RD Formula FG Championship Season 1

Budget: $0
Income: $400
+20 Quali Skill ($200)
+20 Race Skill ($200)
Total of Expenses: $400
Remaining Budget: $0

Personal values after buys:
Quali BHP: 778
Race BHP: 791
CoF: 3640
Quali Skill: 16050
Race Skill: 16070
Quali Variation: 250
Race Variation: 250

EDIT 1: updated with Néron's team buys now.
EDIT 2: updated figures after clearing up a misunderstanding of the impact of personal buys on BHP and CoF.
EDIT 3: updated after Néron's corrected buys
EDIT 4: updated once more after Néron's corrected buys:p
Sao Paulo Practice Results
R03 - Brazil - Practice.png
R03 - Brazil - Qualifying.png

Pablo Diehl made the first step towards getting BRT back on its feet. BRT have looked strong all weekend thus far, strength we have not seen from the German team since Melbourne. Diehl drew upon the home crowd to be able to make the fastest lap of the weekend thus far, taking it from Jaguar-DTK driver Jack Hunsley. Row two will be an interesting affair, with the N-Tech of William Neron able to haul himself into 3rd spot ahead of Rinneaho's DTK. Ben Utzer made it two BRT's in the top 6, but behind is where the fun starts as Engberink shares a row with Andy Black, and Australian GP winner Keranen right behind in 9th. Cedars struggled, Apex not so much, while Mark Lintner has a massive job if he is to take a third podium, starting 21st.
Commentators Comments: While no doubt a great performance in qualifying for Diehl and co. as Sunday approaches I feel that it will be those from 5th to 14th that will be the centre of the action. Add in the dark horse of Dimas in that group, anything could happen.
Podium Tips: T. Engberink, W. Neron, B. Utzer
  • Deleted member 161052

Good qualy for me, now ahead of both ART cars

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