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I know we are all excited for this release. What I don't know is how many people intend to a) play it on the xbox one and b) would like to join some sort of a formal league here at Race Department.

There are so many possibilities, I've had to calm myself down from getting lost in them. However, my main passion, IndyCar, will probably not be able to be run until the DLC with the ovals comes to the Xbox One.

That said, what sort of series would you like to see? Personally, ones that come to mind are Tudor United Sports Car Series, WEC, British Touring Car, and DTM. One of these could fill the gap for me until IndyCar is possible, but others may have better ideas.

Please indicate below if you are interested and what sort of times you are available and which series' you prefer. We could follow the actual schedule of many a series, due to the timing of the release. Personally, if they get the ovals out before IndyCar starts, I'll probably turn my focus there, but nothing would prevent running another alongside.

The anticipation is killing me! :sick:
With those times you are doing damn well Gustavo :thumbsup:

Just jumped in for a quick lunchtime spin and had my first laps around the track in pCars and best I could come up with was a 1:29.5. Only had 8 laps and my last one was on target for a high 1:28 but I binned it out of the last chicane (those chicanes are dangerous lol).

The track is superb. I loved it in Shift 2 and did well in the GT cars but it's a different proposition in these GP3 cars (which I love :inlove:). So tough to get the front tyres up to temperature here... front left takes ages and the front-right.. well forget it.. they must have dipped it in liquid nitrogen before sending me out :confused:. I upped the pressures to try to improve it but it wasn't making much difference. I'll have to have a proper look at the setup next time I am on.
Using that video as reference, The entry speed for chicane 1 and 3 is too slow, also don't touch the inside kerb of turn 5 and maybe a little more speed at the exit of the second chicane but be careful because the car wants to go straight or spin...(it's the ghost of Gilles Villeneuve pulling you to the barrier!!!)
i haven´t try it since the patch 2.0 came online, so i don´t know what happened to the tyre temps, it seems that i'll have to do a new setup or something.
Hate to see you go Michael. I know it's frustrating, but the format will change. The patch obviously was over-promised. It obviously was either quite literal (Chips pointed this put) in the fixes listed or they (as you say) don't believe there is an issue. Either way, I encourage all who recorded pit errors to put them in a new thread I'll entitle "Our league is crippled by multi-player pit bugs".

But if you look at the big picture, you are not doing so bad, whether it be overall or in this last race. We all had issues it seemed and many were of no fault of our own. No disconnection for you either so that new wiring you did hopefully helped. And a 2nd is better than getting stranded in the pits on two separate occasions. But I understand if you want to bail. Multiplayer is dicey. More on the changes later.
No, I'm not leaving.. Robert. I just had to cool off for a day or two. I had a tumultuous week last week and I just needed something good to go my way. Got screwed by the game, and overcame that to get screwed by my equipment on my end. My opportunities to beat that Bentley are dwindling. Props to Ch1ps putting himself in position to win. He's a really fast driver, and in that Bentley he's virtually unbeatable. Rather disheartening watching him pull away on the straights. He'll probably have 2 seconds over the field at Nurburgring. I really don't see any end to the domination. I guess I'll just have to settle for what I can get. I really hope the Patch 3.0 comes out before our next long race, as I really do enjoy the strategy of pitting and even the weather. This week off will be good for me. Now if I can only find some speed in that M1.
s. He'll probably have 2 seconds over the field at Nurburgring. I really don't see any end to the domination.M1.
I hope not, game screwed me over in quali when we raced here last, and minus my three 3 spins are pace was very similar here last time, he would gain on the straights i would gain in the first 2 sectors. I have a balanced set up here so hoping it works well and my spa disaster is behind me.
That's what I do as well but still it goes to sleep if not used for a certain period of time.


First of all, my regrets for another disaster of a race for you it sounds like. Is there no end to what the game will dish out? I think least for the near future. Just know you are not alone and the thread I created (I see your post! Thanks. And the thread seems to have struck a nerve, which is good) was done after some digging on the multiplayer side in the pCARS forums. More on that later. But also thanks for your staying positive and sharing your experience in detail. I hate it when anyone runs into a bug or has a race ruined through no fault of their own, since I myself have been on the receiving end of many a disconnect or bug. You have always put it into perspective and stay positive while with sticking with your racing mates when things don't go your way, in the end, balancing the negatives and the positives and trying to find an answer to the negatives. Some of that good spirit has rubbed off on me (finally) and I'm simply willing to put up with pCARS' flaws because the diving experience is simply miles above anything else out there (unless F1 really blows my socks off...we will know this week, but that still will not have the diversity of pCARS). You know how I feel...I love a full field, but I've been at this long enough to realize you can't please everyone and most frustrations are genuinely valid, whether they be self-induced or game-induced. There have been a few guys who have stuck with games in spite of not winning or even being hosed over and over. Maybe the key is to take a break every so often (kind of like what you are doing with F1 and I did with F1 2014) and focus in on what really makes you happy. For me, like you, that's pCARS, warts and all. From my end (and yours too obviously) many pieces of the game are broken, but the driving experience makes those pieces tolerable to be without. Remember all the games we have played over the years what didn't have the deep tuning options, pit stops, long races, weather, or other add-ons? We made do. Heck, one year I even ran a pretty well attended Race Pro league, which was about 7 years old at the time. And it's not like they have stopped working on this issue, but not being in the next patch is sort of discouraging. I wish we could get everyone together for a big testing session, pit about a million times, with ever variable known to man, record it, and then slam the videos in to the pCARS forums, but it's hard to organize that w/o eager participants and lots of patience. I understand also that it's not our job to do it, even though I think it would make SMS stand up and take notice a little better.

Re: Comms
Peter, you experience of being cut off after so many minutes of being either on batteries or on USB exactly mirrors mine when I was using the chat headset. As far as I know, there is nothing you can do about this besides moving the left joystick (not assigned in game as far as I know) to keep the controller "active" so to speak, but this is still a pain in the arse. I indeed did wear my chat set under my old 360 TB headset despite the discomfort, and I could tolerate it. The only thing that that will permanently fix this problem is the TB Ear Force One, as I have mentioned before. I hope you are able to get this soon, since it's virtually impossible to chat (unless you want to wear two and fiddle all race) without it, in any game.

re: loss of buttons
I cannot say I can link my controller with the loss of buttons in a race. Not after the TB EF1. Yes I can still occasionally turn on the game and have neither the wheel or the controller work at all and yes the ffb still craps out on occasion, but these have been greatly reduced and I can usually get the ffb back if I hit the "X" button (the big one) on the wheel and then "A" to go back to the game, or unplug both controllers and re-plug upon start up. Races still sometimes see a loss of ffb (and I'm wondering whether the ffb settings and other setting not applicable to the Spider still don't matter in your case), but I have not had this happen mid-race since the last patch. Then again, I had not been stuck in the pits either. So who knows.

re: Replays
I tend to use Twitch now since that is a better representation of my race (although no chat) and can be used to submit evidence to SMS as a real time problem.

re: track view
I have had this happen too, but not in a real race. It seems to be a known issue (lottery as to whether it will be fixed, of course) as I look over the SMS forums, but it does not appear in the 2.5 PC patch notes. :-/ It seems to just go away (for me and many others) when you go to another session. But I think you said it did not from practice to qualy. We do force cockpit, so hopefully that's what helped in the race.

re: bad handling
I know for a fact that your car can very easily be affected by a hit without showing a mech fault. I have had engine performance issues, handling issues (float) and a cocked wheel because of a hit, all with no mech fault indicated. I think this adds to the realism, although I wish there were a Forza style indicator to show you just what percentage of your car was damaged. Funny how the game SMS calls a "funeral procession" works flawlessly 100% of the time by keeping the pits simple (fix and change everything) and giving you a detailed damage page.

re: Cycling through pit strategy
Although that was needed by me because the game defaulted to GP3 despite me having selected GT3 and saving it in practice and qualy, I didn't change anything about the pit strategy itself. Everyone on the forums (and here as far as I know) said "do not change strategy" after entering the pits, but simply choose the right option and close. That's what I did. I think we can safely say that even doing that can now be linked to a faulty hold. Whether just closing the box (and thus having only one strategy) is a workaround...who knows...but I can't risk it at this point.
No, I'm not leaving.. Robert. I just had to cool off for a day or two. I had a tumultuous week last week and I just needed something good to go my way. Got screwed by the game, and overcame that to get screwed by my equipment on my end. My opportunities to beat that Bentley are dwindling. Props to Ch1ps putting himself in position to win. He's a really fast driver, and in that Bentley he's virtually unbeatable. Rather disheartening watching him pull away on the straights. He'll probably have 2 seconds over the field at Nurburgring. I really don't see any end to the domination. I guess I'll just have to settle for what I can get. I really hope the Patch 3.0 comes out before our next long race, as I really do enjoy the strategy of pitting and even the weather. This week off will be good for me. Now if I can only find some speed in that M1.

So glad to hear you are staying. And thanks for the post support at SMS. I kind of feel bad for not listening to you more (and Chips) about the pits, but nobody had really tested patch 2.0 (now we have) and I had high hopes that pits would be different because of 2.0. Or at least they would let you go. Many issues that are related to fixes actually stated are unintentionally fixed as a result of fixing something else, and many pit issues were addressed in patch 2.0. Also, many pit issues are addressed, as you noticed, in 2.5 PC, but as my thread indicated, SMS has no intention of fixing the race ending stuck-in-pits bug even after the next patch. I can't say that we should even think of changing back until they specifically address it. As you say, people put too much time into these races.

All this said, I think you have proven you can beat Chips at other tracks. And you certainly can move to the Bentley if you feel it's a superior car. I tried it, but cannot get it to take the corners well. Maybe we can all silently snicker as he struggles around Snetterton. Nurburg seems to be a wash. Brands? comment. lol.
Using that video as reference, The entry speed for chicane 1 and 3 is too slow, also don't touch the inside kerb of turn 5 and maybe a little more speed at the exit of the second chicane but be careful because the car wants to go straight or spin...(it's the ghost of Gilles Villeneuve pulling you to the barrier!!!)
i haven´t try it since the patch 2.0 came online, so i don´t know what happened to the tyre temps, it seems that i'll have to do a new setup or something.

That comment made me laugh. You sure know your racing history. That was even before my racing time and I'm old! lol.

I have not gone out to Zolder yet, but I will either right now of after work. I'll let you know my results, but you seem to be quick. Peter is no slouch and usually faster than I am, so your tips are much appreciated. I'll try to post a video of my best lap if I can get it nailed down. I'm pretty good with setups, but I too have not tinkered with the GP3 car post 2.0. Judging from GT3, the setup will largely remain unchanged, but tire pressures and tire wear (esp. the latter) may need a little tweaking. I don't think we will have any issues with wear, though.
I had another quick run out at lunchtime and nailed the tyre temps this time... I think I just didn't warm them up properly the first time I tried but also I had to reduce the pressures a lot from the default. Not sure i'll get anywhere close to the 1:25's, I only had a couple of flyers and got to the 1:29.0's but am leaving a lot of time on the table through turns 1-4 in particular as I just haven't got the confidence in the car through that section yet. More later hopefully.
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All these things are frustrating for sure but this game is here for the long run for me and if we can stick with it and get some more of the issues fixed I just know it will all be worth it in the end. Having had to miss the first couple of races anyway I have looked on this first season as a bit of an introduction to the game and although it has been tough at times there’s also been some great fun at the same time. I am certainly not going to be going anywhere and hopefully that will be the same for the crew we currently have with some more to come as and when things settle. I am very lucky in that I have not suffered the same fate as most others so far… never been stuck in the pits, no bad pit stops other than when I have messed up myself (Brands in the GP3 lol) and I am not even sure my first race freeze out was the game or XBL or something external. The majority of my time is spent in the offline mode and so far I have not found a hitch outside of the iffy design decisions they have made so it’s probably easier for me than most to remain positive. It’s a shame to have to remove two of the most fun aspects of the sim (pit stop strategy and weather) but while things are so uncertain it’s understandable to go that way but I would still be happy to run with them on regardless. I would even still attempt pit stops myself just to test things out although wouldn’t want to effect anyone else’s race by doing so.

A test session would certainly be good to try out as many variables as we could and see if we can find some consistent way to re-create it.

Actually I went home lunchtime to get another Zolder session in and with the intention of testing the controller again but it wouldn’t actually come on. When pressing the Xbox button it lit up, flashed a few times but then went back off. This is with it plugged into the usb with no batteries inserted. I’ll try again later… it seems ok when it’s the only controller but seems a bit flakey when it’s the second one.

Twitch is definitely the better option for a true race representation but it’s nice to have the external views as well so replays will just be for that in future.I just hope Twitch proves more reliable for me than it has in the past.
It was a very strange occurrence with the bumper cam view. Never had it happen before so can only assume something in the patch effected it as I certainly didn’t change anything pre-race compared what I had done before. Just a pain that it meant I had no chance to get in the practice I needed but not the end of the world.

I am putting it down to the contact Robert, not sure why front impact would cause the rear to become so unstable under braking and keep locking up unless maybe it damaged the front left brakes but I would have expected something different with that being the case and the telemetry didn’t indicate any loss of brakes at all… I assume it would?
I don’t even know if altering the pit strategy does cause issues as I think Eric and Michael didn’t change anything and their stops were messed up as well. Maybe only one strategy does work but that’s no use at all if you have changeable conditions during a race and therefore need at least two alternatives. We just have to hope they can fix it properly soon.
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Well eventually I'm going to need an XB1 for my son. If I can get this one it has 1 TB and Forza 6 which sounds awesome by the way. the HDD port means I have to buy another HDD. I play so few games it would take me a while to fill up 1 TB. Mostly just racing games and a few shooters.
I think with patch 3.0 addressing the pits, that will fix a lot of $hit for me. I WILL test them thoroughly before we re-implement them back into our schedule, you can count on that. But this game is really good when you can have a nice bug free race, I don't think anyone can argue they got something right. Now they just need to get the details sorted out and it will be good. I think at the very least PCars is responsible for forcing Forza's hand with more of a Focus on Racing and not just driving cars around a track, looking pretty.
I think with patch 3.0 addressing the pits, that will fix a lot of $hit for me. I WILL test them thoroughly before we re-implement them back into our schedule, you can count on that. But this game is really good when you can have a nice bug free race, I don't think anyone can argue they got something right. Now they just need to get the details sorted out and it will be good. I think at the very least PCars is responsible for forcing Forza's hand with more of a Focus on Racing and not just driving cars around a track, looking pretty.

Yea, I'll test it too. But I'm not hopeful until I see it for sure. We need five or more, including me and Peter, to really test it (not that I don't believe others, but we need to somewhat simulate our conditions and allow a procession of pits and changed and double pits, triple pits, blown engines, etc.), but individual tests are welcome too. And I'm sure we will get some other sites testing too.

Good points about focusing the other developers. In essence, sales figures are solid, which should tell people there is a market for a SIM. Now someone needs to come in and force SMS to hire some quality control testers. Putting out a game similar or like pCARS but stable and reliable would be a knockout. I think that's a given. Unfortunately, I think Forza 6 is in the bag, either good or bad. They don't patch hardly, but then they don't release buggy messes either.
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