I'm extremely happy with that. Next season I'll be chasing down my first win hopefully.

Hopefully see everyone over the off season and can't wait for the next season to start!!
Well Gentlemen,

Another season has passed & I feel that this has definitely been our most successful in terms of numbers, quality driving & support from all of you. It makes the job a true pleasure to see people driving hard but fairly and accepting penalties graciously when they've been administered; not that I've had to administer many. Pacific has become a very mature place to race and I hope we can continue to keep it this way in future seasons.

Thanks to:
Eric Kaczmareck for providing the server we race on and All RD Admin for support for any queries we've had - Great Job.
Nicolai Nicholson and Rune Bakke for providing us the platform to get this league started in the first place and for the Practice servers.
Peter Marshall for his endless amount of support & for keeping me on the case. A great mind to bounce ideas off.
Team Owners for managing their guys at each round.
Those who I've had top pass Admin duties to on occasion at race day.
Huge thanks to ALL Pacific Competitors for their contributions in here at RD & for some fantastic racing.

And so on to Season 4 we go, I have a rough schedule to post soon & entry forms etc, and it will be open it to current members first before letting any new comers into the league.

Well done to all those who had moments of glory & success during the season, even if it simply meant finishing a race! That is what it is all about.

I hope to see you all next season.

OK Guys, here is the poll for our first fun race

Place a '1' next to your preferences
I Will update this post as the results come in.

Macau - 3
Zandvoort GP - 1
Brands Hatch GP - 1

MMG F1 LE - 3
F3000 - 2

Normal FPPS race length - 5
2x sprint races with compulsory pit
2x sprint race without compulsory pit

Macau - 1
Zandvoort GP -
Brands Hatch GP -

F3000 - 1

Normal FPPS race length - 1
2x sprint races with compulsory pit -
2x sprint race without compulsory pit -
Macau -
Zandvoort GP - 1
Brands Hatch GP -

F3000 - 1

Normal FPPS race length - 1
2x sprint races with compulsory pit -
2x sprint race without compulsory pit -
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