Mahardhika Putra Baliwa submitted a new resource:
Redbull Audi R8 Evo ACC - ACC version
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Redbull Audi R8 Evo ACC - ACC version
for AC version you can check in AC skins section
This is 2020 version of my long term project what if RB stay in GT3 racing. Old version is on AC skins section.
Red Bull Audi R8 LMS 2017
You can say this is continuity from old livery :p Thanks a lot to @Henky SA for Template and Render and to Shiina for better carbon texture Installation: C:\Program Files...www.racedepartment.comPreview...Redbull Audi R8 LMS
Redbull Audi R8 LMS another fictional livery for R8. :D Installation: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\cars\ks_audi_r8_lms\skins
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