RD Le Mans Series Season 6 (rFactor 2)

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They had been replaced when they were broken. But sometimes they broke again in the first lap :(
Your discs could be fixed in a pitstop? I think our team tried to get them fixed (not sure) but they were not fixed in the pitstop.

Edit: only fixed with a driver change. I am guessing this was the same for you, maybe not. :)
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In Sebring it was for us also a definite clear answer and we adjusted our strategy to this. We only controlled to race in the last 3 hours instead of pushing all the way. That could have been the time missing to be in 2nd even with the 5min penalty.
Yes, I think MC and TXL now had its share you at Sebring with the penalty and we with the introdcution of lap count after Monza, which left us with a clear disadvantage to Red Shift and MC. If we would have known it we would have cruised around the final 20min with broken brakes instead of taking a penalty as P3 was save anyway and I am used to the F1 system where they go by most wins, second places etc.
It will be a hard task for the admins in all races bar Monza, which wasnt a race in LMP1 actually. MC and TXL were the only challengers for race victory. Both teams deserve to win the championship in my opinion. So I will wait and see what will be the result.
I think we can start arguing once there is a result.
For next season I would suggest F1 points, so a race win counts more and we dont have so many equal point scenarios. With F1 points TXL actually could finish P3 without a problem and still win, but that arent the rules we agreed to :)
Yes, I think MC and TXL now had its share you at Sebring with the penalty and we with the introdcution of lap count after Monza, which left us with a clear disadvantage to Red Shift and MC. If we would have known it we would have cruised around the final 20min with broken brakes instead of taking a penalty as P3 was save anyway and I am used to the F1 system where they go by most wins, second places etc.
It will be a hard task for the admins in all races bar Monza, which wasnt a race in LMP1 actually. MC and TXL were the only challengers for race victory. Both teams deserve to win the championship in my opinion. So I will wait and see what will be the result.
I think we can start arguing once there is a result.
For next season I would suggest F1 points, so a race win counts more and we dont have so many equal point scenarios. With F1 points TXL actually could finish P3 without a problem and still win, but that arent the rules we agreed to :)
Why would you guys deserve the championship more then us? I had pedal problems both at Silverstone and here at Spa, in Monza we managed ojr brakes best and at Sebring we couln't fight for the win we salvaged 3rd. Even with those problems we got to a position were we have a chance at a championship. If anyone deserves the championship it's MC Racing with their very bad luck, but still great results
I've said my opinion and others have said theirs . If the result really is going to be put to a forum debate then maybe we should just declare a three way tie in lmp1.This was mostly about fun competitive RACING. This could all get lost in a forum debate if we're not careful .

Anyway thanks to all admins and competitors .This was a great event . It was amazing to see a team I helped to create. ..up there with fantastic liveries...simply the best teammates and winning races . I don't have the same practise time these days but the social aspects was fantastic . My txl drivers of this round ...James did great! also @Mark Aalberts I've seen you grow in this series. amazing overtaking. you were un lucky at sebring
Well not much to say for this last one.
Choked a bit in Q but was still good enough for P2. On the start, Atlantic looked faster and overtook. However, despite being faster, the driver kept making mistakes. I tried several times to overtake but was blocked, even pushed off-track (which was quite annoying to be polite). Tried to dive bombed but was a stupid move and couldn't make it stick. I think I was quite pissed to see someone that aggressive right from the beginning, making everyone lose time because he just couldn't keep the pace he was trying to set up. After that, I also made a couple of mistakes, had some hairy moments with LMPs or GTs (What was that P1 thinking overtaking me in the fast right hander before the back long straight ? That was one of the dumbest move I've been victim during this championship, especially because it was wet outside the line).
Anyway, quite sad to see Ajira disconnected but in the meantime, I won't say it didn't help us because it did massively. Had a fun battle with the Aston as well and then gave the car to Aj who did his best to finish in a brilliant 2nd position!

About the incident : No need to take measures after the race, as Tero said, what's done is done and it's only good lessons for the future! However, I'm a bit disappointed because we lost over a minute of advantage on that and that probably helped the Aston to come back, even though they were faster at the end anyway. Not sure it would have changed anything regarding standings though.

Regarding the championship, I had good fun and I think Aj too :). Just a bit disappointed by the last track, by having missed one race (I couldn't be there :() and also by the general level of the field in GTE at least. However, we had great fun with Ajira and on that great platform that is rFactor 2. Congrats to the winners and thanks for organizing the championship.
MC Racing season feedback:

First we enjoyed four intense and great races. We had in all four the chance to win bud in most cases to much bad luck. We tried to be patient and as careful as possible but still we had trouble. Maybe it is just a lack of experience. Sometimes if there are close situations between an lmp and a gt its looks from the lmp cockpit like the gt has seen someone and then you initialize a pass and once this decision is done there is no way back.
It was a great battle against the #13 and #15. Hopefully there will be a following season and some more lmps can join the battle at the front.
Also a great well done to the organization and also the commentators.

Nice race with a good organization but a to impatient lmp that thought he need to do some silly move at the start of a 6 hour race under rainy conditions.
We could adjust our strategy and made maybe the small mistake to not change to slicks at the first pit stop.

It thinks we dont need to say anything to the topic brakes.
Here we esc ones to get new brakes which was our biggest mistake in the season and costs us an easy victory.

Again a race start with big troubles because a stupid rF2 bug destroyed our gearbox. Nice fight back to the top and finished first.
Here we accept the penalty but we are unhappy with the way it was done. Because during the race we had a different feedback from race control. Maybe just a miscommunication. Here is some room for some improvement from our side and from race control to give clear feedback. If we had known of a possible penalty we wouldn't only manage the race to win but also try to make the gap as large as possible.

We decided to start on slicks because there was already a drying line and there was no showers on the radar. It worked great and we could build a comfortable gap to the rest of the field. Then we had our first contact with an gt and lost maybe 20sec. We moved our splash and dash forward but needed to stop the additional repair time. So a total loss of 70sec.
But because of our good tire decision at the start we had still contact to the top. Then there was this great mess at the way to eau rouge, we had another contact right after a pit stop so we lost again 90sec.
We could reduce the gap to the leading #15 till the "red flag" to 20secs.
After the restart Christian just had an incredible pace compared to the rest so that we could secure the victory with a over 1min gap in less than 2 hours of driving.
For the red flag situation it would be nice to have clear instructions from race control how to deal with the situation because the teams need to adjust their strategies to this new situation.

Some important informations are missing in the rules. For example that the qualy session end when the time runs out and you cant finish already started laps. Cost us three times a better start position even if this is not so important in an endurance race.
Wanna thank all the organizers and broadcasters for a great season of racing. It really was a blast! :) :thumbsup:

A season, with high's (Sebring and Spa) and low's (Silverstone and Monza). Besides Monza, I had great fun even in the troubled Silverstone. I enjoyed myself a lot. :) Thank you all for that.:thumbsup:

I saved my best for last. Yep, Spa was my best race, I had a great pace and didn't had ANY spins or offs in all the time I was racing. Passing some GT's was tricky as some kept driving in the middle of the road and had to wait a couple of corners before they went back to the racing line. :cautious:
In my stint I gained time on our main rival car #14. After a few laps decreasing the gap, he crashed and had to pit. Just when I was about to lap him the staff came on and told the software crashed and we had to pull in... During the restart #14 was put in front of us and they put in their fastest man. I knew that he would be in basis quicker than me. Due to traffic and missing a few apexes he increased the gap till about 7 seconds, but I closed it again due to the same traffic (maybe a bit more lucky passing positions on track). In Stavelot he crashed/span and had to escape to the pit, which gave us a 3 laps advantage. Too bad we couldn't fight it on the track, but due to all our bad luck in the first 2 races..... ;)

For the last stint David took over and I watched the live stream and saw the GT's fight for first position. What a driving, what an excitement, it was hard and clean... just cutting edge stuff. :thumbsup::inlove::cool::)

Now the million dollar question: when does next season start and where can I sign up for it. :)

Hope to see you all next season and: RaceDepartment: THANK YOU!!!!! :thumbsup::)
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Thanks to all the organizers who make this happen, it's always great fun to race here at RD.

Maybe there were some Problems by giving Penaltys or don't give them but i hope that they will get it more clear for the next season, so that stuff like that won't happen again. But overall it was great Racing and really really competetive at the front, and the race was never over until the last corner :D great Fun. Hope the next Season won't take that long to get started, can't wait to get it on again :)

Thanks as well to all the drivers, without all of you it wouldn't be so much fun !
See you guys next Season ;)
For the red flag situation it would be nice to have clear instructions from race control how to deal with the situation because the teams need to adjust their strategies to this new situation.

Start and restarts
A race start or restart always begins with all teams in their garage. Race control will then load the correct qualification order, or in case of a restart, the saved game state which is a combination of laps driven and the restart order.

Edit: It's written in the General Information thread. ;)
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Before the race we - Atlantic Racing - were pretty confident that we will get a good result,we knew standings was very close.Sadly all our work and practice went out to the window,even today is a mistery what happened,as with same setup same track we were 1-2sec/lap slower.Beside all this we got a disconnect,wich meant that race was over and at that point we didn't fight for anything,but stil for respect of the league and for the other driver we decided to keep going.In things would had been normal i do not know if we could win it but for sure we could and i think we deserved to finish on podium,but this is racing,a bad day can ruin all you did in the first 3 races.
I want to congratulate not only each class winners,but everybody who taked part and raced,we all are winners,respect is not gained by the final position that you have but from the way you behave.
Atlantic Racing is very proud for taking part in such a great league and a very good racing experience and we want to say a big THANK YOU to the admins for the massive effort that they put and i hope as soon as possible will be organised a new one,maybe with more races,4 is a little bith short.

Thanks and cya all of you soon.
What's the plan for next year? We had a great time racing here, there are very fast drivers, but we think that the P1 car need adjustments or a new car. We ended the season knowing the car better but changes on the car or another car would be welcome.

May be with build 880 we could try to do the races on "race" mode and avoid all the problems of doing it on practice.
May be with build 880 we could try to do the races on "race" mode and avoid all the problems of doing it on practice.

I'm so thankful they stick with build 798. Upgrading to build 880 would mean end off season.

Because making update packages with all the custom skins, teams, modified pitboxes, etc is not possible any more in build 880. You can only make a Vmod with default cars and tracks. :(

However: next year, new build, new opportunities. :cool:
Hi all. I've been busy but I've wanted to say a few thank yous. Casting my mind back, I remember leaving the X box f1 league and starting out on rfactor2. Small grids with familiar faces . Stefan...Matt horst Freddie and the gang . Lots of glitches. I couldn't keep pace at all . Even when the game developed, we had small grids until. ..Some guys (the organisers lol ) fronted up and built a better racing club . The ultimate achievement has been this league . There have been some major issues such as the live timing but all in all, this was a great league . So thank you to the organisers and the competitors who raced fairly.

I must thank @Frederic Schornstein who took the lead with organising our team this season . I just had no time for racing and organising. It worked really well having a top team and a practise team and txl racing grew. We've had some great social chat going on and a real team bond . We've also had lots of people with commitments so a bit of inconsistency of drivers for each car. Also our strategy was based more about giving all Drivers a fair crack of driving rather than cutting a stop here or there. Still we did pretty good

The highlight was probably Silverstone. Seeing Freddie get that elusive win he deserved in dramatic circumstances was amazing . also overtaking my former X box league rival a couple of times and broadcasters recognising the pace difference was one for the video collection :)

The downsides were too many issues with brakes at monza and generally my poor running in traffic due to lack of practise . In sebring my pb speed was within seven tenths of the best driver during practise but too many mistakes overall leave room for improvement .

For spa we hoped our first car would win and that was the priority . In our second car my practise pace was pretty good with limited practise but excellent team setup work . However the main guy was @James Maskell who did brilliantly early on. James pace really came on and he was probably our number one driver . One mistake less each race and he would be right up there thanks to Freddie. During my stint I was very conservative . I had a one minute gap to the car behind which dwindled to about twenty five seconds . However I Just wanted to keep things on track as I knew the slower driver would come in for the last stint. Things didn't work when me and a gt came together. Even after the restart, matt Horst wasn't really at his best due to a lack of practise . Probably one race to many. We know matt likes his arma 3 lol still there was no pressure or expectation on the number 14 car and that was really nice . The pressure was on our number 15 throughout the competition . Freddie mark Dino and matt (Silverstone ) did an amazing job . It was a pleasure to have these top drivers racing for txl. The same goes for Daniel faber David gronvalls and miroslav who were amazing in the gtc...winning at sebring with Freddie helping! I can't wait to race with you again boys and next time I will hopefully have more time. Thank you all!
A couple of things that made this season special:

Many cars were fighting for their championship position in the last hour of the last race. (edit in fact ALL Classes positions LMP1 1,2,3,4, GTE 1,2,3 and GTC 1,2 were all undecided!) So much better than a "dead rubber" with final positions secure. For example we were into the last hour and a half and were racing for our championship target with a car that was between -3 and -7 sec for the first part of that time.
That made it a real championship season and the feelings that have occurred can only mean that it mattered to people.

Maybe next time double points in the last round:geek: Only kidding:laugh:

The weather. Out of our hands, out of the admins hands and in the lap of the gods, mysterious, troubling, immersive. Needing to look at the real world weather to be on top of things along with track map, livetiming and when they had some time the stream made your co drivers more like "mission control" We made a couple of iffy decisions based on real weather and that's really cool.

The great driving. There were some great drives in all classes.
It was tiring, unpredictable and emotional.
Great stuff.
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