Pro Tyre App / SPA RSR Setup help

Guys, i followed the instructions for the Tyre Pro app, downladed, un-zipped and added it to Steam\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa, but when i go in game it doesn't show on my side menu bar. Any ideas?

Also using the current type app, I have a sweet setup for the 911 RSR around SPA. When the track temp is low like 7 degrees celsius, I use SS compound and can keep them up to temp around the whole lap. However even when the track temp is 21 degrees celsius I switch to softs but cannot keep them up to temp, after start finish they remain cold until toward the last quarter of the lap.I have tried lowering type pressure to generate heat but its no good. The rest of the setup is really nice and perfect for my driving style, so I would like to keep that the same as much as possible. Any advice?
