RDRC S2 - Round 1 - Rally of Norway

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Thanks Rick thought I think this will be the last time, next time I will post my session at the very last moment that is possible(when do the registration close for each event btw?). I will do this because just like what happen earlier I'm already at the lobby waiting for the start when I got dc'ed and I already saw the weather(though this time its not a secret) but at the next round it will be and I think it would be unfair If I saw the weather condition and will not race on that session just because I got dc again, so I will make sure that my connection is stable at the time of my scheduled run.
interesting start to the tournie, but definitely not one of my best rallys:

only six players in session, I had countend on sth. like 10 to 12. I managed to finish last on almost every stage and second to last overall, lol.

s01: started very nervously so I had to take it cautiously, 15 secs off PB
s02: nervosity receeding, found a nice rhythm, 7 secs off PB
s03: first of the two dreaded Mlynky runs, only got stuck once for 2 secs in one of the 90 degree turns, rest smooth but very cautious, 8 secs off PB
s04: huge crash going into the hairpin about halfway through which begins by turning left then steep down to hairpin and steep down again to a sharp left. Even though the first turn was announced as left, I went straight on and did a nice clean lift off resulting in a crash landing some 5 virtual metres down. Help had to be called in, car basically unsteerable afterwards, got it home in one piece but: 1min03secs off PB :(
s05: second Pribram run, was well ahead of my PB until I crashed into a fence with only a few turns to go, darn! 3secs off PB and the sound of hissing water from the radiator ...
s06: that hissing sound stopped after about a minute and also the power was back on, found a great rhythm, only 7secs off PB
s07: second Mlynky at night, my 2nd best run of the event, lol. 3rd position and only 3 secs slower than before
s08: my best stage tonight, found a great rhythm early on and missed my PB by only 2 secs
s09: eventless and smooth, 10 secs off PB
s10: hit my favourite jump before the bridge a little sideways, as a result hit the bridge sideways, many flips and rolls later as car finally was back on its wheels, breaks were dead and steering off, somehow carried it home at 53 secs off PB :(
s11: quite early on I hit sth. under the snow as I was carried out of one corner a little too much, water temp warnings after that and front gone, 13 secs off PB
s12: trying to push since I was unhappy with the last stage I produced a jumpstart :( still pushing to make up the 15 secs inflicted, I produced a roll which led to even more temp warnings but car stayed intact, 26 secs off PB.

all in all I had wanted to stay within 1 to 2 mins of my added PBs but missed that aim by about two mins. So very glad the tournie has finally started, but not that happy with my performance.

Thx Rick for a superbly orchestrated event, thx Senad for the organization, too. Good luck all players on Monday and Tuesday.

replays of stages 04 and 05: http://rapidshare.com/files/444189990/Replays_rd_tournie2_Eckhart_von_Glan_stages_4_and_5.zip
Oops, I think I might have forgot this night session.

Is it possible to run in tomorrow's session or am I definitely out ?

If you miss your session you can join in in a later one, no problem. this goes for everyone. Just remember that once the rally weekend starts you will have to fit into a session that has already been created, we don't want Senad to have to rush to make up new special sessions at the last minute.

Terri, I don't know how you will "make sure" you have a stable connection, the internet never works that way for me;), from the next round we will have a cut off point of Thursday 11:59pm before the rally. If you don't know what session you will run in you can let us know you are running with TBA for the session but you will have to join one that is created for others so make sure you know when they are running. Also, from Round 2 you will only get one chance to log on. Once you log on, you MUST run in that session.

I will be putting a couple of new rules into the main thread so everyone keep an eye out.
If you miss your session you can join in in a later one, no problem. this goes for everyone. Just remember that once the rally weekend starts you will have to fit into a session that has already been created, we don't want Senad to have to rush to make up new special sessions at the last minute.

Terri, I don't know how you will "make sure" you have a stable connection, the internet never works that way for me;), from the next round we will have a cut off point of Thursday 11:59pm before the rally. If you don't know what session you will run in you can let us know you are running with TBA for the session but you will have to join one that is created for others so make sure you know when they are running. Also, from Round 2 you will only get one chance to log on. Once you log on, you MUST run in that session.

I will be putting a couple of new rules into the main thread so everyone keep an eye out.

noted [register with the TBA sched]

what I mean about "make sure that the internet connection is stable"(I think I may have use a wrong term :rolleyes:) is that I can start a stage with a connection :D though if I got dc'ed in the middle of the event and got dnf its ok with me, its just that earlier I can't event start the rally which is frustrating and was expecting that it will result into a dnf and not able to run a single stage:frown:

and yeah I concur with the not stable internet connection:eek:

since with what I've exp earlier that if you got dc from the session which have already started and you cannot join in again, its best to accept the result and think of it like what Jakub Sulej says
"but it is rally, it is like car problem...."
Rolled on SS3 and had to call for help. Minor suspention damage carried into SS4.
on SS7 hit a tree and broke the bonnet pins so it kept coming up on me....................untill I hit another tree and it fell off, lol. Not a good stage. HOWEVER, on the next stage Mustaselka2.................AT NIGHT..................I found something interesting. The damaged bodywork had been fixed but the bonnet PINS were not. Now the bonnet was coming open again, lol. had to do something I don't like to do and change the camera view.

Seeing how the damage works in other plugins that seems normal - bodywork graphically might be intact, but there is a "hood latch" that can be damaged, meaning the hood will be opening itself. Same goes for door locks. The only thing that gets better by itself usually is gear selecting mechanism. This means that if you get stuck in one gear you will get "unstuck" on the next stage, even without a service (at least that's how it works in Czech plugin - it's because no matter what gear the car is stuck in it's forced to neutral at the stage start).

I am getting thoroughly excited reading this thread. It's gonna be difficult to race, will do my best defo.
I see all the six online logins for the OC3 session... minutes away from start... feeling very nervous now...

EDIT: Finished first two stages crashed near to the finish of the first stage, damaged steering, radiator & windscreen, second stage was nasty with bad steering issues...

EDIT2: Big mistake... shouldn't have taken the 16:9 format screen which i found working in test rally (recce), switching back to 4:3 after ss3, oops.. crashed a couple of times in ss4, which resulted up in a blown up engine just 0.5kms from the finish line... :p more tuneup for the next remaining stages.... (i have noticed the performance is sluggish in the actual rally in comparision with the tests)

EDIT3: Lots of action (read crashes) :p .... crashed in stage5 at 0.5kms driving at highspeeds into the road edge drainage... & in stage6 within a couple of hundred meters into the electricity pole....

EDIT4: Blinding brightness waited for these stages 7 & 8 (I had issues with the progressive glaring as I had said earlier in one of the threads), basically it was a night mare to me :p

EDIT5: stage9 What the heck... I again crashed into the rock & went into a couple of rolls, easing my drive was the shattered windshield & wicked steering control... giving my right hand fingers a numb-thrashing to keep it steered to the right direction... later (switching back to 16:9 screen).... stage10 retired at 0.5kms, hmmm.... this 0.5 thingy again :(

Stages 11 & 12 here I come......:mad:

EDIT6: OK, hot news... I crashed again :p lost a good chance of winning atleast this 1 stage in the OC3 session... Same old damaged steering control & windscreen... no hopes on the last stage... :(
Sorry to see you are having a rough time, Ashok.

Halfway through OC3-Attilia Kiss is impressively fast. Some good S2000 times as well from Daryl Brady and Ryan Callan.

Not looking forward to Mlynky Night....
Just completed the OC3 session and a mixed bag, but overall satisfied and NO RED INK!

SS1, Pribram - got off to the worst possible start! Hit the damn barrels, and got stuck aginst them twice! Never mind keep going, then clipped a tree I never clipped before exiting the village over the bridge. Then hit a rock head on after driving recklessly and having to cut a corner. This left me in third gear and a CFH as I was stuck and couldnt get reverse. Another CFH at the damn barrels again. Lesson learned - never try to make up lost time. Lost two minutes on this stage.

SS2, Kaihuvaara - my gearbox now seemed to be working, but it took me 20 seconds to get the car to even move off the start line. Was on a good run, until ever so slightly clipping the photographer, before the jump plus hairpin. No drama afterwards, but 50 seconds lost here.

SS3, Mlynky Day - was dreading this after my first two stages but I drove cleanly and smoothly for the most part. One section where i nudged the inside bank lost me my front spoiler and I ran wide at one of the hairpins, but recored a sub-4 minute time, a PB, to take the stage win in the session, even from the WRC cars.

SS4, Mustaselka 2 Day - a little conservative here, but a decent, incident free run.

SS5, Pribram - was determined to do well here, but I was a little too pumped up, and three major spins lost me around 30 seconds, the damage keeping me on my toes, I was lucky not to go slower or DNF. Again, don't try too hard!

SS6, Kaihuvaara - this time no start problems and avoided the photographer for a good run.

SS7, Mlynky Night - hadn't actually practiced this at night, so went for conservatism. Was going well until I lost my bearings a little and spent just under a minute stuck between two trees. The damage afterwards made for some interesting handling, the front feeling like it was 3 miles away and leaning to the left. Actually proud I didn't spin it any more.

SS8, Mustaselka 2 Night
- drove pretty well, and actually went a second quicker then my Day time.

SS9, Sikakama - didn;t practice this one, as I prioritised stages I had never driven at all. So imagine my surprise when it wasn;t the stage I thought it was and I hadn't driven this one either! Thankfully, not a dangerous stage and I kept the flow up for a half-decent time.

SS10, Autiovaara - all my memories of this stage seemed to have gone, and giddy with driving well the last two stages I pushed, with dire consequences. A major high speed roll was followed by a medium speed one requiring a CFH, probably lost 40 seconds in all, thankfully the damge wasn't so bad.

SS11, Sikakama - confident after my intial run I did OK, despite one 'moment' and went quicker by a second than before.

SS12, Autiovaara - learnt from my first attempt and had an OK run, apart from one very brief spin.

But no retirements and that is important.

Stages 3, 8, 9 and 10: http://www.filefront.com/17842585/Callan-Norway-RDRC-1.7z/
Well, that's that...

Drove a careful rally about 90% and gave LOTS of respect to Mlnky and Pribram, yet still botched it at the first set of fuel cnas on both runs through Pribram.
Had a quick half roll on Mustaselka landing upright, and had a roll on the final stage.

Felt good to win two stages in the session. Could get close to Attila's times on the Finland stages, but was a ways adrift on Pribram and Mlnky.

AK's times are quite good. I'd like to think at the very least he is assured of a podium...
my first RDRC - the S2 RD1 saga :D


When I saw all the six online logins for the OC3 session... minutes away from start... was feeling very nervous...

Stages 1 & 2: Finished first two stages crashed near to the finish of the first stage, damaged steering, radiator & windscreen, second stage was nasty with bad steering issues...

Stages 3 & 4: Big mistake... shouldn't have taken the 16:9 format screen which i found working in test rally (recce), switching back to 4:3 after ss3, oops.. crashed a couple of times in ss4, which resulted up in a blown up engine just 0.5kms from the finish line... :p more tuneup for the next remaining stages.... (i have noticed the performance is sluggish in the actual rally in comparision with the tests)

Stages 5 & 6: Lots of action (read crashes) :p .... crashed in stage5 at 0.5kms driving at highspeeds into the road edge drainage... & in stage6 within a couple of hundred meters into the electricity pole....

Stages 7 & 8: Blinding brightness waited for these stages too (I had issues with the progressive glaring as I had said earlier in one of the threads), basically it was a night mare to me :p

Stage 9 : What the heck... I again crashed into the rock & went into a couple of rolls, easing my drive was the shattered windshield & wicked steering control... giving my right hand fingers a numb-thrashing to keep it steered to the right direction...
Stage 10 : (switching back to 16:9 screen).... stage10 retired at 0.5kms, hmmm.... this 0.5 thingy again :(

Stages 11 & 12 here I come......:mad:

Stages 11 & 12: OK, hot news... I crashed again :p lost a good chance of winning atleast this 1 stage in the OC3 session... Same old damaged steering control & windscreen... no hopes on the last stage... :(

I guess its better to get a steering wheel & pedals, otherwise in this stupid keyboard its gonna be messy.... :(

Now I am busy watching my replays & LMAO :D
If you miss your session you can join in in a later one, no problem. this goes for everyone. Just remember that once the rally weekend starts you will have to fit into a session that has already been created, we don't want Senad to have to rush to make up new special sessions at the last minute.

Or to make a session for nothing...

Anyway, thank you very much Rick, I'll race the EU3 session ;)
Just as an FYI, Mlynky snow has been removed from the roadbooks of the Rallyesim championships while the RSRBR staff looks into why people are having issues with it crashing.

Looking forward to this rally, after running in the Hungarian rally this week, its going to be nice to having traction :)
Oh no, not crashing problems again... So far not many reports of crashes (although it already did hit our team directly) and I've put most of my efforts during practice into getting to know all those deadly places. Hopefully we will make it through with minimal collateral damage. Hate all the cancelling business...
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